"Is your base commander not here?"

Xia Yan propped up the bike with one leg, looking at the people lying in a daze.

"Ah, here, here, here."

As if they were electrocuted, everyone suddenly jumped up from the ground and crowded backwards facing her.

A vacuum circle with a radius of two meters was soon formed beside her.

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96π“ˆπ’½π“Š.𝓃ℯ𝓉

They silently watched the woman who suddenly appeared. They saw clearly that her electric bike had power!

Looking at her clean clothes, fair and healthy face, they came to a conclusion-the most powerful boss!

"What did she say she was here for?"

"I don't know, I didn't pay attention."

"Did you hear it?"

"It seems to be...delivering goods."


The door behind him was kicked open passionately, and a two-meter-tall strong man bent over and walked out. Seeing Xia Yan, he was surprised as if he had found his mother's good boy - "You are finally here!"

Xia Yan:?

Did she come very late?

Three or four people walked out from behind him, with a look of disgust, "Let me see what she took, ah, nothing, it turns out that this liar cheated my base commander who only has muscles but no brains! '.

Xia Yan didn't expect to encounter such a scene when delivering supplies for the first time. She sighed that the world is so big that there are all kinds of wonders. She hurriedly delivered and left.

"Well, pick up the goods." She said lightly.

She looked around, "Is there a bigger place?"

"Can't put it?" The base commander blinked so frequently that Xia Yan had to seriously consider whether he had no concept of quantity and area at all.

"You ordered thousands of boxes."

The people behind him hurriedly pulled him, "It's not enough, take people outside quickly."

A group of people walked out in a mighty manner around Xia Yan who was riding an electric bike.

When they arrived at the open space outside the base, Xia Yan didn't even need to get out of the car, but found the grid with Yishan Base written on it and moved all the supplies out.

The open space in front of him was suddenly filled with boxes as high as a mountain, with bags of flour and rice stacked one on top of another, and the flour bags were spotless.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and suddenly began to scream, crying and laughing, rushing over, touching with open hands, and rubbing their cheeks against the boxes.

"Food! All food!"

"Finally there is food, and they actually delivered it!"

"Base commander, you are awesome!"

"Count it, I'll leave if there is no problem." Xia Yan threw him a purchase order and asked him to check the quantity.

The base commander smiled foolishly, with only happiness in his eyes.

It was the person next to him who took it over. Just as he was about to count, he found that the residents had already opened the boxes manually, took out the boxed instant noodles and started to eat them, and opened the sausages on the other side. With a tear and a pull of the teeth, the fragrant intestines were exposed. A few big mouthfuls were stuffed into their mouths, chewed and swallowed, and then opened other things.

"Stop it!"

"Hurry up and put the supplies into the space, or they will eat them all in a while!"

The scene was suddenly in chaos.

Everyone was sweating anxiously.

"Give it out! Give it out! Everyone has it, don't grab it! Take care of the old and the weak, and share it equally!!"

The base leader excitedly swung his long arms, stretched out his hand, and grabbed the person who climbed to the top. After putting him steadily on the ground, he went to grab others.

Several space-based psychics were frantically collecting supplies.

The person holding the purchase order looked helpless, looked at Xia Yan and said: "There is no way to check the number, so let's just leave it at that. I hope to buy from you next time. Also, what's your last name?"

On behalf of everyone, he apologized for the ignorant questioning just now. No one expected that this big pie would really fall on their heads, and their heads are still dizzy now.

Happiness comes too suddenly!

Xia Yan smiled indifferently, took out a small stack of unused flyers from the system grid and handed them over.

"Just call me Boss Xia, this is the flyer in my store, welcome to consume."

He glanced at it roughly, and seeing that she was about to leave, he hurriedly said: "Wait a minute, if we want to continue purchasing later, how can we contact you?"

The portal rotated quietly, and Xia Yan turned back, "Why don't you apply for a points card? In the future, supermarkets should be able to bind points cards to realize shopping at any time."

This is just her idea, whether it can be realized is another matter.

"Okay! How do I get a card?"

"If you have a crystal core, put it in the machine." Xia Yan picked up the card machine in the basket and added, "If you don't have a crystal core, you can use gold and silver jewelry. With a points card, you can order takeout at any time and never go hungry again."

Her voice was not loud, but the group of people who were grabbing supplies were always paying attention to her. When they heard her say this, they hurriedly stuffed their pockets with sausages and jumped down with the help of the base leader's arm.

"I want a card too!"

"I want to eat, and I want a card too!"

"Do you want a gold bracelet? I spent more than 10,000 to buy a solid one."

A bunch of red faces looked at Xia Yan in the middle, their eyes full of expectation.

"Yes! You all line up and come one by one." Xia Yan smiled.


After finishing the second order, Xia Yan drank a sip of water and went straight to the third.

The other party seemed to have been waiting and had prepared a place.

The moment he saw Xia Yan appear, he put his finger between his lips.

"Hush. Follow me."

Xia Yan put away the electric bike and followed silently, going down the stairs to a hidden basement.

"Just put it here." He rubbed his hands, his eyes flashing with excitement.

Xia Yan waved his hand and threw the goods in the No. 3 grid out.

The empty basement was suddenly filled to the brim.

"**, it's really amazing." He laughed loudly, "I've sent it, I've sent it! In addition to what I keep for my base, I can also sell the rest - is that okay, boss?"

Xia Yan threw him the purchase order and said, "It's up to you, just count them."

The news that the resort hotel's supermarket can stock the goods will spread exponentially, and all packages will have the resort hotel's name on it. Those who don't believe her will eventually be summoned to Ridai Island. This kind of reselling will not last long.

The man held the list and smiled innocently: "No need to check, I believe that Boss Xia's character and a big boss with so many resources will not miss me this little thing."

He is a clever person, but unfortunately he is not likeable.

"Well, let's go."

The portal opened and Xia Yan stepped forward.

"Continue to cooperate next time, Boss Xia! Happy cooperation this time!"

The man's uncontrollable voice of joy came from behind.

The next few consecutive orders were in a similar situation. After all, no one who has survived until now is a fool except for being strong and united with the people in the base.

It is not advisable to accept supplies in front of everyone, as it can easily cause trouble and attract a wave of zombies.

It has always been a good tradition to make a fortune silently.

None of this has anything to do with Xia Yan, she just came to swipe her face to apply for a card and take a stroll.

When she opened order No. 38, there was a long list of items on it. She recalled that she was in pain and happiness when preparing the supplies. She felt that her hand-chopping problem had been cured.

The portal was about to take shape, and she turned the switch.

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