On the other side of the portal was an empty abandoned block.

In addition to the broken bricks and cement and the rusty GG signs stacked together, there was only a black garbage bag spinning in the air not far away, silently indicating that Xia Yan was the only living person here.

She opened the precise location left on the order form - Pawnshop No. 38 Jinji Road.

There was a dirty copper plate sign on the broken black wall opposite. Xia Yan walked over and wiped it with a wet towel, revealing the words underneath.

"It's here."

She poked her head in puzzledly, "Is anyone there?"

The once solid pawnshop now had no roof, and the four walls were so low that any child could climb in. The ground was full of messy broken glass and wall dust. It didn't look like a base that could resist zombies.

For things like delivering supplies, no one would leave a fake address to deceive her, and she had already collected the full payment and travel expenses. Now that she couldn't find anyone, it meant that the buyer left the only marked address nearby.

Xia Yan got on the electric bike again, intending to go around. After thinking about it, she took out the little bee she had bought before.

"Hey, the goods are delivered~, come and pick them up~"

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After recording the voice, she listened to it again, turned up the volume to the maximum, and put it in the basket.

Instantly, the clear voice spread to every corner of the devastated street.

She didn't believe that no one heard it.

After a while, she saw that the front was blocked by piles of cars and other items, and a road sign of "No Passage" was very considerately erected.

Just as she was about to turn the car and go back, there was a clanging sound from the other side.

Is there anyone?

She stood on one leg on the ground and looked up.

The sound became louder and louder, and the obstruction on the top seemed to be unable to support it. It shook a few times, and a rusty car door broke free from the shackles and rolled down.



The face of the living dead appeared at the top, stretching his arms forward ferociously, and fell straight down with his feet empty.


Xia Yan clearly saw the zombie brake with his face, and his spine pierced through the rotten things, hanging on the back of his head like a hanger.

The zombie that was still alive and kicking just now was dead again.

She suddenly had a strange feeling of waiting for the rabbit.

"There are actually crystal cores that are delivered to the door." She muttered and got off the car, took out a crowbar from the system grid, walked over and broke the skull to take out the crystal core.

Who doesn't want something for free.

Just thinking about it, I heard several more whistles from the top of my head, and saw dozens of zombies rolling down, Xia Yan stood up to avoid them.

The god of luck will not come many times.

She looked at the ribs that were sticking out without hurting the vital parts with a little regret.

The zombies got up from the ground, hunched over, opened their mouths with visible muscle tissue, and roared, like an enraged boss, passing Xia Yan and running forward.

One or two of them were like this, and Xia Yan instinctively felt that something was attracting them in front, so she got in the car, turned the ignition, and followed behind.

She never thought that one day zombies would be tour guides.

After walking three blocks, the scene suddenly became clear, and the zombies also found their brothers. The small team of only a few quickly expanded into a group of more than a hundred zombies.

Seeing them all moving in a certain direction, Xia Yan couldn't help but worry about their target group.


"Where is the base commander? Call the base commander over quickly."

"Another group of zombies came from the east of the city, requesting support!"

"We need replacements in the west of the city, my people can't hold on!"

Anxious voices were interspersed on the high city walls, and the chaotic and mixed footsteps sounded one after another, like composing the most exciting battle song.

Under the city wall, everywhere you look, there are dense waves of zombies. When you see a group of highly rotten faces, stretching out purple arms and grabbing at you in a daze, even the strongest people will tremble.

"Hurry up, the zombies are piled up here, where are the Molotov cocktails? Bring them."

"Molotov cocktails! Torches! Take whatever you have, hurry up, the zombies will be finished if they climb up!"

"Can the fire-type mutants still hold on? Give me a ball of fire, I want to kill these bastards."

The stairs leading to the city wall were almost trampled with sparks, and everyone coming and going had a face full of tension and anxiety, and the fear of the zombie siege was silently shrouded.

In the city below, a group of old and weak people tore off their clothes as quickly as possible, gathered together, poured some alcohol, and handed it to the fastest children to send to the city wall.

There was a factory door wide open next to it. Men and women without superpowers but still had some strength carried stones and the remains of buildings out of it, walked up another step, and handed them over to the power superpower.

The latter used all his strength to break through the air and rushed down with a strong wind. The strong force turned the zombies that were hit into mud on the spot, and directly cleared a path of corpses.

This path only lasted for two seconds before it was occupied again by the zombies that followed.

After using superpowers more than a dozen times, the superpowers had no slots, and their stomachs were growling with hunger. Looking at the zombies below, they were angry and weak in their limbs, and they were dizzy due to hypoglycemia.

"No... I have to eat something, otherwise-" As he spoke, he felt dizzy and almost fell off the wall without knowing the direction.

"Be careful!"

The captain quickly pulled it back, turned around and shouted angrily: "The base commander said the meal will be here soon, where is the meal? If it doesn't come, we can't hold on and the city will be broken! Even if it's just a bowl of biscuit crumbs soaked in water, hurry up and send it up!"

"The meal is here."

The two of them carried a jar of food upstairs with difficulty, put it on the ground with a clang, opened the lid and took out ten bowls, stirred the bucket up and down with a big spoon, and scooped a spoonful from the surface.

"Hurry up and take turns to eat, the base commander is trying to find a solution."

"Go quickly." The captain pushed him over and took his place.

The power mutant who was so hungry that he could eat a cow didn't care about being pretentious, strode over, picked up a bowl of rice porridge with only a thin layer of crumbs at the bottom, raised his head and drank it all in one gulp, and the rice crumbs that were not fully cooked were still a little sore in the throat.

He didn't dare to chew it, because it would digest faster and he would be hungry again in a blink of an eye.

"Captain, go eat."

The psychic who had recovered some strength stood back to his position, spit on his palm, wiped it, and then raised the cement strip with exposed steel bars again, bent back, and threw it out with all his might.

The winding steel bars plus the acceleration during landing, pierced the zombies like a candied haws.

The base commander came late after organizing the logistics support work, leaned out of the city wall and frowned at the endless stream of zombies below.

What's going on? How could so many zombies suddenly appear?

The subordinates took a look and then looked away.

"Base commander, the psychics may not be able to survive for long on rice porridge alone. You must think of a way."

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