The base commander smiled bitterly. 【】

Find a way, where can he find a way? The surrounding bases are all in danger. Not to mention that the supplies cannot be traded, even if they are sent outside the city, how can the other party get into the city by crossing the zombie army?

"How long can the food in the granary last?"

"Three days at most."

Three days...

The base commander dug his fingers deep into the cracks of the bricks. The goods bought in the supermarket will be delivered within seven days.

Excluding today and the three days when the food is enough, if the day of arrival is not counted, they only need to last for two days.


This is the worst plan - no, there is another one, he overlooked the most fatal point!

Did the superpower he sent out to pick up the deliveryman just happen to encounter a zombie tide? !

Thinking of this, he hurriedly pounced on the city wall and looked down, trying to find a familiar face among the densely packed rotten faces.

The breath of the living incited the zombies below, and they beat the heavy walls more and more violently, gradually showing a tendency to pile up.

A burning ball of fire passed by the end of his eyes, fell into the pile of zombies, ignited the dry hair, and burned fiercely.

At this moment, he saw the responder who was not even as tall as the shoulder of the next person.

It's over, the delivery person will definitely not be able to find this place. There is no sign in the vast suburbs. How can this be accurate?

The base commander couldn't help but look ashen.

The zombies that covered the sky and the sun surged in waves like a surging tide,

from the city center, from the streets, from the residential buildings-


What is following the zombies?

"There's someone behind the zombies!"

"That's a person! Riding, riding, an electric bike?"

"It's over, she ran in the wrong direction, there are more zombies here, what a pity, make a good choice in the next life."

"Shh - don't make noise! ​​I seem to hear a different sound."

The distance was too far, and everyone could only see a person in bright clothes riding a small electric bike rushing in this direction. On the one hand, it was a pity, and on the other hand, they couldn't help but take a few more glances.

In a group of disgusting gray and black colors, different bright colors suddenly popped out, which really aroused the little curiosity left.

Hearing the long hissing sound of the base, everyone shut their mouths and pricked up their ears to listen carefully.

The wind slowly sent a sentence:

"Hey, the goods are delivered~, come and pick them up~"

"What are you talking about?"

"It seems to be a delivery..."

"Who of you ordered express delivery?"

"Don't make a fuss, which business is still open without Internet and electricity."

That's right, it's so weird.

For a moment, everyone on the wall looked as if they had seen a ghost, and they mechanically cast their supernatural powers, staring at the small electric device that was obviously approaching here without blinking.

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The base leader they respected seemed to have won a jackpot of tens of millions, and excitedly raised his arms and shouted:

"I'm here~Boss Xia~It's me~"


Xia Yan followed the tour guide zombie all the way, and soon saw the miserable base surrounded by zombies in the distance.

Could her customers be in this city?

Xia Yan approached slowly with a little melancholy, and after both parties could see each other's faces, the man standing on the roof and shouting was the owner of this order?

The group of zombies in front was smelly and dense. She stopped where she was, reached out to turn off the little bee, supported herself on one leg, and looked up with the sun hat.

"Isn't the position you gave too far away? I ran for a long time. If the zombies hadn't led the way for me, I wouldn't have found this place at all."

The people in the concave part of the city wall were dumbfounded.

Have the zombies become intelligent? Leading the way? So smart?

The base commander was deeply moved as if he had seen a savior, "The main reason is that this was originally a wasteland, and there were no landmarks around. I couldn't keep a position, and the people sent to pick you up were unlucky enough to encounter a wave of zombies..."

Xia Yan kicked away a blind zombie that was approaching.

Little did she know that her light kick almost made the people upstairs' eyes pop out.

All he could think about was why the zombies didn't eat her?

Could she be the legendary zombie king?

"Okay, I'll find a place to go in. "

She said this, turned on her electric scooter, and rushed through the zombies in full view of everyone, with only half an arm's length between her and the zombies.

As long as the zombie stretched out his hand, he could grab her slender arm, bite off her neck with a roar, and then rush up like a swarm of bees to devour her...

Everyone was so frightened that they didn't even realize that the supernatural power in their hands was thrown away.

The original mature and steady base commander also regained his youth and ran a marathon on the city wall.

"Go and see if there are many zombies at the north gate, and prepare to welcome Boss Xia into the city! "

On the top of the north gate wall, there were dozens of psychics with long-range attacks. After the base commander gave an order, they all used their powers to clear a four-meter-wide path.

Xia Yan rode up and saw the wheels sinking into the blood mud. There was a sense of sluggishness when turning the ignition switch.

Upon closer inspection, there were a lot of broken bones mixed in the mud, and the sharp end could easily penetrate the soles of shoes.

Listening to the creaking sound of the wheels rolling over, Xia Yan couldn't help but sigh that the system's products were all fine products.

The path behind her was soon occupied by the zombies that crowded in, stumbling behind her. At first glance, people would think that her psychic power was to summon the living dead.

Xia Yan rode all the way to the city gate, put the bike horizontally behind her to block the zombies that were close at hand, and reached out to knock on the door.

The people inside shouted "Get ready" and suddenly opened the city gate. Then the superpower behind waved his hands and threw out various superpowers, rushing straight towards the zombies.

The gorgeous colors left an indelible mark in Xia Yan's eyes. She blinked and whispered, "Really enthusiastic."

"Come in quickly!"

The urging sound exploded in her ears. Xia Yan put the electric bike back into the grid and walked in in the colorful world. The city gate followed her heels and slammed shut.

Bang, bang, bang.

Three protective shackles were put on in a row.

"Boss Xia, you came just in time! Save our lives!"

The clear vision returned, and in front of Xia Yan was the base commander with a flushed face.

If there were no difference between men and women, I guess I would have to give her a warm hug.

She was a little uncomfortable and said calmly, "Where should the supplies be placed?"

"Here, put it here." The base commander pointed to an empty warehouse.

Xia Yan did as he was told.

Looking at the warehouse that was filled in an instant, the base commander and his men gasped.

Knowing that they bought a lot is one thing, and seeing it with their own eyes is another.

The base commander's throat was shaking, "Prepare a big pot, cook instant noodles, add eggs, sausages, and vegetables! Everyone can eat as much as they want!"


Just listening, the people around couldn't help but salivate and kept swallowing saliva.

Did you hear what the base commander said just now?

Cook instant noodles! Add sausages and eggs to it!

Guaranteed to be full!

Everyone took action, lighting fires and adding firewood, washing pots and dishes, and smiling, as if they were encountering a festive day, without the urgent anxiety of zombies pressing down on the city.

Xia Yan took out a flyer and asked, "How about applying for a points card?"

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