Two-level reversal!

As soon as Xia Yan finished speaking, there was silence on the field, and even the sound of washing pots slowed down.

This book was first published on 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar → 𝟡𝟞𝕤𝕙𝕦.𝕟𝕖𝕥, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters

A pair of eyes looked at the base commander, what is a score card?

The base commander woke up from his excitement and took the flyer to take a closer look, but found that he had been struggling on the survival line in the past few years and some of the words were not recognized at all.

It can't be said that he didn't recognize it, it was still quite familiar.

He smiled awkwardly and planned to ask a cultured person to tell everyone, but after looking around, he found that the young people went to the city wall to kill zombies, and those who stayed were either older than him or young enough to be his grandson.


Xia Yan distributed the flyers in his hand naturally.

"To put it simply, you can order takeout directly after applying for the card, and you can also eat in time to replenish energy in an emergency."

"Ah, yes, yes! That's it."

The base commander lifted his sleeves to show everyone the card embedded in his wrist. He turned on the screen and found the takeout interface that Xia Yan mentioned. When he saw the full of meals on sale, his eyes widened.

Xia Yan: "You haven't opened it to study it?"

The base commander shifted his gaze.

Xia Yan: "There is also an option to recommend a card. As long as I agree to it, you can become a member of the hotel regardless of the distance, and enjoy the same rights and interests and order meals at any time. You didn't see it either."

The base commander looked like he was about to pout.

It seems that he made a big joke after calculating for a long time today?

Someone come and save him, he can't breathe, he is going to cry because of his stupidity.

He said in a weak and dying voice: "Quick, take Boss Xia up to get a card, let the people in front eat quickly."

Suddenly he remembered something, his eyes lit up like a light bulb, and he stood up and said heroically: "It's rich, make a woolen meal, quickly pack up the stall, everyone go up to the city wall to kill zombies, there is money below!"

A strange scene appeared on the city wall. The superpowers standing on the east couldn't help but take a glance at the west while killing zombies.

"Did those people take hormones? So fierce?"

"It's strange, the food should be the same, I'm so hungry now, how can they still be so energetic."

"I saw it, they actually have food to eat!"



A group of people stood on tiptoe and looked into the distance, and soon found something wrong.

They saw that the girl they were extremely curious about also came to the city tower, but wherever she went, there was a cheer.

Everyone was puzzled.

Beauty can't be eaten these days, so if you're hungry, won't you still be hungry?

How could she be full of energy?

Could it be that she is a blessing-type supernatural being who can make people forget hunger?

Full of doubts, the figure gradually approached, and they quietly moved forward, pricked up their ears, and a series of clear and pleasant voices came into their ears amid the constant roars and bombings of the zombies.

"Put the crystal core in."

"Find the takeaway option in the interface and order whatever you want."

"Invincible during meal time."

"If you don't have a crystal core, you can use gold and silver jewelry instead, it's all right."

! ! !

What incredible words did they hear?

Order! Takeaway!

"Give me a slap."

"What for?"

"Just hit me."


"Hiss, you're not dreaming, why are you hallucinating?"

The base commander saw and yelled: "Where did you remember that fighting is prohibited in the base?"

The fair-skinned and delicate girl next to him didn't even raise her head and continued to operate the machine in her arms.

The quiet and beautiful world and the highly rotten living dead under the city are two different worlds.

The man with the red palm print turned silently and waved his supernatural power at the zombie group below.

After a while, he felt someone patting his shoulder.

Base Commander: "Come and get a card to eat."


Xia Yan said the words he had said countless times: "Do you have a crystal core? Just put it in the machine."

He touched his pocket and took out a crystal core that he had not absorbed in time, "Is this okay?"

Xia Yan nodded, "Put it in."

The small red crystal core slid down the mouth of the machine. He thought he had to fill in some information, but he didn't expect that in less than two seconds, he felt a slight heat on his wrist. He lifted his sleeves and saw the score card that appeared silently.

The base commander patted his shoulder again and said in an excited voice: "Order whatever you want to eat. After dinner, kill more zombies. After killing this wave of zombies, I will take you to a high-end place for a buffet!"


Xia Yan smiled: "Okay, I will invite you when the time comes, you have to come and support me."

Base Commander: "Haha, no problem!"

The two chatted and walked away, continuing to help people get cards.

The few people here continued to be excited.

"Hurry up and check, where is the takeaway system? I can already smell the aroma of their food, I'm starving."

"Found it, damn, the food here is damn cheap!"

"How can it be cheap? Shit! It's really affordable! Click, click, click."

As soon as the finger clicked on the payment confirmation button, I keenly noticed that ripples appeared in the space in front of me. Before I could think about it, a delicious dish fell from the sky.

Reaching out to catch it, the bubble disappeared, and the strong and domineering aroma went straight through my nostrils. The red soup and white noodles, paired with green vegetables, and a sufficient amount of soft and rotten beef brisket, made people even hungrier.

Even the zombies' earth-shaking roars could not resist the sound of swallowing saliva.

"Good, so fragrant."

"I'm going to eat - um, good!"


No one had time to talk, every cell in the body was roaring for energy, and the fierce light of a hungry wolf flashed in his eyes - whoever dared to interfere with his eating would be killed!

The chopsticks hit the bottom of the bowl at a high frequency, and the soup and noodles were eaten up without leaving a bit!

Before the mouth was wiped dry, the second bowl of braised pork rice made a brilliant appearance.

It actually used soft, glutinous and sweet whole grain rice, poured with rich soup, stirred it to make every grain of rice full, scooped up a spoonful of rice, covered it with a piece of soft and tender braised meat and put it into the mouth.

The rice grains were chewy and the braised meat was rich, exploding on the tip of the tongue, and the mouth was fragrant. This was a feast on the tip of the tongue!

This made many people with shallow eye sockets couldn't help but redden their eyes, and tears rolled in their eyes.

In my lifetime, I finally had a full meal that I had been longing for...

"After the meal, let's continue to kill zombies! With the crystal cores, we will have food to eat, and we don't have to worry about being hungry anymore!"

"After we are done, the base commander will take us to the buffet. I heard that there is everything there, and it is no worse than the environment before the end of the world. Let's work hard and defend the base!"

"Defend the base! Let's go to the buffet!"

"Defend the base, let's go to the buffet!!"

A loud slogan suddenly sounded on the wall. Xia Yan, who was applying for a card, turned his head and looked at the busy backs full of energy, with brilliance blooming on the dark cheeks, and life instantly became bright.

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