I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 398 Cooperation Again

"Where's your boss? Why haven't you seen her?"

Chu Wanfu bent his fingers and tapped on the smooth countertop, watching Xiongxiong leisurely as he took things out below.

His two furry ears trembled when he heard the sound, and he looked up to reveal a furry face, with dark eyes, a moist nose, and his cheeks squeezed into two round eggs when the corners of his mouth were raised, which was quite cute.

It must feel very comfortable to touch——

"Ahem." He coughed to cover up.

Xiongxiong put the things he took out on the cart with a thud, "It's the general, the boss is out delivering goods, and you can tell me if you have anything."

Chu Wanfu turned sideways, "No, I'm bringing new people to apply for cards, thank you for your help."

It then saw the crowd standing in a row behind, quiet and silent, no wonder it didn't notice.

"No trouble, no trouble." Who would find performance troublesome~ Xiongxiong dropped the work in his hands, walked out of the front desk quickly, and helped them apply for cards.

The crowd gradually responded noisily.

Chu Wanfu leaned on the edge of the front desk, took out the purchase order that the leader had given him from his pocket, spread it out and smoothed out the wrinkles.

At this moment, a sharp horn sounded suddenly in the hall.


Everyone looked over.

Not far away, a rapidly rotating portal quickly took shape, a wheel first emerged, followed by a white basket, and then came out with a sentence:

"No need to send it, I'll be there soon."

This voice was not from Boss Xia.

She seemed to be talking to someone, smiling happily as if she had bought a lot of goods. She turned around and saw so many customers in the hall, turned the car head and drove to the side.

Chu Wanfu took the order in his hand and watched her park the car, charge it, and take off her sun hat.

"I heard from Xiongxiong that you went to deliver the goods in person?" he asked.

Xia Yan took a glass of iced juice from the vending machine and took a few sips. "Well, I just came back."

"What goods do you have to deliver in person?"

Xia Yan sat on the stool, waving her hands while drinking and said, "These are all trivial matters. What do you want to talk to me about?"

Chu Wanfu handed over the list in his hand, "Purchase another batch of goods."

"Didn't you just take a batch this morning?" Xia Yan quickly scanned the list.

"It's different. This time, it's mainly daily consumables, towels, cups and the like."

After reading the list, Xia Yan found that it was indeed the case.

At this time, Chu Wanfu proposed a cooperation-wanting a propaganda team of three people to go to various bases with her to publicize and rescue survivors to this base.

Xia Yan was stunned: "How could you have this idea?"

Chu Wanfu smiled helplessly: "The leader asked, I dare not disobey."

Since the last time that Shen found out that Xia Yan could gather survivors who came to survive, he gave him an order when he returned-rescue and receive as many survivors as possible, and the expenses can be reimbursed after being reported.

The high-end hotel had been successfully resolved, and everything was in order. Unexpectedly, he learned that she had personally gone to various bases to deliver goods...

At this time, Boss Xia had a lot of information about the location of the bases. Going with her would be twice as effective with half the effort. Knowing it but not taking action would seriously violate the oath he had made, and it would also be unworthy of the clothes and title on his body.

In fact, he didn't want to rely on others for everything, as that would make him seem a little useless... He could only comfort himself that there was no one in the world who was more against the will of heaven than her, and it was normal that he couldn't compare.

Chu Wanfu and Xia Yan looked at each other, the latter's eyes were cold and said bluntly: "I don't agree."

The work between you finally fell on her? It's a beautiful thought. She doesn't take anyone's salary. Why should she work? Don't mention saving the world from suffering. Wherever Xia Yan goes, she saves it in her own way.

In the adult world, every time it is a transaction of interests, one side benefits, and the other party is stupid?

What's more, it's not her who asks for help.

Chu Wanfu seemed to have expected such a result a long time ago, and it was not surprising at all.

"Don't rush to refuse." He smiled and said, "We haven't discussed the compensation yet."

"Tell me about it."

Chu Wanfu held out a finger: "First, they will be your bodyguards when you go out. I know you are very strong, but there are always people who come to provoke you. Leave the flies to us."

He then held out a second finger: "Second, they can help you recruit people to apply for cards and help you sell any materials you want to sell, which is equivalent to having three more free labor."

The third finger: "For every survivor they bring back, they will pay 50 points for the portal fee."

Then the atmosphere between the two of them condensed.

Xia Yan looked at him and neither spoke nor expressed his opinion. He seemed to be refusing, but in fact he was calculating quickly in his heart.

According to what he said, he had three more assistants who didn't spend money. At least when applying for a card, he didn't have to repeat it over and over again...

And when the orders are getting more and more, can't she ask him for more people to help her deliver the goods?

Emm, no need to worry about food and drink, no need to pay wages, it's fine.

Xia Yan hesitated and said: "Are you sure three people are enough?"

How about this step? Altruism and self-interest.

Chu Wanfu suddenly smiled with eight teeth, "Boss Xia, what do you think of eight people?"

Xia Yan also smiled: "As long as you think it's enough."

"Okay, then it's settled. I'll have them come early tomorrow."

"Not too early, 8 o'clock will be fine. One more thing, prepare a means of transportation."


Both of them were in a very good mood, and they liked each other a little more.

Xia Yan picked up the order form and waved it slightly, then walked out of the front desk and asked Chu Wanfu to follow him, saying as he walked:

"More than ten self-purchase machines have been added to the supermarket. In the future, you can place orders on them when you need them. You don't need to come to me to send orders. As long as you can place an order, you can get the goods - wait a minute."

Xia Yan stopped Chu Wanfu and stretched her hand into the holiday gate in his puzzled eyes, as if she was praying silently or lost in thought.

But in her perspective, the backend control interface of the holiday gate popped up in front of her.

'New item: teleport to the corresponding destination according to the customer's wishes. '

This way, you don't have to appear on the distant leisure beach and rush forward on a small electric donkey.

[Modification successful]

"Okay, please come in."

Chu Wanfu followed him in, thick fog brushed his face, and the sea breeze blew.

"Welcome to the supermarket."

A voice that couldn't tell the gender sounded above his head.

When Xia Yan pushed open the glass door, the bell on the top jingled pleasantly, and the noisy voices in the supermarket followed the crack in the door.

It gave people a feeling that a certain protective shield had been pierced and the things inside couldn't wait to get out.

How did we suddenly get to the supermarket?

Although Chu Wanfu was surprised, he was soon attracted by the ten selection machines inside the door——

The noisy sound also came from here.

"You can't add more. You have already clicked to the maximum. What are you still trying to do?"

"Pay the crystal core quickly. The people in the queue behind you are almost queuing on the beach. What are you still hesitating about?"

"Place your orders quickly. If you don't want to buy anything, leave quickly. Don't occupy it."

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