The two people standing in front of the machine were embarrassed and blushed. They couldn't stand the pressure and reached into their pockets to take out the crystal core to pay the bill.

The user of the machine next door didn't care. You said yours, I did mine, and the main player couldn't hear it.

You are anxious, right? You are angry, right? What does that have to do with me?

The team on the far right is the longest and the quietest.

Following the crowd, I saw a man in black who was wrapped tightly and looked very mysterious.

There was no wind in the room, but under the black hood, it was bulging and seemed to be wriggling.


This book was first published on πŸ”πŸ— Book Bar β†’ 96π“ˆπ’½π“Š.𝓃ℯ𝓉, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters.

People who stared at the changes in his clothes took two steps back in horror, fearing that they would be infected or breathe in toxic substances.

Xia Yan looked around, looking at the long queues in front of each machine, and ordered ten more machines in the mall, interspersed between the existing machines.

So, a brand new machine that had just been turned on suddenly appeared in the crowded machines.

Everyone was dumbfounded, staring at the opening promotion GG on the screen in amazement, and finally turned into a normal product selection page.


After being shocked, the people in the back rushed to the side, scrambling to get to the front.

Only the machine next to the man in black was idle and no one dared to approach him - it was too close to him, it was dangerous.

While Customer A was hesitating, two figures flashed past his eyes, and before his brain could react, his body had already taken the lead and followed behind.

After seeing the distance clearly, he slowly stopped with a twitch at the corner of his mouth.

"What are you doing, hurry up."

Then he was pushed from behind and forced to stand in the third place, oh no, the second place, the two people in front were in the same group.

The black-clad man standing next door felt the movement, and the black masks twisted over. The faces hidden behind them made people imagine a familiar horror story--

"I'd better go to the back to queue up." He was scared.

This guy is too weird, he must not take the usual path.

Unexpectedly, the person behind him didn't do it, grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

"What are you going to do? It's your turn soon. I'm not in a hurry."

Customer A looked at the person behind him and said, "You must be in a hurry, I'd better go--"

"No, no, no, we are not in a hurry!"


He immediately looked disgusted as if he had eaten a fly.

Xia Yan looked back at him, put the purchase order on the machine, and signaled Chu Wanfu that he could select the product.

The product selection interface is very simple to operate. As long as you know the picture, adding to the cart is not a problem, and there is also voice broadcast at the same time.

Everything is based on customer convenience.

Only when customers are comfortable and relaxed can they increase sales without realizing it.

Although Xia Yan didn't need the system to work so hard to achieve performance, capitalists would never let go of even the slightest bit of money.

For example, now, Chu Wanfu was choosing and choosing, and he saw several products that suited his taste. He directly completed the order for his leader and placed another order for himself.

"I won't bother you to deliver my order when the time comes. Send someone to find me when it's ready."

Chu Wanfu exchanged the crystal core for points, and after completing the payment, he led the soldiers who came to him in a hurry to leave.

Xia Yan nodded casually and looked at the man in black.

If her perception was correct, this man had been secretly paying attention to her for a long time.

"Do you need help?"

When he turned around again, Xia Yan asked with a smile.

The surrounding voices were silent.

The customer standing behind her was so weak that he almost fell to the ground.

The look in her eyes was full of confusion and shock - you, a little girl, shouldn't take the initiative to chat with others! This man is not a good guy at first glance!

Xia Yan stepped to the right to make way and said to the customer behind her, "You come and choose the goods."

Then she looked up at the man in black who was one step away and asked again, "Do you need help?"

At such a close distance, she could feel the eyes under the mask looking at her, but she felt strange for some reason, and her neck was a little cold.

In the strange silence, a distorted hoarse voice came out from under the mask, as if the throat was burned by the billowing smoke while escaping from a raging fire--


"Really? I see you've been on this page for a long time."

Xia Yan saw the customer on the left shaking his hands and using the screen to gain leverage quickly, and he couldn't wait to leave this hot and humid Shura field!

He meant that how could there be no conflicts in this supermarket with super abundant supplies.

It was already very rare that the strangers could stand up to this point in harmony without fighting. They just hoped to stand up for a little while longer, and he would finish choosing...

The man in black seemed to have heard provocative words, turned around and clicked the settlement button on the screen, confirmed the order submission, and left the supermarket without saying a word.

"This person is really weird." The left-hand customer whispered.

The customer standing behind the man in black waited for him to leave and walked quickly to the machine, and started to choose products after dropping the points card.

Most people did not discuss the man in black who left, and did not even complain. Instead, they looked around vigilantly, observed carefully, and scored the danger level of each person in their hearts, and then stayed away.

In their eyes, this woman who talked and laughed generously and naturally looked even more dangerous.

Purchasing supplies is important, and pie does not fall every day. Seize this opportunity and you will not have to worry about food for the rest of your life.

However, there are always self-righteous fools in the worldβ€”β€”

"I really didn't expect that there is actually a supermarket open here!"

The door of the supermarket was suddenly opened, and four men as strong as bears staggered in. They might have just finished their meal, and their already tight clothes made their bulging stomachs even more bulging.

As soon as they stepped into the supermarket, they were attracted by the various foods on the shelves. Their eyes were wide open, and they couldn't wait to run over. They pushed the customers who were in the way with their left and right hands, and gathered their arms on the shelves, holding the whole row of food in their arms.

One of them took out a yellow woven bag from his butt pocket with great effort, shook out the dust, and said in a shrill excited voice: "Put it in the bag quickly! Carry it back together!"


When the packaging bags fell, they collided with each other and made a lot of noise.

Then open your arms - gather - throw - crackle - snap - "There's still room!"

Several people seemed to be crazy, with endless shelves and endless supplies in their eyes. They had only experienced this kind of excitement and disregard for any rules in the early days of the apocalypse.

Looking at the piles of full garbage bags under their feet, no one came to stop them. Some people in the queue were jealous and ready to move, but they still forced themselves to hold back.

Wait until they can walk out of the supermarket.

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