I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 400 What are you looking at?

In full view of the crowd, the four men showed no restraint and even stared at the people queuing up to place orders.

"What are you looking at? You don't like it?"

Perhaps he knew that the group of people across from him didn't know each other, and he was sure that no one would take the initiative to take the lead because of his words. The man opened and closed his lips quickly and cursed.


Some people really couldn't stand listening, their faces became darker and darker, and their eyes were filled with murderous intent. However, they suppressed it and looked at the people around them calmly, thinking: These people are really intolerable. After being scolded for being like a bear, no one took the initiative to do anything. What a bunch of people!

Little did they know that everyone thought so.

This ghost place is so weird. It's full of supplies but no one is guarding it. It's like throwing a bunch of hungry jackals into a flock of sheep. Would that be possible if there were no hunters nearby?

"Why are you wasting that saliva? Hurry and get your things and leave. If the boss comes later and sees you, you will have to waste time to deal with it." The man with a thin voice grabbed his arm and forced him to stop chattering and pointed his finger. With a wave of his hand, he motioned for him to take away the chocolates on the shelf, "That stuff is high in calories and makes you hungry."

Boxes of chocolates were forced into the bag, and finally a tall point popped out. Seeing that there was no way to seal it, the man put his hands on it and pressed down hard. The packaging bag inside made a squeezing and crushing sound. , and there was also the sound of a series of potato chip bags exploding.

It’s all like this and no one cares?

The customer who was about to pay points in front of the machine stopped slowly and began to hesitate. Before, he thought that being able to buy so many supplies with crystal cores was a huge bargain. Now that there was a control group, he suddenly looked at that long The string of numbers is a bit dazzling...

The four men who had already packed the bags over there picked them up and were about to leave. When they passed the self-service cash register, an electronic voice said "Please scan the barcode to pay for points".

A few people laughed and learned it again at the top of their lungs. They kept walking out and said: "Tell your boss, if you don't have the strength, don't do this self-service vending business. I'll teach you a lesson this time." Long memory.”

But in the next second, just as they were about to leave the range of the cash register, an extremely powerful high-voltage electric wall rose from the ground, enveloping the four people in a cage-like shape.

The arm-thick electric current slowly surged up and down, making an ear-splitting crackling sound. The tiny electric currents that shot into the air were directed inside, waving like octopus tentacles until they touched their clothes and continued to swim.

This unexpected situation shocked everyone present!

The electric cage came so unexpectedly that it took shape almost in the blink of an eye. Even high-level speed users couldn't escape quickly, let alone——


"What the hell is this? My joints are numb all over because of the electricity, and I can't even walk!"

"You can't use your powers, right? There must be a switch outside. Lao San, go out and close the switch quickly. When the switch is triggered, the boss will definitely receive an alarm. We must escape as soon as possible."

An angry roar arose from the sizzling current. It seemed that this was the only way to cover up the high-frequency sound waves that almost deafened the eardrums.


After shouting, an unusually large and weird black shadow gradually approached in the dazzling electric light.

Xia Yan squinted his eyes in confusion. There were restrictions on the use of supernatural powers in the supermarket. How could he change?

A customer standing next to her couldn't help but mutter to himself, "What the hell can withstand high-voltage current? Can it also be insulated?"

Xia Yan was suddenly awakened. He was an insulator!

At this time, the figure was infinitely close to the thick electric current. While everyone was stunned, he walked out step by step with his explosive head on his head!

She took a closer look and thought that the strange changing human form was just carrying all the bags on its body. The zigzag and uneven lines led her to misunderstand it.

"It's true, you will eat more than you will die." Xia Yan was speechless.

The burnt clothes continued to shed debris as they walked around, revealing a different color from the regular skin underneath. It was more of a woody texture. Before anyone could figure it out, the man who had just walked out felt a surge of blood under his feet again. Lift up the cramped electric cage.

——The customers were dumbfounded and recalled what they had just thought about. Who can guarantee that if you walk out of the first one, there will be no more after that?

Maybe it doesn't matter to the man in front of me, but to others who don't have such a physique, the first one is already a disaster.

Sure enough, the wooden man walked away again without any fear, and the electricity as thick as his arm was blasted down, but it did no harm to him.

The three people in the first electric cage were not aware of the situation outside and endured the pain. Their scalps were numb and they shouted: "If you find me, hurry up! The current is getting stronger!"

The man known as Lao San speeded up his pace upon hearing this. He was carrying a heavy woven bag on his shoulders but was unwilling to throw it away. He could only turn his head slightly left and right, trying to find the switch that controlled the electric cage, but the more he looked, the more frightened he became.

The surroundings were bare, not to mention the sockets, even the self-service cash registers had no wires!

"I looked...can't find it! There is no switch at all, the electric cage appeared out of thin air!" Lao San replied loudly.

"Then you come in quickly and carry us out! Ah, the electricity is so painful that my whole body hurts!"

"Hurry up, I can't bear it anymore."

The crackling movement in the electric cage obviously increased a lot, and the three tall and thick men kept roaring in pain.

Seeing this, the third child outside was helpless, so he hurriedly took off his woven bag and got inside again.

When he came out with the person in his arms, he was stunned for a moment when he saw the person in front of him.

"How are you going to pay for it?"

The young woman with a pretty face and neat clothes pointed at the bag and looked up at the two.

Her eyes were black and white, and seemed clear and innocent, like a college student who had just graduated from school and had no experience in the world.

The third brother put the man down, glanced at her, and went back to the electric cage to carry the remaining brothers out.

The man who had cursed before strode around her, as if he had heard a joke, "Where did you come from? You can't stand it and come to help others? Do you have the ability to manage it?"

The two who just came out laughed at her and didn't take her seriously at all, as if they were looking at a small ant that could be easily crushed to death, "Go back to where you came from, brothers are in a good mood to let you go, don't be ignorant and meddlesome!"

"I asked you how to pay, don't talk nonsense." The girl didn't give in, her eyes gradually turned cold.

The cursing man took a breath, his nostrils widened and breathed rapidly, staring at her with his eyes wide open, not hiding his violence.

He bent his joints to make a cracking sound, walked in front of her, leaned over her face, pointed his right index finger at her eyes, and asked fiercely with a twitch in his mouth: "Say it again."

The atmosphere froze instantly, filled with the coming storm, and the high-speed whirling wind blade hidden in it was quietly waiting for the moment of harvest.

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