Xia Yan's emotions reached their peak at the moment he was accused.

The next second he stretched out his hand, she pulled out the sword from the system grid, pulled out the sharp blade with her hand, turned her wrist and slashed it on the outstretched forearm.

The war knife, which is as sharp as iron as mud, easily breaks through the fragile skin and flesh. It does not pause until it encounters the hard bones, but then the blade wraps around the bones and cuts. After returning to the starting point, the hand holding the knife handle becomes a fist. , pounded down hard from above.

There was just a click, and the man screamed, with big beads of sweat on his forehead, and he immediately raised his left fist to smash this damn face.

Xia Yan half-crouched to avoid it, the fist wind howling above his head, his eyes locked on the third and fourth ribs of his chest, when he closed his fists to gather strength and opened his chest, he seized the opportunity and kicked the ground hard with his legs, and the sharp blade broke, Straight / inserted / into the body.

The powerful heart beat and turbulent liquid burst out, spraying out along the gap.

When she was about to pour it on the person in front of her, she was blocked by an invisible barrier. She calmly drew the knife, and the liquid instantly splashed out into its shape - a transparent cube.

It happened suddenly, and the battle ended in a few breaths.

Not only was the customer behind him dumbfounded, but even the three people three steps away didn't react.

Professionals can only make a difference in a moment. As a saying goes, don't use your professional skills to challenge other people's ability to eat.

Xia Yan withdrew his sword, and the cube in front of him quickly shrank inward. The man inside covered his chest with his only intact arm, staring with eyes closed. He could only go underground to find out who she was.

"You actually killed my eldest brother?!"

"Kill her!"

"Revenge my brother."

The remaining three people reacted slowly, in disbelief, and anger surged into their hearts.

Xia Yan raised his eyes.

She was too lazy to talk nonsense, so she snapped her fingers three times, and a transparent cube appeared silently beside her, catching the person in the air and gagging her.

She was tired of hearing those repeated words.

They called up the backend of the supermarket to settle the losses, deducted their points, and successfully credited a small amount of points.

This is not enough to compensate for her losses...

Xia Yan ordered the cube to turn downwards and tremble violently. The crystal nuclei fell from his pocket and fell to the bottom, spreading out in colorful colors. After nothing fell out, the crystal nuclei of the three people were gathered together to form a new small cube. , floating into the hand.

She was tossed up and down, thrown into the system grid, and handed over to the system for accounting.

At this moment, she walked up to Lao San, looked carefully at his limbs, and found that there were wood lines on them. She couldn't help but curiously asked: "How can you use superpowers here?"

How could anyone break through the restrictions set by the system?

Lao San, who was released from confinement, suddenly lay down on the wall, bared his teeth and yelled: "What do I have to do with you? If you are sensible, let me out as soon as possible, otherwise, you will die without knowing why."

The third child just thought it was an accident. He didn't believe that she could beat the boss with her weak hands.

No one is allowed to use their powers here, but they have the strength to break her neck very easily. If the boss didn't underestimate the enemy, he didn't expect her to carry a knife with her, otherwise how could she be stabbed?

Xia Yan showed a surprised look for the first time.

"What did you say?"

The third child assumed the most ferocious posture, fully displaying his bulging muscles, and clenched his hands hard and slowly in front of her, causing the blood vessels in his neck to burst.

"Don't let me crush you to death!"

Xia Yan:...?

She was speechless. It was the first time she had seen such a fool.

She patted the transparent barrier and said, "Aren't you curious why I can use my powers?"

"I don't care about you——"

"Because I'm the boss."

"——It's the boss?!" The third child immediately backed away as if he had seen a ghost, his voice high and sharp.

The two speechless people in the cube next to them opened their eyes wide when they heard this, looking as if they had kicked the steel plate, and began to struggle with all their strength.

The group of customers lining up were no less surprised and shocked than the three of them.

"She is actually the boss here?"

"Then the high-end restaurant and the cafeteria also belong to her?"

"I heard that this island is also private to her."

"Not only that, but I also heard from an old resident here that she has a 30-storey hotel outside, which also has places to eat and bathe."

"A dog's eyes can't see a mountain. Dude, was my attitude okay just now? I shouldn't say too much, right?"

"Honestly bro, this is the first thing I heard you say..."

Xia Yan ignored the noise over there, looked at the third child and asked, "Say?"

The third child glanced at the corpse of the boss floating in the air. It had been squeezed into shape. He thought that that level of squeezing was not a problem for him. After all, his body structure was special. Although he had no offensive power, he could easily He won't die either...

"saying you--"

Xia Yan threw his index finger in a small arc, and the cube containing the corpse shrank suddenly. With a bang, it turned into blood mud and shrank into a small red square floating on his fingertips.

She looked at the third child dangerously, sliding her index finger up and down, and the cube that imprisoned him also swayed up and down.

The third child finally changed his mind in fear, "I said, I said, my superpower is that my body gradually becomes lumbered and turns into wood uncontrollably."

"But you can still move, eat, drink and talk." Xia Yan pondered.

"Yes, I can do anything I could do before. I don't know what happened. It became like this as soon as I woke up."

"Then are you afraid of fire?"

"...I am afraid, or not." The third brother hesitated, avoiding his sight and refusing to tell the truth.

Unexpectedly, Xia Yan ran out of patience, and took out a lighter and alcohol block, lit them and threw them in.

"Ahhh, what are you doing!" The third brother jumped and dodged left and right.

Because the shoes on his feet were burnt, he didn't dare to step on them directly at this moment, for fear of catching fire, but there was such a small place inside, where could he hide?

In the end, he couldn't dodge in time, and was touched by the hottest outer flame, and slowly burned up.

A cry full of fear suddenly sounded in the cube.

Xia Yan looked at it for a while and then put out the fire. The third brother held the big toe that was burned into charcoal, sobbing, and broke the big toe off.

At this time, she saw that the neat fracture was not human blood vessels and bones, but the cross section of living wood, and there were veins for transmitting nutrients inside, and it repaired itself at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A bit magical.

"Boss Xia."

At this time, she heard a familiar voice in her ears. Turning around, it was Dean Ji and his researchers who made the purchase once a week.

"This man," Dean Ji pointed at the jumping man inside with a little excitement, "He is very valuable for research. Can you beg Boss Xia to show mercy and hand him over to me?"

This was the first time he encountered a strange person with self-repairing abilities. If he was right, this person was not within the attack range of the zombies!

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