I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 402 Dangerous Building

Dean Ji could not hide his excitement. He walked forward quickly and stared at the barrier without blinking, refusing to let go of any changes.

If only his eyes were cameras, he could take a photo or record a video with just a blink of an eye...

With such an unusual change, he must record every second!

The researcher following him gave a profound interpretation of what kind of general there is and what kind of soldier there is, and the brilliance in their eyes was exactly the same.

Xia Yan stood behind the two people and kept saying: The world is diverse, everyone is a different individual, everyone has different pursuits, and those who sacrifice their egos for the continuation of mankind are worthy of respect...

The third child's thumb gradually took shape, exactly like the original one, and his fear of fire subsided as his toes recovered.

He glanced at the two people with academic looks on their faces outside, and Boss Xia who was watching eagerly from behind, and quickly came to a conclusion - it would be better to follow them than now.

"Old man, let me tell you, not only can my toes be restored, but my broken hands can also be restored, and I can also hide my breath and blend with nature..."

The third child lowered his voice and was persuasive, not daring to look away and look back.

Dean Ji's eyes widened the more he listened, and he wished he could take him back and send him to the laboratory right now.

He turned around and said, "Boss Xia——"

Xia Yan raised his hand to stop him, "Just wait a moment. This man hasn't compensated me for my losses, so I won't let him go."

"Then how about I take his place -"

"Dean Ji, you are joking. This matter has nothing to do with you. What should I charge you for?" Dean, there is no conflict between these two things at all, it is just a matter of time.

Dean Ji also thought of this, suppressed his anxiety, and walked back to the supermarket to buy vegetables and meat.

Xia Yan looked around at the three people in the cube, "There should be crystal nuclei in your original residence, right?"

Seeing that they couldn't hide and were not noticed by the old man, the two people who were gagged had the intention of using the flower crystal core to eliminate the disaster and nodded one after another.

The third child was afraid that she would go back on her word, throw another fire in and cause an accidental death, nodding her head like a chicken pecking at rice.

"That's good." Xia Yan manipulated the cube of one of them to explode, leaving only the third child and the man with a thin voice.

She said to the latter: "If you can give me the two dead people and the property of this third child, maybe I will let you go."

In order to prevent the three of them from playing tricks, the best way is to kill one of them. The life of the third child has been guaranteed, and the remaining person will immediately have an unprecedented crisis. The original trust has been broken, and all he can think about is survival.

No matter what she asked for at this moment, he would agree to it, and besides, it wasn't too difficult for her to ask.

"As for you," she looked at the third child and made a request, "The same goes for you. You two will supervise each other. If one of you hides or wants to run away, I can make him disappear in an instant."

After receiving a nod of agreement from the two, Xia Yan ignored the hostility and defensiveness in their eye contact, withdrew the restraint, and the two landed in response.

"Let's go back to your hometown."

Outside the supermarket, a milky-white portal gradually took shape.

Just as he was about to step into the door, Xia Yan suddenly stopped the two of them and took out a dark bottle.

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"In order to prevent you from running away separately after entering, I have to put something in your body beforehand."

As she spoke, she shook the bottle vigorously and squeezed the bottle mouth downward. A dark brown, very viscous unknown liquid slowly flowed out of the bottle mouth and fell into the disposable cup.


The third and third sons had faces full of rejection but could not refuse. They took it with trembling hands, pinched their noses and poured it into their mouths under Xia Yan's clear eyes.

It looked like it was difficult for her to pour it out, but why did she raise her head and the thing slipped into her mouth, went directly into her throat and was swallowed.


The indescribable stench came belatedly and rushed straight to my forehead, making me want to spit out all the food I had eaten the night before——

"If you vomit, you have to drink again." Xia Yan said coolly.

The two of them kept their mouths shut, their eyes red and full of physiological tears. After they calmed down, they walked into the portal with frivolous steps.

Xia Yan clenched his fist to his lips to hide his smile and followed.

Behind the door is an extremely barren place - the Rhubarb Gobi Desert. A random gust of wind can stir up fine yellow sand, causing pain on the face and legs.

Opposite the portal, there was a five-story building made of crooked loess bricks. The windows that were not tightly closed were wide open, and a few messy heads popped out, looking at it cautiously.

Maybe they were frightened by the sudden appearance of the portal, and there were a lot of daily utensils thrown in the open space outside the building.

As Xia Yan looked over, the people hiding in the house also made a little noise, seeming to be hesitating whether to risk going out to get their things back.

Xia Yan looked away and saw the two people waiting on the right.

"Let's go, lead the way."

To be honest, when Xia Yan saw the small building that was hit by the wind, she had already begun to regret that she should not have waited until they passed the cash register before taking action. She had thought that she could get more non-operating income, but she didn't expect that reality gave her a slap in the face - not everyone has a crystal core!

When she got closer to the small building, a gust of wind blew up, and the yellow mud on the wall was rolled down under her nose, and fell into the sand pile with a click.

She stopped and looked up. There were quite a few potholes on the wall. The person looking down at the window accidentally looked at her, and suddenly retracted his body, rubbing off a thin strand of yellow soil.

I don't know if it was her illusion, but I always felt that the building was shaking.

What a dangerous building... It's okay, she comforted herself, she was invincible, and if it really collapsed, she could be teleported back to the hotel in an instant...

At the entrance of the small building, which was not very large, there was a peeling table blocking the entrance.

The third brother slapped the table with a slap, shaking up fine dust.

"Where are the people? I need to go back to my room. Take the table away quickly, or I will throw it out!"

Before she finished speaking, a fierce female voice came from the stairs.

"Fuck your ancestors, you bastard, try throwing one at me?!"

Then there was a deafening sound of "dong dong dong" coming down the stairs, and a thin and small woman in loose clothes ran down.

She put her hands on her hips, her skin was rough and her expression was fierce, and she looked around at the three people with a grin.

"Who wants to throw my table?"

The third child rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Auntie, guess who it is, but you have to guess it right, don't misunderstand the good people."

He emphasized the last two words and put on an innocent and dull expression.

The woman's inquiring eyes swirled around the faces of the three people.

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