Suddenly, she gasped and took a few steps back, pointing at Xia Yan.

"I've seen you! Aren't you the owner of that hotel? Why are you here?"

The woman clearly remembered the face of the female owner of the restaurant that appeared in mid-air to promote the restaurant. At that time, she was still disdainful and certain that it was a scam.

As long as you spend a few crystal nuclei, you can eat and drink? Maybe it's some evil person who is trying to sell someone else's meat! Why, seeing that they didn't want to be fooled, you came here to deceive them yourself?


But the people who live here are so poor that they can't even afford to wear shorts. They can feel the flesh of their thighs when they pull out their pockets. They are so hungry that they are skin and bones and barely survive. What's the use of tricking them into coming?

Is there a treasure here that I don’t know about?

The woman's thoughts were messy, and countless thoughts were running through her mind in just a few seconds.

Xia Yan nodded, "I'll get something with them."

The woman was shocked. She guessed correctly. There was indeed a treasure in the store!

The two men next to him looked ugly, revealing a feeling of reluctance.

Darling, there are treasures in Tukola too.

She stretched out her stubby hands, grabbed both sides of the table, and moved it aside to clear the pristine dirt road.

Xia Yan winked, and the two of them didn't dare to bother and walked in. Two meters behind the entrance was the upward steps. Like the appearance of the building, the hard soil steps had a smooth surface and a downward slope after being stepped on for a long time.

There are no handrails on the stairs, so you have to be careful.

Xia Yan turned around when he heard the noise and found the female boss following him. He grinned when he saw her, "I'm patrolling the building."

Xia Yan was silent, "Okay."

The two people in front stopped at the door of the west room, waiting for Xia Yan to come over and then pushed open the door made of spliced ​​wooden sticks.

Xia Yan looked at the small section of steel wire that was used as a lock and questioned the security that this door could provide.

The female boss said from behind: "This thing, emm, is more protective of gentlemen than villains, and we have security guards on duty at night——"

"Roar woof - woof woof!"

Xia Yan walked quickly onto the platform, raised his eyes, and looked directly at a little native dog that was completely black and only had a patch of yellow hair on its forehead.

"This is...?"

"Yes, I'm so good, come here." The female boss clapped her hands and called the dog. The dog jumped down from the steps upstairs, jumped into her arms and waggled its tail desperately. Its round eyes were always staring at Xia Yan, as if I was wary of this unfamiliar face of hers.

At this time, Xia Yan saw a small round sign hanging on the dog's neck. He looked at it carefully and was speechless.

Good guy, this dog's name is Security Guard...

"security guard?"

The dog pricked up its ears and barked at her twice excitedly. Half of its tail on its buttocks was almost broken off.

Xia Yan: "...It's a good dog."

The female boss was a little embarrassed. After she left, she slapped the dog's butt a few times and scolded her, "He is enthusiastic about everyone and wags his tail at everyone. Be careful that the bad guy bites the half of his tail..."

The room is very clean and you can see everything at a glance.

Ten square meters in size, four beds, and only one cabinet for storing sundries, which is gone.

Xia Yan frowned, "Where is the crystal core?"

Maybe this place has been rummaged through, the bed and cabinets are very messy, and it looks like it has been hit by a tornado. Even if there is a crystal core, it has been stolen long ago.

The two were also shocked and began to move the bed while cursing.

The boss, who had arrived late, slapped his thigh hard when he saw the situation in the room, and cursed angrily: "It must be those two guys who did it! Why did you leave in the middle of the day in the sun? You bastard, you left me alone." Such a mess."

Xia Yan looked out the window into the distance. Everywhere he could see were loess slopes. Only at an extremely far distance could he see the swaying zombie figures. In such a quiet place, would there be customers coming to the door?

After hearing her question, the female boss scratched her hair and said a little irritably: "There are only a few people there all day long. If the two bases are not connected, this business cannot continue."

"Then how do you get your usual food and drink supplies?"

"There is a small team. If they bring more supplies, I will buy them. If they don't have them, I will be hungry. You have too many questions. I will not be able to answer you whatever you ask next."

The female boss was visibly irritable and couldn't wait to end the topic. She pursed her lips and had a cold face, keeping her away, for fear that she would continue to ask questions, such as why she wanted to open a store here.

Everyone has secrets, do you have to tell them every time you meet someone?

Although she tried to calm down, her defense soon broke.

"What are you two doing? Why are you digging a hole? This house is thin, don't let me dig through it! It's a crime."

It turned out that the old three and two people started digging holes everywhere after moving the bed. The uneven ground was now even more filled with potholes. The female boss was so angry that she jumped up and down.

But in the blink of an eye, she was so shocked that she shut up, "Hey, you two brats, you actually hid the crystal core in the pit! You destroyed my room. This room can no longer be inhabited, and I must pay compensation!"

The man with a thin voice wiped his face with his clay-covered hands to hide his excited expression, "Aunt, it doesn't matter what you said. These crystal nuclei belong to Boss Xia, and we can't make the decision."

The third child put a small bag of crystal cores that he dug out into Xia Yan's hands, "Boss Xia, all the wealth of the four of us is here. If you count it, these high-end crystal cores will definitely be enough to cover the losses."

Xia Yan opened her bag and looked inside. Yes, there were mostly third-level crystal nuclei. She tightened the bag and tossed it up and down in her hand, and finally threw it into the system grid.

The female boss on the side was so angry that she almost stared straight at him. With so many crystal cores, she must be able to eat for three months! Seeing the bag disappear, she was very dissatisfied, "Boss Xia, they damaged my ground, so they have to compensate me first. You should at least give me five, six, seven or eight crystal cores. Why do you eat all by yourself?"

Xia Yan raised his eyes and warned, "What did you say? Eat alone?"

This is the end of the world. Everything depends on strength. Can these three words be said casually?

The local dog squatting at the feet of the female boss with narrowed eyes felt that the atmosphere was wrong, and bared his teeth and roared at Xia Yan.

Xia Yan glanced down fiercely, without suppressing the anger that had killed countless people.

"Woof-Woof woof." The local dog tucked his tail and hid behind his master, screaming.

The female boss was frightened by her two extreme changes in aura. She realized that this person was not as easy to talk to as she looked. She couldn't help but curse herself in her heart for being deceived by her appearance, lowering her defenses, and saying things she shouldn't have said!

These psychics are the most hateful, they always make the other party show their true self.

"Actually, I don't have to compensate. I was just excited for a moment. You are also a businessman and you should understand me." When the female boss was still racking her brains to find an excuse, a roar suddenly exploded in her ears.

"He ran away! Go chase him!"

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