I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 404 There is a trick

There was just a thud and something heavy fell to the ground.

Xia Yan ducked to the window, looked down, and saw the man with a thin voice rolling over and releasing his strength. When he raised his head to meet her gaze, he threw away the ball of soil secretly in his hand, then got up and ran away.

Xia Yan turned sideways to avoid it, and when he looked out again, the man who was eager to escape had already ran more than 20 meters away, with thick dust under his feet, almost covering his figure.

"What are you going to do? You're not allowed to leave until you've compensated for your losses!" the female boss shouted, holding the third man's arm tightly to prevent him from leaving.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

The third child stared at Xia Yan, swung his arms away, pushed hard with both hands, "Get out of here!" and rushed out of the door.

The tacit understanding over the years allowed the two of them to understand each other's intentions by exchanging glances, and they ran away separately. Regardless of whether they were poisoned or not, they ran as far as they could. She was alone and could not catch up.

Seeing that the opportunity had come, the two of them took action immediately.

The third child rushed out of the door like a leopard, jumped down the steps without losing momentum, hit the wall, held up his hands, jumped down the steps again and ran out of the building.

Before he could rejoice, a bone-chilling chill fell from the sky. When the sense of crisis struck, he had no time to think about rolling over to avoid it. He only heard the clanging golden sound piercing his side, only centimeters away from his skin. Causing a shudder.

Damn it, that woman just jumped down from the building!

While the yellow sand was flying, he saw Xia Yan quickly swinging the knife with a cold face through the slits of his eyes. The sunlight reflected the frightening light on the knife, which made his liver and gallbladder burst.

This is a skilled swordsman.

Suddenly, his rolling movements paused slightly, and then he felt a burning, unstoppable pain in his waist. He touched a hard bump with his left hand, and he wanted to spit out a mouthful of blood on the spot. He begged for mercy in panic and fear:




Xia Yan took a pair of severed legs that he had removed and aimed at the man with a thin voice who ran some distance away. He rounded his arms and threw them with all his strength. He saw a beautiful parabola in the air. After leaving the body, his legs that quickly became wooden became stiff and heavy. , very accurately hit the head of the man who turned around after hearing the scream.

His body swayed, and he fell limply forward to the ground like a noodle just out of the pot. The dust following his steps fell slowly, like a thin gray quilt covering him.

Xia Yan put away his professional bone chopping knife, and after making sure that the third child with missing legs could not move and escape, he walked towards the thin-voiced man.

The dusty man's head was sunken downwards, and the viscous liquid flowed downwards along the arc. He rolled his eyes and opened his mouth, breathing hard, as if he was in a deep coma.

Without changing his expression, Xia Yan sent the sword into his heart and sent him to hell.

She stood up and looked back to see what Lao San was doing, but unexpectedly saw the female boss in front of the small building waving to her, putting her hand on her mouth and shouting: "There is a big pool in the south, leave it there!"

Um, you want her to dispose of the body? Standing on tiptoe and looking out, there is really a big pit not far away.

Xia Yan wiped off the liquid on the sword and put it back into the system grid. He reached out and grabbed his legs and dragged them. He threw the body in according to the female boss's request. The only zombie under the pit was activated, screaming and pounced on it, biting and devouring it. .

She stood on the edge and wiped her hands with a wet wipe, looking at the fiddle-shaped hole dug by humans. This was probably to drive away zombies. After all, a dangerous building like that couldn't stop the zombie army.

The female boss carrying an empty bucket walked by with a happy face, followed by a few poorly clothed residents carrying small buckets. They walked along the edge of the pit to a low-lying area, bent down and jumped in with their legs bent.

From her angle, she could only see smiling faces emerging from the soil, looking at the zombies eating with excitement in their eyes.

Xia Yan glanced at Lao San, who was lying on the ground hugging his legs and wailing, and decided to watch for a while longer.

Fortunately, she didn't have to wait long, and the female boss took action.

She took out a small stick and hit the barrel, screaming, and the people behind her also followed suit, attracting the zombies in the blink of an eye.

She took a few steps forward and found a very strong iron fence erected between the two.

This is probably the most valuable thing in this hotel, but it is actually placed here...

The violent zombie slammed into it, opening and closing its fangs ferociously, its cataract-like eyes were cut by sharp iron thorns, and an unpleasant smelly liquid flowed out, and its arms covered with corpse spots passed through the gap, leaving only one The purple index finger scratched wildly, trying to stuff the fresh flesh and blood in front of him into his mouth to fill his insatiable hunger.

"Hurry up!"

"Catch it quickly!"

The person opposite the clinker was not afraid of backlash. He took out the pliers placed in the bucket, pinched the zombie's only finger with great precision, and then eagerly put the bucket under his fingers.

At this time, someone stabbed the zombies in the abdomen with force. The enraged and stupid zombies let them pinch their fingers and keep roaring and biting the iron fence.

"Poke it more!"


"I'm coming!!"

A group of people fell into a carnival. Xia Yan walked over to take a look and saw water trickling out from under the zombies' fingers, and more and more zombies gathered at the bottom of the barrel.

It turned out to be a water-type zombie with supernatural powers.

"Is this water drinkable?" she asked.

Maybe it was because she replenished energy for the zombies that she benefited from it. The female boss looked much better and explained, "You definitely can't drink it directly. You have to filter it and dry it in the sun. There are so many steps, I can't explain it in just a few words."

The residents standing next to her smiled with wrinkles on their faces. They didn't care at all about where the water came from, nor how much of it was finally able to enter. This was a way of survival that they had figured out little by little, and everything was just to stay alive. .

A zombie with sufficient energy throws out a lot of water, and basically every small bucket can be filled. However, the zombie is unconscious and cannot feel the physical discomfort caused by excessive use of powers. Its performance is very direct——


——Fell directly to the ground motionless.

Everyone was careful on the way back, using their thin arms to protect the hard-won water, even the female boss.

Xia Yan grabbed Lao San, who was still unwilling to give up and moved his knees to escape. After the portal opened, he kicked him in.

In front of the small building, they had already started the first cleaning process in an orderly manner. They looked at her and the rotating portal from time to time, wondering why she didn't go in yet. There was nothing worth remembering here.

Xia Yan hesitated for a moment, then took out a leaflet and handed it to the female boss.

"You can think about it. It's not a bad thing to get a points card. At least you can eat three meals a day. With a healthy body, you can continue to wait."

After saying that, she walked into the portal without looking back.

When the milky white light completely disappeared from the sky and the earth, busy residents gathered one after another, looking at the flyers with her hand and touching the stunned boss.

"I don't think she is a liar. She also helped us get rid of the harm. If there is still that thing tomorrow, let's go in and see if it's okay?"

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