Returned to the entrance of the supermarket.

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Dean Ji and his partner, who had been waiting anxiously at the door, bought a popsicle to cool down. When they were about to finish eating, the researcher suddenly pointed at the ripples and shouted excitedly: "Here they come, they are back!"

Dean Ji swallowed the last of the ice in one gulp, and his breath was cold.

After the portal was formed, the experimental subject flew out.

The researcher caught it quickly and felt something was wrong. The two looked down and asked in unison at the crying man: "Where is your leg?!"

Old Three: "Woo, it was cut by (that damn guy)."

Dean Ji and his partner looked at each other, "Was it by Boss Xia...?"

Old Three nodded in succession, with a ray of hope in his eyes, but who knew——

"Oh, that's okay, send the person back to the laboratory quickly, don't waste such a precious research opportunity!"

Old Three was stiff: You stinky old man, do you want to see what I'm saying? !

At this time, the ripples moved again, and Xia Yan walked out of the portal.

The third brother was horrified, desperately clung to the researcher's neck and pretended to be dead, whispering like chanting: "Take me away! I volunteer!"

Dean Ji had been eager to go home for a long time, and he wanted to fly back at this moment, but taking away the person who belonged to Boss Xia without saying a single nice word was really a shame for his age.

He cleared his throat and was about to say a series of standard templates.

Xia Yan raised her hand to stop him, "The person is in your hands, go and do the experiment."

Sorry, she is allergic to official language, and her scalp tingles just by listening to it.

After sending Dean Ji and the other two away, Xia Yan ran to the high-end restaurant for a tour.

Looking at the independently divided dishwashing room and the people standing inside who were being punished, Xia Yan sighed that it was a good thing that the work was handed over to Zhikang. She was not very patient, and she would definitely get angry if she repeated the same words too many times.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the store, Xia Yan planned to go back to the main store to rest. As soon as she stepped out of the door of the high-end restaurant, she saw the old customers who were squatting under the shade of the trees across the street stand up and sell their goods.


Xia Yan looked down at the homemade agricultural products on the ground.

She walked over. On the clean tablecloth were various dry goods with their mouths opened, and next to them were fresh fruits and vegetables that had been detoxified. At the end, there was a cookie paper with a low price marked in distorted handwriting.

Qi's mother, who was standing behind the stall, nervously hooked her fingers together. The elderly uncles and aunts at the stalls next to her did not dare to say a word, and stared at Xia Yan anxiously.

How could she not be afraid? Boss Xia's store has only been open for a few days, and they are taking advantage of the loophole to sell things. They also have a supermarket. Isn't this obviously stealing business!

The food prices in her store are so cheap that even the poorest people can afford to eat, and they don't have to experience hunger until their eyes go black, and their stomachs hurt like they were thrown into a spin dryer.

It's not an exaggeration to say that she gave them a second life, but people have to move forward, and people without support have to find a way to survive...

"We just came here and didn't sell anything," Qi's mother licked her lips, her voice trembling, "We don't sell anything, we'll pack up now."

"Hey, we'll leave soon."

Seeing this, the others squatted down and tied their bags to pack up, fearing that they would be unhappy with the boss if they were a step slower.

If there were no crystal cores in their pockets and they couldn't protect themselves when they went out, who would be such an unkind person, alas.

"No need to pack up," Xia Yan stopped their actions and said with a gentle smile, "I agree that you can set up a stall here, just take the garbage away when you leave and clean up the ground."

She agreed!

Everyone's hands froze, and a hot breath rushed into their hearts, and after being squeezed, it rushed to their eyes and brains, sour and astringent.

Xia Yan's idea was very simple. These people were not strangers. No one knew better than her how they lived and whether they had crystal cores in their pockets. Her industry was not something they could interfere with. If possible, why not give them a way out?

Xia Yan listened to the thanks in her ears, nodded with a smile and left.

Just adding a little bit of insignificant water was a great blessing to them. The lives of the lower-class people were visibly bitter.

After leaving the holiday gate, she went to the office in the base, where job positions were updated and admission information was announced at any time.

It was clearly afternoon at this moment, and everyone should be collecting supplies outside the base, but the long queue inside the door went around the corner at the end of the street.

Chu Wanfu led his men in a hurry, frowning and looking along the long queue, and then disappeared behind the door.

After a while, the staff came out with a notebook to register information. After all the information was counted, they stood on a high platform and began to call out names:

"*****, the young people mentioned above do not need to queue up. You do not meet the requirements of the elderly, the weak, the sick and the disabled. Pack up and apply to join after the teams come back in the evening, and prepare to go out for "hunting" tomorrow!"

The people in the queue wailed and begged the staff to give them a chance. Leaving the city means putting your head on your waistband. You might laugh now and die the next moment. It is not as easy as working in the city.

The terrifying experience of escaping from the zombies constantly wears away everyone's courage. They are hungry and sleep poorly, and their spirits are on the verge of collapse. Suddenly, they arrive at a place where they can live a stable life, and their relaxed nerves can no longer be tense.

"No! If every young and strong person hides in the back, who will protect the base? Now the end of the world has not passed, and everyone has to shoulder the responsibility of protecting the safety of the base!

If the zombies besiege the city, no matter who you are, as long as you have a breath left, you must take up arms to protect your homeland! "

The staff spoke loudly, with a solemn expression, like a fearless warrior about to rush to the battlefield.

The survivors looked at her and couldn't say a word. They were also struck by the heaviness and unity in her words. After a few seconds of silence, some people gradually walked out of the team.

Xia Yan saw that Chu Wanfu was also trying to release more jobs and try to arrange for vulnerable groups to work, but the number of people was huge and he couldn't take care of all of them for the time being.

Well, although she felt that she couldn't arrange them all in the future.

Xia Yan turned and left.


The sound of the alarm clock was getting higher and higher, and the sharp high pitch could deafen the ears.

An angry hand grabbed it and threw it directly at the opposite wall.


After the alarm clock dutifully beeped twice, it gloriously "died".

Xia Yan sat up with messy hair, her eyes still filled with irritation from being woken up.

Why did she believe the sentence on TV "Use your favorite music as an alarm clock to start a beautiful and happy day"? !

Big liar.

She is now full of resentment towards this song.

After washing her face and applying skin care products, she collapsed on the sofa to punish herself with a cold drink.

There is no fire that cannot be extinguished by ice cubes, and if it doesn't work, just have two cups.

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