I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 406: Scared to death

She walked slowly into the lobby of the hotel in slippers.

The group of people sitting on the sofas, feeling anxious, saw a familiar figure and immediately felt like a burnt victim rescued from a sea of ​​fire.

"Boss Xia!" You can really sleep.

Xia Yan glanced at him and didn't recognize him, "What's the matter?"

Seeing that they didn't speak, Xia Yan took the elevator to the second floor to eat.

The eight people looked at each other, not understanding what she was up to, and didn't dare to ask, watching the elevator door close.

"Then, let's sit for a while?"

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One of them touched his butt and chose to stand, "I'm used to sleeping on a wooden bed, and I always feel that I don't have support when sitting on this sofa, and my butt is very empty."

The others had the same idea. After a brief discussion, they decided not to sit and go outside to clean the car.

This is a newly acquired carbon bicycle, with a five-digit price tag. In the past, they would not even look at this kind of bicycle, without even a protective shell. They rode it to make snacks for zombies, right?

But it’s different now. Following Boss Xia, the price is a bit attractive.

Xia Yan didn’t know them at first, but she recognized them when she saw 8 bicycles.

β€œAre you the publicity team sent by Chu Wanfu?”


β€œThat’s perfect. Help me collect a lunch box, and then we’ll set off.”

There is strength in numbers, and more people make it easier to work.

Xia Yan stood with her hands behind her back and smiled at their busy backs. It was really comfortable to use free labor.

After collecting the lunch box and riding the electric bike, she looked up the order information and confirmed the delivery.

A portal appeared on the embossed wall carving in the hall. After it was formed, Xia Yan rode in first, and the publicity team followed behind on bicycles.

After crossing the door, it was pitch black in front of her eyes. A damp and sticky air flow shuttled between her breaths. The air was dull and stagnant, and soon a thin layer of sweat broke out on her body.

The publicity team instantly became alert, quickly got off the car and gathered back to back, gathering superpowers in their hands ready to attack at any time.

Looking at the portal again, the faint light seemed unable to penetrate the darkness, and it was disappearing quickly after completing the teleportation task.

It was too late to go back now!

It was pitch black all around, and the footsteps were soft as if they were stepping on the corpse of a huge beast. A kind of blind fear madly attacked everyone's heart.

Did we get separated from Boss Xia?

At this moment, a beam of light lit up in front, and a familiar female voice muttered in dissatisfaction and madness:

"Finally found the button. What the hell is this place? Did I fill in the wrong address again?!"

"It's Boss Xia!"

After seeing her face clearly, everyone felt relieved and hurriedly pushed the car to her side.

Xia Yan frowned and looked at the range illuminated by the headlights.

The air here seemed to be sticky as if it had substance, and even the light was blocked, and it could only illuminate a distance of one or two meters.

She took out the flashlight, turned it to the brightest, and looked around her side.

The barrel-shaped light first fell on a yellow object covered with brown spots. As the aperture moved, she realized that it was a huge yellow leaf.

The light went up along the petiole, and the rough and grooved trunk appeared in front of her eyes. Then, the gradually branching branches were densely packed at the end of the light, making it hard to imagine how tall the plant was.

Sweeping along one of the stems, the diffuse aperture illuminated the countless dense leaves growing at the end.

They clearly saw the tiny pores clustered together under the leaves.

Everyone immediately lowered their heads and covered their eyes and wailed.

This is definitely a disaster scene for intensive phobia.

If it is a normal plant pore, the naked eye cannot see the details, but when it is magnified to two or three meters, it is painful to look at it.

But Xia Yan did not miss the spike in the middle of its leaf that can stand up to the sky, and the sharp needle tip can easily penetrate the flesh and blood.

She shook the flashlight again and was surprised to find that it was this kind of spike that could reflect the tiny light.

She really couldn't imagine that anyone could survive in such an environment.

Human life is really too tenacious.

She tried to find a path left by human activities among the dense branches like the primeval forest.

The space ability users in the propaganda team took out the flashlights they bought in the supermarket, distributed one to each person, and joined the path-finding team.

Nine light circles instantly illuminated the space they were in.

The main trunks were surrounded, and the rotten leaves under their feet were large and soft, which could hide the footsteps very well.

The propaganda team did not have to worry about making too much noise, but they were also afraid that there was no sudden attack by mutant beasts just now.

The light circles lit up in the dark can bring great security to people who rely on vision.

At this moment, Xia Yan heard a faint rustling sound, as if something was turning around quietly.

She stopped suddenly, and her whole body entered a combat state. The flashlight quickly swept left and right, up and down, alert not to miss any changes.

Her abnormality attracted the attention of the propaganda team, and all members were on alert.

The beam of light in Xia Yan's hand swept past a certain place and immediately returned.

Then she burst into a swear word.

The propaganda team followed and shone the light, gasping for air and getting goose bumps all over their bodies.

The back of the leaf, which was originally full of pores, turned in a different direction at some point, and the front leaf, which was covered with velvet, also had a spike in the middle, but there was a change at the base of the spike, and a skull-shaped ball appeared!

What was even more outrageous was that the skull ball's head looked hollow at first glance, but after being illuminated by the light, a thumb-sized red fruit gradually appeared, with countless meridians connected throughout the body, and several of the thickest ones tremblingly stretched out in the breath.

The end of the hanging meridian split open, scratching the void like a baby's hand.

But who dares to believe that it is powerless?

Looking at the overwhelming milky white "little hands", Xia Yan sighed again, "What kind of hell is this place?"

The propaganda team wanted to cry but had no tears. Who said that following Boss Xia would be safe? I will definitely not beat him to death when he comes out!

If he could do it again, he would never raise his hand to sign up.

Xia Yan sighed deeply, put the electric bike back into the system grid, and took out the RV.

"You guys come up too, this hell is too hard to ride a bike through."

She sat in the driver's seat and turned on the high beam. A fan-shaped light penetrated the darkness very domineeringly, directly illuminating a hundred meters away, and a trampled and somewhat sunken road was across 30 meters.

The space ability user put away the bicycle and followed the car. The eight people put their hands close to the seams of their pants, raised their heads and chests, and looked straight ahead.

Under the broad and bright headlights, countless leaves turned toward the light, and ghost hands fell one after another, swaying and shaking in unison against the dark background, giving a terrifying sense of hell.

Sitting in the RV, Xia Yan felt very safe and tapped her fingers lightly, and turned back to see if anyone had come upβ€”β€”


Eight bloodless faces, with their heads not lowered, drooping pupils and large white eyeballs staring at her.

"What are you doing!"

Xia Yan slapped her violently beating heart and couldn't help cursing.

She absolutely understood the three words "pig teammates"!

She was not scared to death by the ghost hands, but she almost died tragically at the hands of the propaganda team!

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