The eight people were also frightened by her roar and took a few steps back. They were pale and yelled the Eight Honors and Eight Shames in their hearts.

Xia Yan's face was no worse than theirs.

At that moment, she thought she was doing some deadly underworld mission again...

Taking a deep breath, she gritted her teeth and said, "Can you say a word when you come up? No matter how righteous your face is, it can't withstand the death ray, you know, sit down."

She was tall enough to be a soldier, and she was sitting and looking up. At that moment, she almost drew her knife.

The propaganda team knew that they were in the wrong, but the small sofa couldn't sit eight people, so they just sat down on the spot, straightened up and looked serious.

Xia Yan, who had recovered, stretched out her finger to press the switch, and the engine started to buzz. The RV started and moved towards the silent "forest".

30 meters away was a horizontal sunken path. The road was not wide and could only accommodate three people walking side by side.

As soon as the wheels pressed on, Xia Yan clearly felt her body sinking down, and it was difficult to walk. Moreover, the stems of the ‘ghost hands’ above this road were longer, almost at eye level with her. If she were walking, her hair would just be caught, so...

She looked at the road ahead illuminated by the lights. If she walked upright, she would be in danger. Crouching and crawling over was also an option.

Affected by the obstacle removal function of the RV, the ghost hands were driven aside before they could touch her, and separated to the left and right like a beaded door curtain being lifted.

Xia Yan stepped on the accelerator hard, and the RV, which was deeply trapped in the rotten leaves, rushed out immediately.

She accidentally glanced at the rearview mirror inside the car. Under the reflection of the taillights, countless ghost hands were dyed red and followed the car, reaching out to the headlights from a distance.

Due to the incomplete vision, just looking at these hands, there is really an illusion that people are escaping from hell and ghosts are chasing behind.

The further they went, the more sensitive the strange plant was to light. Before the headlights could reach it, the ghost hand had already reached down. However, based on the solid shell of the RV, Xia Yan just thought it was an exotic scenery along the way.

Until the road ahead was blocked by a huge, lying stone tablet.

Xia Yan braked slowly, and the light was divided into two pieces by the high edge of the stone tablet, forming a sharp shadow, and it was unclear what was on the top of the tablet.

She squinted and looked carefully.

"Boss Xia, open the door, I'll go down to see if there are other ways."

People who grew up under the red flag are not afraid of any unknown fear.

"Come and see what's on the stone tablet."

She stopped the propaganda team who wanted to get off the car to explore, and motioned them to come.

Several people came forward, bent down and looked through the glass.

It was black, and it seemed nothing special. The most lacking thing here is darkness, right?

Wait, it's a little different. Some places are darker and more textured.

Although it didn't move, everyone was keenly aware that there was a line of sight staring at it.

"What is that?"

"It shouldn't be a mutant, there are no reflective spots in the eyes."

"Observe it for a while, maybe we can take the initiative to attack."

Several people were discussing the battle plan as usual, and suddenly heard someone clearing a cough. Looking back, they saw Boss Xia looking at them with clear eyes and said:

"What do you want to do to my customers?"

"What is this...?"

"Are we there?"

Xia Yan jumped out of the car, raised her head and shouted: "I'm here to deliver the supplies, let your person in charge come out to receive them."

The shadow really changed after hearing it.

A tightly wrapped person in black clothes appeared at the edge of the light.

"Turn off the lights, I'll pick you up."

Xia Yan knew it was the owner of the goods as soon as she heard the smoky smell.

She got in the car, and when she was about to turn off the lights, she saw a small black cloth on the stele reaching into the light and grabbing it, and then it was pulled back.

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Xia Yan blinked and turned off the light.

Eyes that are used to light suddenly fall into darkness and cannot see anything, but this seems to have no effect on the man in black.

Xia Yan only heard a knock on the car door beside her, and the man motioned her to get out of the car.

She ignored it and waited for her retina to adapt before going down to put away the RV.

The man in black seemed to have just noticed the eight people walking behind her, and took a few steps back, cautious and alert, "Why did you bring so many people?"

Xia Yan made up a random excuse, "They are all working for me, and they protect my personal safety by the way."

Isn't it dangerous for a woman who is powerless to deliver goods alone?

It's understandable to bring a few bodyguards, it's reasonable.

He hesitated for a long time before saying, "Let's go, follow me. "

Xia Yan originally thought that he would lead the way around the stone tablet and lead to the residence hidden behind it, but he walked straight to the stone tablet and disappeared behind a protruding stone.

"Where are the people?" The propaganda team whispered, "Is this stone an illusion? It feels very real."

Xia Yan reached out and touched it. The surface of the coarse gravel was uneven, and the touch from the palm was very real.

"It's not an illusion, it's a real stone tablet."

"Didn't I tell you to follow? !" A mute voice came out from behind the disappearing stone, and then a round black cloth emerged (Xia Yan guessed it was the head).

"You walked too fast, I thought you turned on the invisibility." Xia Yan walked up and said lightly.

It was dark all around, and he was covered with a black cloth, doubly invisible.

The man in black paused without saying a word, turned around and grabbed something to climb up.

After a closer look, she realized why the people disappeared instantly. It turned out that there was a hidden staircase behind the stone gap. It was steep and narrow, with each step far apart and sharp edges, as if someone had chiseled it out with a hard block.

The black-clothed man was very agile and was not affected by his clothes at all. He climbed up in a few steps and stood at the top waiting for them.

Xia Yan followed closely and stepped onto the stone tablet, followed by the propaganda team.

Looking around, she was slightly shocked.

The surface of the stone tablet was wider than she had imagined. I don’t know where the scattered light came from, but the surface was brighter than the bottom. With eyes that have completely adapted to the darkness, she can clearly see that there are twelve or thirteen black-clothed people of different sizes gathered at the opposite edge.

Although she couldn’t see anything because she was wrapped up, Xia Yan knew that they were facing her.

She looked up and found that there was a space at the top. The strange plants that followed her all the way disappeared without a trace, replaced by vines that intertwined horizontally and vertically.

Maple-leaf-shaped leaves covered the vine, and only by moving the position could you see the milky white glow hidden in between - should it be called fruit? Xia Yan was not sure.

It was this thing that dispelled some of the darkness, so that she would not be blind.

After observing and hunting for curiosity, Xia Yan did not forget the purpose of this visit. She turned her head to look at the man in black and asked, "Where are the things?"

The man in black, who originally thought he was heading towards her, turned around and said, "Have you brought all the things?"


She looked at the propaganda team that the man in black had just been watching. They showed enthusiastic propaganda interest in the group of black-clothed people as soon as they came up.

The man in black hesitated and said to his companion over there, "We have to use your residence, otherwise there will be no place to put the things."

Xia Yan did not understand. Isn't this table quite spacious? Can't we put it here first? Do we have to move it to another place?

She thought she had to get off the stone tablet again, but she didn't expect the man in black to take her directly to the front.

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