
He crouched down, his movements concealed by his loose clothes.

When he stood up again, a hole more than one meter deep was revealed where he had just been.

"Put your things down, but don't put them on the bed."

Xia Yan was shocked. Could this be their residence? ?

It was even more unbelievable when he said there was a bed inside.

The bed must be at least 1.67 meters long, right? It seems that the hole is only that deep and half a meter wide at most. How can it possibly fit a bed that can sleep a person? ?


She bent over and looked inside in disbelief. At the bottom of the pit, apart from the chipped clay pots and wooden chopsticks, she actually saw a hole that stretched out.

The end of the bed exposed at the entrance is a simple bed made of vines and covered with large downy leaves.


It's so cramped, can I turn over while sleeping in it?

The faces of the publicity team that came up changed instantly after seeing it, and their eyes were even more complicated, showing that they were full of distress.

There are always people living harder lives than they can imagine.

The stimulated propaganda team seemed to have been beaten to death. They rushed to the crowd, frothing at the mouth, and tried their best to persuade them to join the base.

Xia Yan silently handed over a small portion of the food, expressing his gratitude to Chu Wanfu's decision.

There are still people who care about the survivors.

The man in black stood silently looking in the direction of the team, and Xia Yan couldn't tell what his emotions were.

On the other side, no matter how passionate the tone of the propaganda team was or how generous the conditions were, the people shrouded in clothes remained silent.

The black loose clothes are like a hard shell, and the thick and twisted stitches are unique magic blessings. Together they can block any inquiry from the outside world. No one except themselves can know what they are thinking.

"Where to put the rest?" she broke the silence.

The man in black turned sharply in her direction, and then moved his legs after his thoughts returned.

This time he almost reached the northern end of the monument.

After struggling to remove the stone, he hunched over and panted. Xia Yan saw the black cloth outline the irregular undulations on his waist, as if there were many bulges hidden under his clothes.

The man in black felt her gaze that lingered for too long and straightened his back immediately.

Xia Yan moved his eyes away and focused on the new pothole. This residence had steps going down and it should be larger inside.

He stopped stretching his legs and said hesitantly: "Let your people come in to help?"

Xia Yan looked at him and smiled for a moment.


She called over the publicity team who were surrounding her and tried to persuade them, "Go down and help me with my work."

The publicity team was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

They were not fools. After a long time of persuasion and no response, Boss Xia suddenly asked them to help. It was obvious that the leader did not agree and was politely refusing.

Thinking about it, they were impatient. How could a person who had survived until now leave his original residence just because of the persuasion of a stranger?

No matter whether the conditions here are difficult or not, it is true that they survived.

Xia Yan was the last one to go down.

Looking at the dark hole, she planned to light a birthday candle for lighting after going down for a while - the flashlight was too bright. If she could escape if another light-loving plant was attracted, what would happen to these aborigines?

Her feet darted here and there, feeling for the steps in the darkness.

But in the blink of an eye, a dim glowing white light stretched out under her feet, barely illuminating the next step.

It was the man in black holding a strange-shaped fruit to help her light the way.


Xia Yan took advantage of the situation and quickly went down, stepping on the ground before taking the time to look at the thing in his hand.

This thing is very similar to what I just saw on the vine.

She glanced around, and the space here was indeed much larger. There were several such fruits placed in the corner, and the light emitted was darker each one.

But it's very ugly, terribly ugly, probably because it can't see the sun, and its growth pattern is very random - one lump grows in the east and the other grows in the west, like a deformed tumor.

The man in black put the fruit on the only table in the room, raised his hand to make a small tip under his clothes, "Put the rest of the things there."

Xia Yan put the remaining supplies in the direction of his fingers, handed him the order form, and asked him to order the goods.

He was obviously stunned. He picked up and put down the hand covered in black clothes, and finally took it and held it still.

The propaganda team has been standing nearby. After looking at the bottom of the cave, they vaguely knew the purpose of the man in black - they were living a good life and would not leave.

This room not only has a spacious stone bed, but also simple carved furniture.

Under the bright light, we can see several rattan cages beside the bed. Inside are half-frames of similar fruits. Although they are not delicacies, they are good as long as they can fill the stomach.

"I see you didn't buy a bedding this time. Next time you go to my place, just ask a staff member to take you through the resort gate to the main store. I also have a clothing store there. and hardware stores, I think you can use them.”

Xia Yan touched the hard surface of the stone bed, which looked like thousands of years of ice. People would definitely get sick if they slept on it.

There is no sun here, the air is not circulated, it is cold and humid, and sleeping on this kind of bed, it is normal to get rheumatism.

Thinking of this, she raised her eyes and looked at him, "By the way, you can still go to the hospital in the base to prescribe medicine for treatment. You go to Dr. Sang. She is an orthopedic expert and has first-class medical treatment. My own employees also get medicine from her." medicine."

The propaganda team followed suit, "Yes, I forgot to tell you just now that the hospital in the base is free. As long as you join the base, you will not only be provided with accommodation, but also receive relief food to get through the early days.

Brother, think about it. How can people live in this place? If you get sick, won't you just wait to die? Change your environment and live a good life."

The dim light covered the shaking smock of the man in black.

He took a deep breath silently, trying to suppress the emotions that were about to erupt, and stiffly spit out a sentence: "No, we are in good health, not as pretentious as you."

Everyone was stunned, not understanding why he would refuse.

The man in black walked to the side of the supplies and threw the fallen packaging bag on top. His throat was cold and he said, "You can leave after delivering the things. We don't need to live anywhere else. Don't come again in the future. Live your own life."

"Hey, you--" The younger guy in the propaganda team couldn't stand it anymore and raised his voice and said, "We all want to help you, why do you talk like this?!"

The man in black threw the packaging bag heavily on the ground and roared angrily, "What does my talk have to do with you? You gave me things because I paid for the crystal core!

As soon as you get here, you act high and mighty and pity others. Do we need your pity? What identity do you have to let us join the base?! Where were you when the disaster happened? Now you are all emerging as saviors?

No need! We can survive on our own!!"

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