The hoarse voice circled and sprinted through the cave, angrily attacking everyone's ears.

He breathed heavily without concealing his anger, and his body under the dark robe was uncontrollably trembling.

When we needed help the most, where were the people who should have helped?

The companions who fled here together to live a hard life became weaker and weaker due to the damp and dark environment, and finally died with their eyes closed. Where were those people? !

They had prayed devoutly in their hearts countless times, looking forward to the day when all the vines above their heads would be cut off, and a heroic team would appear, telling them that the end of the world was over and the precious era of peace would come again.

But after waiting day after day, until pimples grew on their bodies, their eyes became useless, and the terrible 'devil' came, they realized in despair that they would also die from pain...

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝔰𝔥𝔲.𝔫𝔢𝔱

Oh my God, I have been doing my duty in life and being kind to others, so why have I not been rewarded with good things!

The man in black raised his head and faced the thick stone wall. He seemed to have passed through all the obstacles and finally saw the rising sun that could make people feel warm all over.

The light cast by the entrance of the cave dimmed. His companions heard the noise and rushed over, standing silently in a circle.

Although you couldn't see their expressions, there was a deep sadness overflowing from them.

The night is a hotbed of sadness, like a special magnifying glass that clearly magnifies every painful memory, and then turns into a dull knife to slowly cut the flesh.

The propaganda team felt like a giant beast roaring and rampaging in their chests.

"Brother, maybe you don't know. Disasters happen everywhere at the same time. Just like the flu, the more people there are, the more serious the virus will spread. Hospitals, schools, supermarkets, stations...anywhere where people gather, the virus will spread." spread explosively in a short period of time.”

"A small county has at least hundreds of thousands of people, let alone a first- and second-tier city? How can we be there for everyone in need of help instantly after receiving the mission?"

The man in black remained motionless.

The publicity team has stopped talking and I don’t want to say more.

The atmosphere became condensed, and there was no sound outside the cave. There was no chirping of birds or insects, and the silence was terrifying. It was as if they were the only ones alive in the world, quietly waiting to die in this tomb-like cave.

In such an environment, it is already rare for people to not go crazy, and it is understandable if their ideas are radical.

Xia Yan found the little man in black and tried to distinguish his outline in the dark, but found that he was not thin.

The man in black who was looking at the sky in the cave suddenly hunched over and coughed heartbreakingly, as if some internal organs would be spit out in the next second.

The men in black standing at the entrance of the cave climbed down the ladder one after another, gathered around him to form a protective circle, stretched out their hands to pat his back to calm him down, and looked at them from time to time, as if asking you why you haven't left yet.

Xia Yan's eyes kept falling on the little man in black. He must have been the one who touched the light earlier. If he saw correctly, he didn't dare to touch the ground with his right foot, so he could only tap his toes.

"Ahem, cough, I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me. I won't die for a while." The man in black straightened up again and waved to the propaganda team, "Sorry to bother you, if I don't send it away, you will just pretend that I haven't been here today. here!"

The little man in black followed and took a step forward, sliding his hands under his burqa, meaning you should go quickly.

Xia Yan has never been kicked out by anyone before. Even Lin, who rejected people thousands of miles away, has never done this to her. Today is really strange. Although he didn't say it to her directly, the publicity team was also brought by him. people.

As the saying goes, when it comes to beating a dog, it depends on the owner...

"That's almost it. I understand that you are mentally distorted because you can't see the sun, but why are you angry at them? They are very unjust! Moreover, maybe the group of people responsible for rescuing you have died on the way. You can't do it because you didn't see it. , ignoring their efforts.

Everyone is running to the major bases, but look here, it's dark and humid, and getting sick is the norm! Tsk, you are not willing to take risks, but you also expect someone to risk their lives and travel through the restricted area to look for possible survivors? What are you thinking, your life is life, not others? "

If she is unhappy, the other party will not be happy either.

The propaganda team may not be able to say too harsh words due to regulatory restrictions, but she is not free of speech.

They have really found an outlet. All the reasons that led to the current tragic situation are all due to the failure to rescue in time. They clearly know that they can only rely on the local troops to save hundreds of thousands of people. What a dream, right?

He was almost brainwashed.

Xia Yan stared at his burqa, "It's their fault for emotionally inviting you to join the base. Let me ask you, at first you saw living people being bitten beyond recognition, and then they turned into zombies and got up and chased the living people. When people were running, was your mind clear? Did you do anything you shouldn’t have done?”

In order to survive, is there anything you can't do?

The person under the burqa suddenly froze, and the unforgettable fragment automatically emerged——

It was a sudden outbreak of chaos, with scalp-numbing screams and cries instantly erupting above the mall. The crowd in the center ran around, violently pushing those on the periphery who had no idea why but wanted to watch the fun.

"Run!! You guys hurry up and run!!"

"There's a monster eating people in the back!"

"Is it true or false? In a society governed by the rule of law, there are people who actually flout the law? It must be photographed and posted online for netizens to judge!"

"Don't block the road, please run quickly, wuwu, I'm catching up with you."

"Shoot! Go to hell!"


The man in black couldn't help but take a step back, his lips trembling slightly.


The goose-yellow birthday candles were lit, and the orange CD player dispersed the darkness and shrouded the cave, reflecting Xia Yan's calm eyes and the long shadow behind her.

"You - are you going to convict me? I don't want to, but he -" The man in black swallowed hard, his voice filled with nervousness and fear.

The man was pushed by him and died, and it was him who caused it. It was his first time with amomum villosum, but if he didn't push him away, the zombies would catch up, and he would be the one bitten...

"You're overthinking. That's what the police did." Xia Yan looked at Guang and continued, "I'm just telling you, be strict with yourself and be lenient with others. You are doing the opposite."

She blew out the candles, opened the backstage, and cut out the portal.

A whirlpool of silver light suddenly appeared in the air, gradually expanding and taking shape, but it was soft and not dazzling.

Without looking at anyone, she walked in and disappeared behind the door.

The publicity team lined up to prepare. The second before entering, they looked back at the people in black and dropped a sentence that was on the tip of their tongues but could not be swallowed:

"You resent us for showing up late and failing to save more lives. Little do you know that we also regret day and night that we failed to save the lives of our parents, wives and children."

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