The propaganda team walked into the portal, their heels landed on the hard and clean floor of the hotel, and the light from all directions squeezed into their eyes.


Back in the hotel, out of the dark and humid environment, they should have felt relaxed, but at this moment they all half-closed their eyes and tried their best to keep expressionless.

"Come here to rest, and set off later."

Xia Yan waved while sitting on the sofa in the leisure area, with her hands wide open and eyes lazily closed.

After everyone sat down, she said lightly: "Don't have too much psychological burden, they will consider it themselves, and maybe one day they will take the initiative to join the base."

She didn't believe that after seeing the big sun on Lidai Island, they could still hold it in there? People can't live without sunshine in a place where they live, and they will go crazy after a long time.

But it was indeed a bad start.

The propaganda team was in high spirits, but they didn't expect to be poured with a bucket of cold water on their heads.

After staying there for a while, Xia Yan felt that her whole body was damp and mushrooms were growing on it, so she had to get some sun.

She got up and walked outside the store, and the dazzling sunlight shone directly on her, but it was pleasant.

She felt as if she hadn't been in the sun for a long time, and it felt really comfortable to walk in the sun. Her mood suddenly became open, as if washed by the light, and the unhappiness just now disappeared without a trace.

She looked around and found that there were few people in the base, including the new survivors who had entered the base. She didn't see any buildings under construction. Since the number of people in the base skyrocketed, Chu Wanfu was busy building buildings, expanding the territory and collecting supplies every day.

On weekdays, you can always hear people chatting in and out of the hotel to get water, and the sound of planing wood in the distance. Today, there was no sound, including the children playing.

Xia Yan walked to the aunt who was taking a nap against the door panel and asked softly where everyone had gone.

"Oh, the factory has been rebuilt, and they can come back for lunch at noon. Who are you looking for, boss? I'll help you run errands and call people." The auntie patted the dust off her butt enthusiastically, and her eyes were waiting for her answer.

Xia Yan declined.

"Okay, if you have something to say, just ask me. I'm just idle and have nothing to do, so I'll just take it as a leg exercise!"

She looked at the pile of sliced ​​fruits at the auntie's feet, smiled and nodded, saying that she would talk about it later.

After basking in the sun, she called the propaganda team again and rushed to the next address through the portal. Perhaps everything is difficult at the beginning, but it will be easy later. The team that re-planned the plan carried out very smoothly this time.

Xia Yan took out a small stool and drank herbal tea while watching the excited team recruit survivors.

The portal was always open. As long as someone was willing to join, they could pass through on the spot. A teammate was left on the opposite side of the door to arrange follow-up matters.

Of course, propaganda cannot be carried out in other people's bases. Wouldn't that be a slap in the face of the base leader?

So the propaganda point was placed at the entrance of the base, so that no one could control it.

The base commander had just received Xia Yan's supplies, and his eyes were shining as he held the food. He was still happy when he heard that they had set up a stall. He was shocked and angry, but he suddenly thought of something and asked his subordinates to actively cooperate with the other party's propaganda work.

Xia Yan looked at the lower-class people who walked out of the base gate tremblingly. How could he not understand that this was the base commander's intention.

Tsk, old squid, very dark.

The propaganda team accepted all the orders according to the leader's intention.

If they also despised the old, weak, sick and disabled, these people would really have no way to survive.

When several of the orders were delivered, the number of people joining the base suddenly increased sharply. The reason was that there were many survivors living outside the base who came to seek refuge, but the base could not accommodate so many people.

For them, returning to the original place was waiting to die, and the journey to the next base was very long and required crossing several cities. It was really dangerous. It was better to live outside the base and survive one day at a time.

"You are all kind-hearted people. I am so grateful. It is true that I have a limited number of people here and lack of food. You showed up just when I was having a headache. It is true that there are auspicious clouds above my head and God has mercy on me!"

The base chief held the hand of the propaganda team leader tightly with snot and tears. He cried so hard that his nose was severely blocked. He pinched his nasal cavity with his thumb and index finger, blew it hard, and shook it off. Then he raised one foot, wiped his fingers with the sole of his shoe, and held his hand tightly again.

The captain's body was stiff.

Xia Yan made a sound and turned his head to show his teeth.

Luckily, it was not his hand that was grabbed, otherwise he would have chopped it off directly.

In front of the base gate.

Base chief: "I will send you here. The rest of the way must be walked by you. There is a bright road ahead. It depends on whether you dare to break through. The only thing that cannot be defeated by wolves, tigers and leopards is the solid power! Do you have confidence?!"

Xia Yan:...

Propaganda team:...

"Ahem, open the door."

Squeaky creaky creaky

Xia Yan and the others were eager to get out of the awkward situation, so they walked out of the door without even looking up.


The door was locked.

It closed so quickly?

At this time, a series of sour and smelly smells approached with footsteps-

"They just came out! They should have food in their hands!"

"Big sister, please, give me something to eat!"

"Is there any water? Even a drink is fine."

"When will the city gate open? Did the base commander say anything? We can't wait any longer."

"Hungry! Hungry!"

The propaganda team looked at the crowd rushing over, their hearts trembling, and they turned their feet and hurriedly wrapped Xia Yan in the center to prevent these people from catching her.

Instantly, people were close to them, and pairs of hands were tightly grasping their clothes. Their eyes, bulging from hunger, looked around them blankly and dazedly. Their cracked lips were torn open and closed, revealing the tender meat inside.

"Don't push! Listen to me!"

"Be quiet! Be quiet!!"

The loud shouts of the propaganda team were quickly drowned out by the repetitive noise of chanting, and the pockets on their clothes were plucked by countless hands.

When a teammate picked up a piece of candy, it was like throwing a water bomb into boiling oil, and the situation was out of control.

"It's candy! It's candy!!"

"Give it to me! Give it to me quickly!"

"Spit it out!"

"Crack-crack, crack."

"Please, give me a small piece, just a small piece."

"Don't swallow it!"

The human-shaped vortex took shape in the blink of an eye. The team squeezed by the crowd tried their best to stand firm, and they kept shouting and admonishing.

At this time,

The bees turned to the maximum volume made a high-frequency piercing sound, and then a voice came out:

"Delivery-beep-quiet! Are you hungry? Do you want to eat?"

The swarming crowd seemed to have suddenly pressed the mute button, and all turned their heads to look at the middle of the team.

"Answer me, do you want to eat!"

Eat? Just hearing these two words, you can feel the extreme desire for food from deep in your cells.

Everyone shouted with all their might: "Yes!"

"Okay, as long as you follow my requirements, I guarantee that everyone will have a full stomach and eat until your mouth is full of oil!"

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