Xia Yan pinned the little bee to his collar to amplify the sound.

She patted the publicity team on the arm and said, "Let me out."

The squad leader turned back with a puzzled expression.

Can it be done? The general specifically warned that Boss Xia's personal safety must be protected.

Although, he felt that she might not need it...

"It's okay, just let me out." Xia Yan comforted.

The teammates looked at the captain, moved their steps after receiving the signal, and protected her side in a subtle way.

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The survivors waited eagerly until the young woman appeared in front of them with a smile and a smile, and the anxiety in their hearts was completely dispelled——

He was too young, with no trace of suffering left on his fair and clean face, and his cheeks even showed a healthy pink color.

As long as she says it, they will follow it without any thought!

The surroundings were quiet, with only the suppressed breathing coming and going, pairs of gray eyes staring closely, blood gushing out, sending excitement and anticipation throughout the body.

Xia Yan took out the long table and the GG card from the system grid, and placed the estimator and card machine on it. Then she took out a leather boss chair, ignored everyone's surprised looks, and sat comfortably, leaning on the table. The hands on the top are raised up in gestures.

“Now please listen carefully, if you want to eat, you must first apply for a card.

If you have a crystal core in your hand, please stand on the left side of me. If there is no crystal core, gold and silver jewelry can also be used.

The standards for redeeming Jinghe points are listed on this promotional board. Please understand clearly before queuing up to apply for the card. "

As soon as he finished speaking, the crowd suddenly became restless. They were either bending down to touch the insoles to pull out the crystal core, or touching their necks to pick off the necklaces, holding them in their hands and hurriedly squeezing forward.

They may not understand what is going on, but they only know that they are willing to try anything just to eat.

The crystal core stretched out under her eyelids had a sour smell. She held her breath and turned her head sideways, opening her lips and saying:

"Just put it into the machine."

"Where to put it? Here?"

The hand holding the crystal core was yelling randomly. The propaganda team couldn't stand it and pointed at the entrance of the crystal core.

The small crystal core slid in.

"Then what? Where's my food? I want to eat! You said you can eat it after you finish it! Are you lying to me!"

The first customer to apply for a card had his hands spread out, his head was covered with sweat, and his huge eyes were spinning in fear.

He was not afraid that the crystal core would be swallowed, but that his hope of eating would be shattered again, and the doubling of despair would crush a person alive.

He was too excited.

Xia Yan stood up, grabbed his wrist, stretched it out in front of his eyes, and shouted, "Don't worry, I'll tell you how to operate it."

Except for the person who applied for the card, no one else can see the specific contents of the card, but this does not include Xia Yan, after all, she is the boss.

"This is the main interface. There is a takeout option below. Click to enter. Yes, slide down. Did you see it? You can order all the food in it, as long as you still have points in the card!"

As the fingers slid, the customer's eyes widened to the limit, his heart hit his chest hard, and his nostrils fanned to send in a large amount of oxygen.

He shouted excitedly: "It's food! There's a lot of food! Help me get some!"

His fingers were shaking terribly, and he looked like he was about to cry.

This is the truest reaction of a person who is extremely hungry.

Xia Yan grabbed his finger and asked, "Rice or noodles?"

"Rice, rice! That's it!"

"Egg fried rice? Or tomato fried egg box lunch?"

"Bo-Lunch Box, Lunch Box!"

"Okay, the order is placed."

Xia Yan helped him close the interface and sit down again.

The customer's mind was filled with pictures of the box lunch he had just seen. He could no longer remember the taste of the meal, but his unbearable hunger told him that he could devour even two big steamed buns!

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"Rice--" Just when he was about to ask where the meal was, the space in front of him suddenly opened, and a lunch box wrapped in a big bubble fell from the sky.

"Something's coming!"

"It's food!"

The crowd surrounding him suddenly burst into exclamations, standing on tiptoes to see what was in the lunch box.

I felt itchy when I just listened to them choosing their meals, and now it’s even harder to breathe!

The customer stretched out his hand to catch it, the bubbles exploded and disappeared, and an opening animation played in the air. He no longer cared to watch, and couldn't wait to open the lid, and a rich aroma of rice filled his nostrils.

The thickened and bright soup contains quickly fried pink tomatoes and large pieces of browned eggs. It is so full that it almost overflows the edge of the bowl.

This is a freshly prepared meal! It’s not pieced together from scraps!

He couldn't bear it any longer. He didn't even have time to remove his chopsticks. He pulled it wildly into his mouth with his hands, chewed twice roughly and swallowed while holding his neck. His eyes were like a wolf's, staring at the people around him, and he warned everyone silently and fiercely, Don't come here to grab the meal, he will fight tooth and nail!

What he didn't know was that the moment the lunch box appeared, a protective shield appeared beside him that no one could pass through.

How else could he possibly eat safely?

The eyes of the people around him were no more fierce than his. They were all hungry wolves, glowing green.

Xia Yan tapped the table to attract everyone's attention, "Do you still want to apply for a card?"


Since they saw that they could really eat, everyone's willpower was strengthened to the point where they could easily support their exhausted bodies.

Xia Yan handed the card machine to the publicity team, and she focused all her energy on the universal appraiser.

"It weighs ten grams and can be exchanged for two thousand points. Do you want to exchange it?"

"Exchange it!"

"What do you want to exchange it for? A silver safety lock? It won't exchange for too many points."

"That's fine. As long as I can eat, I'll exchange anything!"

Xia Yan put the accessories into the system grid and happily transferred the corresponding points to the customer's account in the background.

The customer was happy, and she was happy too.

On the tower, the worried base chief poked his head out to look around.

"Don't let these people kill them. I just received a shipment of goods. Hey? They actually got food?!"

The patrolmen who had been watching the show here for a long time were amazed and excited: "Captain of the base, you don't know, this woman is really good at what she says."

Listening to his subordinates' admiring praise, the base commander smiled and said, "She is indeed very capable, but as the saying goes, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. If she really wants to rescue the survivors, she shouldn't put forward conditions and show off. She has to spend crystal cores to eat. It's not a great kindness!"

Patrolmen:... So sour.

The base commander's eyes fell on the group of "bare commanders" who had nothing to ask for, and he felt a little relieved. He pointed at them from afar.

"Look at that group of people. They don't meet the conditions and can't even get food. It's sad and lamentable."

They actually disturbed his military morale? It's really hateful.

He would only be convinced if he could get rid of all the people!

But that's impossible. This person has already shown that she is a businessman. She won't do anything without profit. This group of people will be a burden wherever they go. No one is willing to take them in.

The patrol team looked at him, then at the lively scene below, and moved their lips, holding back from continuing to speak.

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