The head of the base had his hands behind his back, and his conceited look made everyone itch.

He said it as if he had not ordered the group of people to be driven out.

If he had not prohibited the base from taking in outsiders, and refused to tell them the truth, and used the words that he would slowly arrange it later, these survivors would have left long ago.

I really don't understand why they neither gave them a way out nor let them go.

Is it that the leader's brain circuit is always different from that of ordinary people?

This book was first published on 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar → 96𝔰𝔥𝔲.𝔫𝔢𝔱, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters.

The patrol team looked down at the people who were lying on the ground with their mouths wide open and grinning, and couldn't help complaining in their hearts.

"Are they not going to pack up and leave? Are those people really not going to care?" The head of the base said anxiously.

The boss put away all the tables, chairs and benches he had taken out, and he was ready to leave immediately.

"Tsk tsk, it's really unreliable to rely on businessmen to save the country. It's as difficult as a sow climbing a tree or a man squatting to pee.

Brothers, your choice to follow me is absolutely correct. Only people like me can bring you a bright future!"

The base commander laughed and patted them hard, expecting a compliment in return.

The patrol team turned their heads in unison, and their voices were high and gloating: "Look, they opened the portal!"

"Are they going to leave? I knew they were such people - why did the group of survivors follow them in?!" He fell on the wall, looking at the scene in front of him in amazement.

The seven strong men who followed her walked among the crowd with notebooks. After a few simple words, they turned over and followed behind her, and finally got into the portal.

Then the strong man walked towards the survivors who had not participated in the card application. These people were poor and almost waiting to die, but after listening to them, happy and joyful smiles bloomed on their miserable faces. With the support of strong arms, they were carefully and properly sent into the portal.

After a few deep breaths, everyone packed their bags and lined up quietly, disappearing behind the door one by one.

The base commander was completely dumbfounded.

Who can tell him why everyone followed them? !

There is still a lot of use for them!

His eyes moved inch by inch to Xia Yan who was eating melons. Isn't she a businessman? Why is she doing a loss-making business!

The subordinates around him with sensitive hearing suddenly exclaimed: "It turns out that they are an official base, no wonder they are willing to take in survivors."

"What did you say?" The base commander looked ugly.

The man glanced at him disdainfully, "I said, these people are sent by the government to rescue survivors, and the people you look down on have finally waited for rescue! Base commander, we have different paths and cannot make plans together, goodbye!"

After that, he trotted downstairs, returned to his residence, rolled up his bedding, carried it on his shoulders and advertised it on the road, calling on the brothers who were on good terms with him, and went out of the city to join the new base.

Many people who didn't know thought that something big had happened in the base, and hurriedly packed up their things and followed behind, queuing up dizzily to pass through the portal.

The base commander standing on the city wall slapped his thigh in anger and immediately ordered people to block the city gates. Those who left were not allowed to come back. Then, an eviction notice and the reason for their expulsion were posted in each residence.

"What is the specific reason?" The subordinate blinked innocently.

The base commander had a heart attack, "... Just write that it was a malicious attack on the base commander!"

Turning his eyes, he saw Boss Xia wipe his mouth elegantly after eating the melon, waved to him and disappeared behind the door.

Outside the base, there was only a breath of life where humans lived...

"Open the city gates and clean up thoroughly!"


It was evening when they came back.

The base was crowded with people, and every household had its doors and windows open. The residents either squatted at the door and turned over dried fruits and vegetables and chatted with neighbors, or drank hot porridge with white porcelain bowls.

This time -

Pour the chopped onions and garlic into the hot oil, stir-fry quickly to produce a unique fragrance, and black smoke floated out of the pot, rising wisps and gradually dissipating.

The survivors who had just walked out of the hall stared at the scene in front of them in a daze.

The staff in charge of the reception came hurriedly, distributed room keys on the spot, and handed over a base code, which contained a map and the location of each office, so that the new residents could get familiar with the base as soon as possible.

Everyone followed the large group forward in a daze, and walked past the dried fruits and vegetables drying at the door of each household with a shaky step, and found their own room according to the number.

The key was inserted into the hole, turned, and the door opened. Simple furniture was placed inside, but everything was brand new, even the walls were painted with putty powder. The orange sunlight penetrated the glass, reflecting the entire room into a warm red.

They stood in the orange light, looking at the sunset in the sky, listening to the breath of life that symbolized peace, and their hearts suddenly felt sour.

Wandering around, just to pursue the word "stability".

"Boss Xia, are you busy?"

"Well, have you all eaten?"

A series of conversations floated clearly into the open window.

When they heard the three words "Boss Xia", all the new residents near the street rushed to the window and looked at the person who gave them hope.

"Boss Xia!!!"

Xia Yan still had a smile on her face. She looked up and saw a group of people pursing their lips as if they were about to cry, waving their hands at her.

She was stunned for a moment, waved her hands and said softly: "You have been assigned accommodation. Do you like the environment here?"

"I like it, I like it very much. If it weren't for you——"

"That's good. You are welcome to visit and dine in our store."


"I have something else to do, so I'll leave first." Xia Yan smiled with a sense of distance.

Looking at her back, the new residents felt a fear of making mistakes and were reserved. The people downstairs who had chatted with her thought about it and decided to be kind and give her some advice.

"Friends, since you just arrived, you may not know that the base commander of our base is General Chu.

It was his decision to order you to come back, arrange accommodation, provide free supplies, etc. You should thank the right person first. Boss Xia only opened a shop."


Xia Yan walked smoothly to the door of the office and tapped with his fingers.

"Come in."

Chu Wanfu, who was writing furiously, raised his head slightly, "Why did Boss Xia come here in person? Sit down first."

Xia Yan sat casually on the sofa and threw out the goods in his order form.

"Delivering to you."

"Didn't we agree in advance that I would send someone to pick it up? Why bother you to deliver it in person?"

After signing the last name, Chu Wanfu closed the pen, massaged his sore fingertips, and looked up at her.

"It's okay. I just happened to be strolling after dinner and came here on the way." Xia Yan said that it was okay.

The two had worked together for so long, and Chu Wanfu sent eight helpers to work for her for free. They just delivered the goods along the way, and she didn't have to carry them herself. This way of rewarding her was very popular.

"Okay." Chu Wanfu leaned back in the chair, relaxed his shoulders and neck, stretched his legs hidden under the table, and felt extremely comfortable in his knees.

He smiled, "Just-"

"General, Dean Jiang Li has something urgent to find you!"

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