I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 413 Making Money Without Going Away

Come to him at this time?

Chu Wanfu stood up and said, "Please come in quickly.

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When Xia Yan saw that he had a guest, she was about to stand up and leave. As for what Chu Wanfu was about to say, she no longer cared.

As soon as she walked to the door, the soldiers pushed away from the outside, followed by Jiang Li and Dean Ji. One was holding bags of soil, and the other was holding a thick stack of research materials. They were even more happy to see her with their already smiling faces. .

"Boss Xia is here too!" Jiang Li said in surprise, "I was just going to look for you, but I didn't expect to meet you here by chance!"

Xia Yan: "Please tell me."

After Jiang Li and Dean Ji exchanged glances, they smiled and said, "It's not a big deal. We just want to ask whether the official detoxification shop can purify the seeds? Will they be inactivated?"

These two people never make any mistakes, so they can ask...

Chu Wanfu's thoughts were spinning rapidly and he said anxiously: "Did the soil test show the results?"

Dean Ji nodded, the wrinkles in his eyes filled with joy, "Yes, the test results are very good, and the soil has sufficient nutrients. As long as the disinfection work is done well, and the improved and enhanced seeds are sown, production and planting can be started immediately!"

This is absolutely great news!

Chu Wanfu was happy and said hello three times!

What he fears most now is that he has no food backing, and he never wants to experience the days of internal chaos without food or water.

"But not all land can be planted. General Chu, only five of the soil samples you sent me met the standard." Jiang Li stopped her smile and became slightly serious.

It's not that she wants to throw cold water on her when she's happy, it's just the fact that the current situation is not suitable for whitewashing the peace.

But it is undeniable that Chu Wanfu's high mood dropped rapidly.

Dean Ji reminded him, "Don't think so much now, seize the time to plant now. If you don't accumulate small steps, you won't reach a thousand miles. It will be fine in the future."

Chu Wanfu nodded, took the document, and checked whether suitable soil was near the base.

Jiang Li and the other two looked at Xia Yan, who had not yet answered the question just now.

"No problem, it won't be inactivated," she said.

While the three of them were chatting, she had already read the precautions of the detoxification shop and was very sure that it would not affect the seeds.

"This is great!"

Xia Yan smiled and found an opportunity to say goodbye and leave.

They definitely had to talk about something. It was inconvenient for her as an outsider to be present, and she was not willing to participate in the construction of the base.


The high-end restaurant's customer service is changed to three times a day, appearing randomly around the world.

The more times we meet, the more people gradually accept it and try to enter.

As a result, more and more customers came to Lidai Island, and Xia Yan became very busy. There were more "rich people" from all over the place than she imagined. New customers came to the water house and bubble house every day. The minimum lease term is one month, and the maximum term is three years of direct full payment of rent.

Every evening, you can always see residents who have eaten and gone for a walk. They have to go to the supermarket for an hour every day, looking at the replenished products on the shelves and smiling happily.

After taking the time to clean up the remaining eleven private villas, they were rented out to base commanders from various places one after another.

The storage area is full of people coming and going every day. Except for those with spatial powers, almost every customer is in urgent need of a safe place to store supplies.

The storage space in front of you is the best choice, and no one can refuse such a 'temptation'.

Xia Yan discovered that, except for the one-square-meter lattice cabinets, which were not selling so well, the rest of the storage space was selling well!

The storage area with an area of ​​​​10,000 square meters was directly taken over by several large households. With a wave of their hands, half a year's rent was directly paid, and people were brought in and out to store supplies on the spot.

Xia Yan's face turned sour from laughter.

Bai Huahua's points were credited into his account in a flash. Almost every time he blinked, the number would change and rise, which was more stable than an electrocardiogram!

Make money while lying down! Make money while lying down! !

"Boss, I have a question. I can't send people to stay here all the time. If I want to get some supplies, how do I get them?"

Xia Yan paused, this is a good question.

Chu Wanfu was very close to the local customers, so she had never considered this issue, but how could the other out-of-town customers come back? If you need it urgently, you can't wait for three random opportunities when a high-end restaurant recruits customers, right?

She opened the storage area operation backend, clicked the settings button, and multiple drop-down options popped up in front of her eyes.

After browsing all the way to find the quick entry and exit settings, confirm to open it. The daily limit is adjusted to five times. If you exceed the number today, you can only enter after refreshing at 12 o'clock in the morning.

Finally, Xia Yan synchronously loaded the changed information to the score card. Under the storage area page, there was an additional word "Enter".

After the loading was successful, every customer who rented a storage space felt their wrists feel warm, and their points card flashed to indicate that they had received a new message. After following the steps to open it, they looked at the word "Enter" and did not understand the specific meaning, but when they pointed their fingers When I clicked on it, my eyes flashed, and I instantly appeared in front of the door of the storage area.

The big customer couldn't help but sigh, "Boss Xia is really efficient and happy to work with."

Xia Yan smiled and said nothing.

At this moment, someone behind him suddenly exclaimed.

"Ah, you are really a big boss!"

She turned around and saw that it was the female boss she had met before.

Behind her were a group of residents in the earthen building, looking around in curiosity and shock.

"I thought you were a big liar, but I didn't expect you to have such a big business. I blame my dog ​​eyes for looking down on you. I swear, you are definitely the richest boss I have ever met in my past and present lives!" The female boss laughed at herself with an exaggerated expression.

She read the flyer over and over countless times, struggling between taking risks and maintaining the status quo. Reason told her that she should stay safe and sound. Anyway, she had been through this before, so it didn't matter if she waited any longer, but the scene of that day kept replaying in her mind.

After seeing the promotional GG played in the air again, she got excited and asked the residents who were also looking up: "Why don't we go in and take a look?"

Everyone was stunned and soon looked at a loss.

"Let's take a gamble, a bicycle becomes a motorcycle. You are already like this anyway, what if you find a new way out? Let's go in together."

After saying this, the big stone in her heart was put down, and she was more determined to go and take a look.

"Then," the head that stuck out of the window looked around, drawing courage from the other person's subtle changes in expression, "Let's go?"

"Okay!" The female boss jumped up, patted the dust off her butt, and waved vigorously, "Hurry downstairs, and leave immediately! Security."

"Woof woof!"

The local dog with a wisp of yellow hair on its head heard the owner's call, ran downstairs, jumped into her arms, and excitedly wagged its tail.

The female boss pressed down the dog's head that wanted to lick her face, faced the protective shield, led the residents, and walked in with firm steps.

"Countdown 5...1."

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