Xia Yan felt a little friendly when he saw her, probably because they both ran inns.

"Just arrived?"

"No, I've been here for a while. We went around the high-end restaurant."

The endless food counter in the buffet restaurant automatically appeared in the female boss's mind. The customers who ate there didn't even sit at the table, but stood in front of the counter and wolfed down their food, which made them curious.

What delicious food could make so many people lose their composure!

They stood up from their seats and looked out through the gaps in the crowd on tiptoe - damn! The table was filled with delicacies from the mountains and the sea!

Whether it was running on the ground, flying in the sky or swimming in the sea, there was everything on the table!



The sounds of swallowing saliva and hungry intestines rang out at the same time, and everyone felt an unprecedented hunger that pounced on them like a tiger.


I'm so hungry.

Even thinking about it now, she felt happy and painful.

"Gurgle gurgle~"

Xia Yan was sure that she heard it correctly, it was the sound of hunger.

The female boss explained awkwardly: "It's too expensive inside, we can't afford it."

1888 per person, grab the crystal core.

Xia Yan coughed lightly and said: "You shouldn't have been to the main store yet, I will take you to visit it?"

The female boss: "Yes, I haven't been there, but I don't know if it's far, we may not have the energy to walk..."

Since leaving the restaurant, their stomachs have been even more empty and painful. Not only are they weak all over, but they also start to feel dizzy. After seeing the high prices of the restaurant, they didn't dare to go into the supermarket when they passed by - the group of people at the door were obviously big guys.

Even the big guys have to line up, so they, the little guys, should not join in the fun.

"It's not far, just go out."

Xia Yan led people out of the storage area, and the holiday gate stood quietly ten meters away.

The female boss was surprised, "I didn't see it when I came just now--"

"Well, I called it, please come in." She walked in first.

The female boss and her group looked at each other, looked back at the strangers gathered at the door of the storage area, and gritted their teeth and stepped in.

Outside the door, Xia Yan stood quietly, watching them cross the door without emotion, and then they were shocked and surprised, followed by constant praise and sighs. She smiled and waited patiently--

It's really seen too many times, every customer has this expression, just like listening to the same song hundreds of times, her heart is as calm as water.

She took out the store introduction brochure and handed one to each of them.

"The second and third floors are restaurants, not only providing meals all day, but also at very favorable prices, everyone can afford it."


The golden elevator arrived at the first floor, opened to both sides after a crisp sound, and a group of people walked in.

The smooth and bright walls clearly reflected the restraint on their faces. It's not that they haven't taken an elevator before, but this is the first time in the end of the world.

I really experienced the excitement and restrained cautiousness of Granny Liu when she entered the Grand View Garden!

The female boss cried in her heart. With such luxurious decoration, who would believe that the food in the restaurant was cheap! And everyone could afford it? Oh, is it so difficult to be a person these days? ! If I don’t order some food now, can I justify the boss’s personal visit?

She secretly touched her pocket, and when her fingers touched two hard objects, her heart was colder than a thousand-year-old ice!

If I can’t afford the meal, buying a glass of water is also a show of support...

“We’re here.”

She shuddered all over, and when she met Xia Yan’s eyes, she couldn’t help but straighten her chest, “Then let’s go.”

Xia Yan quietly slid across the sweat oozing from her nose, and walked out of the elevator first.

Since more customers were summoned from Lidai Island, the restaurant on the second floor has been at peak dining hours all day, most of which are new customers from the island, and the rest are from customers who have just joined the base.

Xia Yan barely found an empty seat, let them sit down, picked up a rag to clean the table, and put down a menu, "Here we sell home-cooked dishes, buns, dumplings, noodles, porridge, etc. You can eat them at any time for three meals a day. Take a look, you can visit again after eating."

This group of people centered on the female boss. No matter what Xia Yan said, their first reaction was to look at the female boss, so Xia Yan simply pushed the menu in front of her.

The female boss's face turned red, and she waved her hands repeatedly to indicate that she was not hungry, and she was just dizzy from the sun.

Xia Yan saw that she couldn't hide her tight budget, smiled kindly and pointed at the menu, "Would you like to have a bowl of red date millet porridge, which is good for the stomach."

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"You are too polite, we--" The female boss habitually moved her eyes down to the position she pointed to, and suddenly got stuck.

Wait, two points for a bowl of porridge?!

She suddenly looked up at Xia Yan, her eyes filled with disbelief and shock at the low price.

She carefully read the leaflet over and over again, so she naturally knew the exchange standard. That means, a first-level crystal core can be exchanged for 100 points, which can be used to drink 50 bowls of porridge?!

Blood rushed to her brain, and she was a little confused.

"If you are not used to drinking porridge, there are soy milk and milk. Although it is noon now, there is no rule that you can't eat these, so you can buy these meals in the restaurant at any time. "Xia Yan held up his chin and winked at her.

The people sitting next to her were terrified, not daring to look at the price of the food on the menu. They only knew that the female boss's face changed, as if she had seen something horrible.

Can we leave now...

This feeling is like a poor person who relies on relief suddenly eating at the same table with a big boss with an annual income of over 100 billion. Will they be moved (dare)? Absolutely not!

"You, you, you," the female boss stuttered, "Are you crazy? Don't you know how precious the food outside is? How dare you set this price?"

Everyone's heart skipped a beat, and they looked at her in panic, with their eyes nakedly revealing what you think? What's your identity? ! You even educated the big boss!

The female boss blushed like a monkey's ass, and kept wiping sweat with her hands.

Thinking: People are really cheap skin, complaining when it's expensive, and complaining when it's cheap...

The female boss felt that this matter was not her fault at all. Although she didn't have a crystal core, after struggling in the end times, she fully agreed with the previous restaurant's pricing - when a boss doesn't make crystal cores, he should do charity!

But in the blink of an eye, Boss Xia slapped her in the face and told her with facts - that's right.

This price is to give poor survivors a chance to live!

Disasters are ruthless, but people are kind.

Damn! It's actually great love.

The female boss was impressed and gave a firm thumbs up.

"Well, then I won't be polite, give me one copy."

"We don't have this dish."

The female boss smacked her lips, her eyes sparkling, "I mean, give me all the dishes above, in short, give me one copy."

Xia Yan:?

"You can't finish it, and you will be punished for wasting food."

"Don't worry, I won't waste it. If I can't finish it, I'll pack it up and take it home as a midnight snack."

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