"No, you're afraid." Xia Yan looked at her very seriously, "I've been opening the store for so long, and there have only been three people who wasted food. You don't want to know what happened to them." "

The female boss' face was visibly stiff, "Can't you just pack it away?"

Xia Yan was surprised, "1. No. 2. You don't have a refrigerator, and it will go rancid if you put it in there. Why don't you just order takeout and eat fresh food?"

"Order takeout..." What if it's not the price.

The female boss laughed and revealed her true thoughts without any secret.

Xia Yan: "The price is the same as the menu."

"Then get a points card! Where can I apply for it?"


The female boss stood up and called for those people to follow her.

"What are you going to do?"

"Get a card to eat! From now on, you can eat whenever you want, and you can eat until you vomit!"

"No, no, no, it can't be done. I -" his voice lowered, "it's just a crystal core, I can't afford it."

"Shit, you didn't read the menu? A drawer of xiaolongbao only costs 8 points. You can eat 12 xiaolongbao. What are you thinking? This is not enough?"

The female boss glanced at Xia Yan, who was stunned at the table, and whispered: "Before she regrets it, we have to eat as much as we can, and it's best to get fat!"

She looked at the residents whose eyes lit up and gave a knowing smile.

"You're right, you have to gain weight to survive hunger. I have to eat seven or eight steamed buns today."


Xia Yan, who was cooking crayfish and grilling skewers in the room while watching TV series and eating, suddenly heard a knock on the door.

This is the backyard, and only Xiong Xiong, Zhiji and Xiaowan can come in, but they are not allowed to step into the room. Usually they can't find her, so they might knock on the door like now.


"It's Xiong Xiong. Boss, General Chu has sent someone to say that the construction of the factory is completed, and he wants you to come and have a seat."

Xia Yan looked down at her oily hands and burped.

"I know, I'll go right away."

Hey, this is the exchange of favors. Last time the high-end restaurant opened, Chu Wanfu was very happy and sent a flower basket to her, which was very honorable to her. This time she has to go too.

Not to mention that no one should take it to heart if she is strong enough. She should have good social interactions, especially since General Chu is her only person with strong group strength in this world.

Xia Yan looked up at the sky with a hint of sadness, feeling sad that he had only developed this one network of contacts after staying for so long.

Hey, it was meant to be a show-off, as long as it felt good, she was willing to live countless worlds without having to use her brain to kill brain cells!

It's a mess for a while, it's fun for a while, it's a mess for the rest of the world... Wouldn't that mean it's fun for the rest of the life? !

Suddenly this ideological barrier was broken down.

In the front hall, neatly dressed soldiers stood tall and straight, looking at her coming and saluting with one hand.

"plz follow me."

A reflective dark green armored vehicle was parked outside the security area. The soldier opened the door for her and got into the driver's seat.

Xia Yan looked back, and saw two rows of soldiers sitting upright behind them, holding supernatural guns in their hands, observing the surroundings vigilantly. Seeing that...

Are you here to protect her?

She had the feeling of being stuck in her throat after eating super dry steamed buns, unable to go up or down.

The main thing is that if something happens, it's not certain who will protect whom...

The armored vehicle drove out of the base gate and headed north. After driving on the grass for more than ten minutes, a base outer wall of nearly 2,000 square meters suddenly appeared on the flat ground.

"Since when has there been a base here?" Xia Yan was surprised.

"Not even half a month after it was built, General Chu said that you might not know about this and asked me to introduce it to you 'by the way'. It just so happens that the base commander of this base is an acquaintance of yours."

Xia Yan immediately thought of what he had heard from Dean Ji and Jiang Li before about the land being cultivated. He thought it would take some time, but he didn't expect the construction to be completed so soon.

It's this acquaintance, who could it be?

The sentry standing on the watchtower quickly spotted the armored vehicle. When they approached, he shouted to stop and then gestured to ask.

the soldier driver responded.

After agreeing to release, the gate of the blocked base slowly opened, and a road led directly to the five-story high-rise building standing in the center. The surrounding land was planned into small areas, with only ridges in the middle for passage and species differentiation.

When Xia Yan saw the limping base residents working hard to turn over the soil with hoes, he immediately understood who the base director was.

The base commander who received the news not far away hurriedly came out of the building. Before he got close, his smile was already raised.

He was tanned a lot, and he looked thinner. The wrinkles on his face couldn't be hidden, but his eyes were bright and lively.

Xia Yan's eyes moved behind him, but he didn't expect Qi Hua to follow him.

After the car stopped, she jumped out of the car and said with a smile: "Mr. Sankey, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect you to move here!"

Sang Zhengyi laughed loudly in his chest, "You are too busy. I wanted to say goodbye to you, but I didn't expect that I couldn't find you at all. Even the store manager Xiong Xiong didn't know where you were."

Xia Yan nodded helplessly, "Yes, I was so busy during this period that I hit the back of my head. I just took a break. Have the seeds been planted in the ground? Seedlings have already grown."

"Yes, the laboratory needs data such as yield, and there is an urgent need for research on vegetables with short growth cycles. We plowed the ground, planted seeds, and watered them all night, and they just sprouted in the past two days."

Sang Zhengyi looked at the green buds sprouting in the field near the building, his eyes eager as if he was seeing his precious grandson.

Qi Hua, who was standing behind him, smiled warmly when he saw Xia Yan.

"I didn't expect you to come too. Where are they?" Xia Yan was referring to Wang Xuewei and others.

She looked along the building with its door wide open. The corridor was empty, and there was no familiar figure behind the open window.

Qi Hua: "They all came together. You didn't see them because they went back to the base to get seeds from Jiang Yuan."

Xia Yan nodded in understanding.

"Boss Xia, we have to leave for the factory." The soldier driver, who had finished moving the supplies, leaned out of the car window and asked her to get in the car.

"I have to go. I'll come next time." Xia Yan jumped into the car and waved goodbye.

"Leaving now?" Sang Zhengyi was surprised.

He just said a few words and didn't take people around, but he left in a hurry?

It's rare to see an acquaintance, but I can't enjoy it. Sigh, maybe this is what adults can't help.

Sang Zhengyi and Qi Hua couldn't hide their reluctance to leave. They followed the car and sent them out of the base. The closed door cut off their sight.

Xia Yan relaxed her back and leaned against the seat, resting her right arm on the car window, spreading her five fingers, feeling the resistance caused by the wind passing through her palm.

She really didn't expect Sang Zhengyi to come here to be the base commander. There are many disabled people in his team, and their self-protection ability is poor. This place is far from the base, so this decision is very risky.

But on second thought, since Chu Wanfu agreed to his application, why wouldn't he send more people to strengthen security?

Xia Yan stood up and looked back over the chair. Sure enough, the soldiers were gone.

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