The distance from the hotel to the factory is really too long.

No matter how good the armored vehicle was, it couldn't completely absorb the shock when walking on the uneven road. The shaking caused Xia Yan to gradually close his eyes, lose consciousness, and rush to find Duke Zhou to play chess.

After an unknown amount of time, she felt her body moving forward involuntarily.

After realizing this, she immediately woke up, grabbed the seat with her palms, stabilized her body, opened her eyes and looked out of the car.

The soldier driver next to him looked straight at us and said in a serious tone: "We have arrived at the factory."

In fact, Xia Yan had already seen it without him reminding him.

There are two oversized pillars standing on the left and right sides of the factory entrance, and connected to the top is a sky restaurant with bright windows.

The towering wall extends thousands of meters to the left and right, forming a ring. There is a tall defense tower every 500 meters inside the wall, and soldiers armed with special-powered guns and telescopes stand on guard.

It looks pretty solid, but this pillar...can it withstand a collision with zombies?

Xia Yan looked at the large piece of transparent glass between the steel structures with suspicion.

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The guard soldiers confirmed their identities and opened the gate to allow passage. Then they got out of the car to check for safety, and were greeted by the restaurant hostess who had been waiting aside.

"Boss Xia, please come with me. General Chu is waiting for you upstairs."

She took Xia Yan to the nearby pillar on the left. Inside the transparent glass was a box-type elevator that went all the way to the top restaurant.

The elevator door opened, and noisy and lively sounds came in.

I saw a group of men and women wearing suits and Chinese tunic suits standing in the wide hall chatting leisurely and exchanging information with each other.

At a glance, Xia Yan saw Chu Wanfu, who was walking around like a social butterfly in the crowd, and Mr. Shen, who was sitting firmly in the C position with a smile.

In the middle of the tablecloth covered with Aoxue Hanmei, there are melon seeds, peanuts, fresh fruits and bottles of white wine for everyone to take as they please.

These things may not have such a superficial stage in peaceful times, but in the end of the world when supplies are extremely scarce, they can be described as very arrogant!

What kind of family is this? How can it still keep useful things that haven’t been used up? !

And there is a large refrigerator display cabinet not far away. Whether it is the light on or the full variety of iced drinks, it all shocks everyone's hearts!

I couldn't help but feel sad. This Chu Wanfu must have had some bad luck to rob a large supermarket...

Someone recognized Xia Yan and couldn't help being shocked. He hurriedly elbowed the acquaintance next to him and whispered:

"Isn't that a promotional video that you can see every now and then? The female boss in it???"

"Why is she here? Does it have anything to do with Chu Wanfu?"

In the whispers, pairs of eyes were observing in the dark, trying to be the first to discover the secret relationship between the two.

Then, following her movements, the gaze that swept over her as if nothing had happened suddenly stopped, and her moving lips twitched silently.

What did they see? !

Does anyone really give gifts like this? !

As the protagonist, Chu Wanfu was keenly aware that something was wrong. He followed everyone's gaze and his expression froze. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry——

Xia Yan took out 22 flower baskets, including a fat pig weighing more than 300 kilograms tied with red silk at both ends, two Luxi cattle weighing 2,000 kilograms, 16 fat chickens and ducks each, and Aolongbolong sea crab. Not to mention, the highlight is that she finally took out an extremely plump deep-sea salmon!

When the whole salmon landed on the table, even the ground trembled.

A sentence automatically appeared in everyone's mind: Chu Wanfu would not have saved her life...

This gift is too heavy!

Chu Wanfu was a little embarrassed. He wanted to ask Boss Xia to come over and join in the fun and have a meal, but he was really disrespectful!

But, it smells so good!

"Hahaha, Boss Xia is here as soon as he comes, and he has prepared so many generous gifts." Chu Wanfu's face was filled with joy from the bottom of his heart.

Xia Yan: Sure enough, gifts sent to people's hearts can get sincere responses.

Even Mr. Shen, who had been sitting still, came over with a smile.

After Xia Yan briefly exchanged greetings with the two of them, he sat at the same table as Mr. Shen.

The guests took advantage of Chu Wanfu's free time to grab his arms and ask questions, and those close to him even slapped him on the shoulder.

"Okay, you're a scammer, right? It turns out that all the supplies you sold me during this period were bought from her, you nasty second-hand dealer."

Chu Wanfu couldn't help but laugh, "It's just because we are brothers that we have to settle the accounts clearly. The materials are so precious and I think of you first. It's understandable that I earn some hard work."

"You kid, don't you know that my brother's crystal cores are squeezed out from between his teeth?! You are so cruel."

Chu Wanfu shrugged: "Same suffering, I was in urgent need so I thought of this trick, otherwise Qian Bai would starve to death if he opened his mouth."

"Shit! You're still bluffing, aren't you? Are you telling me that her store is in your base? I heard that you can have a full meal with less than ten points. Are you telling me that there is nothing you can do?"

"Haha, you have a pretty good idea. No matter how many points you have, you have to spend crystal cores to exchange them. Do you think it's free? I won't tell you anymore. I have something else to do."

Chu Wanfu gave him a sneer and turned to leave.

The two of them spoke loudly, and the nearby guests could hear it clearly. They looked at this man with naked jealousy in their eyes.

This is called not being satisfied! Thinking that they have no way to go to heaven and no door to the earth, they would rather spend high prices on the black market to get a piece of supplies. How can this person spend too much? !

It’s the end of the world and you still need to rely on connections, right?

Everyone turned to Boss Xia, who was chatting with Mr. Shen at the first table.

She is the only one who has the supplies, right?


Mr. Shen was very down-to-earth and gave Xia Yan a handful of melon seeds, looking like an old man in the village ready to chat.

"Thanks to the supplies you provided, thousands of survivors were saved. Come visit me when you have time. Although it is not as good as the seaside scenery, it is also interesting."

Xia Yan felt the caramel taste on his tongue and chatted while eating: "Okay, I will go to Shangjing after I have rested for two days. I will promote the card application at that time. Mr. Shen, please don't mind."

"You are joking," Mr. Shen laughed, "I can't wait for you to promote it, why would I mind."

Mr. Shen's eyes moved horizontally and fell on the visitor, and his face gradually faded.

Xia Yan didn't understand, so he looked in the direction and saw dozens of guests holding wine glasses walking over with smiles on their faces, and he immediately understood.

"It's really better to see than to hear. Boss Xia is younger and more beautiful than the promotional interface."

She responded lightly: "Not bad."

"Humble, too humble! So calm at such a young age, you are indeed a talent!"

Xia Yan tapped the table with her fingertips slowly, seemingly smiling, but the smile did not reach her eyes, and she did not hide her alienation and impatience.

She didn't say anything, but she immediately understood that he meant to ask them to stop talking nonsense.

"Well, it's like this, Boss Xia, there are many survivors in our base, and supplies are extremely scarce. I wonder if you..." The guest racked his brains to organize the language that was concise and generous, "I want to buy some goods from you, I wonder if it's okay?"

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