Finally, we are getting to the point.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→𝟿𝟼sʜᴜ.ɴᴇᴛ

Xia Yan gathered the melon seed shells at hand into a small pile.

"Of course, you can wait until next time to go to Ridai Island through the portal for recruiting customers. It is close to the supermarket and there is a self-service purchase machine at the door. You can choose whatever you want."

To save trouble, she raised her voice to ensure that the guests who gathered behind could also hear.

They came here just for supplies. When people are so hungry that they can't eat, they will naturally try their best if they can catch a glimmer of hope.

She understands this very well.

So Xia Yan knows very well that if it weren't for her own strength that others can't move, she would have been torn to pieces and eaten clean.

But if she was in such a desperate situation, she might have done something even more extreme. Human nature has been gradually buried in the repeated births and deaths.

Xia Yan lowered her eyes, looking at the slender white fingers, the plump crescent, the healthy pink color, which was the physique she most desired to have during a certain mission.

I didn't expect that now that I'm in a bad situation, it will come to me without asking.

I can only say that everything is ironic, and all pursuits are meaningless.

There were cheers behind her, as if she had personally caught a big gift package thrown by God.

She laughed, and her eyes moved from one person's face to another, looking at various expressions of joy, sorrow, or letting go of the burden.

When her eyes met, someone asked anxiously: "We haven't seen the propaganda screen in our base for a long time. Can you help us a little and give us another chance?! It's really that everyone is hungry and urgently needs emergency supplies!"

"Yes, we have only been there once. Now I want to go there, and I can't wait for any news."

"If I had known this, I might as well have fought back."

Although several people said this, they couldn't help but complain in their hearts. It can't be blamed for their caution. As long as they were human, they wouldn't dare to go in directly, right?

It's like you are lying at home, and suddenly a screen appears in front of you, telling you that there is a gold mountain inside, go and dig it. In a social environment where people die and disappear at any time, who dares to go?

I just didn't expect that this time it was real.

Hearing this, Xia Yan frowned slightly.

The publicity is random, and she has never checked how many virtual screens will appear at a time.

Seeing her in such a dilemma, the hearts of several people are even colder.

Mr. Shen on the side stopped watching the show and made a suggestion: "Why don't you let them fill out a material purchase order now, leave the address, and let Xiao Chu send someone to deliver it when the time comes, and hold on until they see the publicity screen next time."

"Yes, yes, yes, this is a good idea."

"Solve the problem of population feeding first, and we can wait later!"

Xia Yan also thought it was okay. She just opened the background and saw that if you want to accurately locate the publicity, you need to fill in specific information. There are so many guests here, and one person represents a base. If you really have to fill them one by one, it would be better to do this.

"Just follow Mr. Shen's opinion."

She took out the purchase order and distributed it to everyone.

Everyone's hands were shaking as they held the list. They hurriedly found a seat, took out the pen they carried with them and started to fill in the numbers.

Since it was their first time to purchase goods, they didn't know how much Xia Yan could provide. They gestured and filled in 3, then crossed it out and wrote 5 after thinking about it, saying to themselves that this should be about the same.

Mr. Shen, who came over to look, was so angry that his nose was crooked.

He pointed to 5 and said angrily: "The unit didn't write it. Are 5 boxes enough for the people in your base?! You don't even know how to open your mouth when the food is delivered to your mouth."

The man was dumbfounded, "5555 boxes? I counted it one by one..."

Mr. Shen's eyes went dark.

The man hesitated: "Then I'll write 50 boxes... Will she have enough inventory?"

Mr. Shen said angrily: "Write 5,000 boxes! And mark that there is no limit on the flavor. Instant noodles, bread, sausages, and self-heating rice are all based on this standard!"

The people at the same table pricked up their ears and listened with fear. Seeing that he was scolded, the pen tip trembled and added three zeros after 5 and marked it.

After filling out the purchase order, they didn't dare to look at it a second time, nor did they dare to count how many people filled out the order. No matter what the number was, as long as it was multiplied by 5,000, it would be a huge number.

They didn't dare to think about this amount carefully.

So, everyone scrambled to put it on the top - what if there was no stock later.

But when they saw Xia Yan took it expressionlessly and had no reaction to the number on it, the stone on the tip of their hearts fell to the ground.

The matter was half done.

After that, just wait for the letter.

Chu Wanfu waited for them to finish the operation, patted the microphone, and took control of the situation to start the first speech of the dinner.

Xia Yan never liked this kind of official scene, so she simply let it go in one ear and out the other, without thinking at all, without leaving a trace, and just sat there.

Anyway, she didn't rely on anyone to live, but was the object of flattery by others. Such behavior was defined by others as down-to-earth...

Chu Wanfu wanted to Q her, but finally gave up.

The meal was good. Chu Wanfu also prepared a song and dance performance. Although the movements and sounds were not as good as before, they still had the basics and were pleasing to the eye.

Except for one or two big dishes, there were some farm stir-fries on the table. The combination of meat and vegetables was good-looking and delicious.

Each table had a bucket of white, crystal clear rice, which was enough to fill you up.

Xia Yan found that the taste was no worse than that in her restaurant. It seemed that there was a hint of fireworks in it, and it was very satisfying to eat.

Not to mention the others, they ate to death with their mouths full of grease.

Chu Wanfu walked around each table, looked at the empty plates, and waved his hand, "More food!"



"Brother Chu, I'll be with you from now on!"

He earned enough face.

It was the first time that Xia Yan saw Chu Wanfu so happy. I'm afraid he wasn't so happy even at the wedding ceremony.

After eating and drinking, she strolled to the glass and looked at the green grassland in front of her. Several dilapidated houses collapsed into a ball, and strong wild grass grew on the bricks on the top.

Dozens of zombies in black robes were scattered among them, staggering, looking for fresh flesh and blood.

A mutant rabbit suddenly jumped over the grass, landed on the ground and ran quickly. The rustling movement instantly attracted the zombies to roar and stumble after it.

"One day, these monsters will be eliminated, right?" Mr. Shen walked to her side and looked at it.

Xia Yan responded casually without turning her head: "Yeah."

Dozens of zombies outside the window pounced on the little rabbit at the same time, and their hideous and terrifying appearance made people feel complex hatred.

The singer on the stage not far away just sang: "The beautiful future, try to reach out and touch it, hold it in your arms, put it in your heart and treasure it well..."


The elevator door opened, and a soldier hurried out, his eyes quickly searching among the crowd, and walked to Chu Wanfu with anxious steps, whispering something in his ear.

Chu Wanfu's face suddenly changed.

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