Everyone saw that the situation was not good, and their laughing faces quickly turned serious, and they raised their hands to stop.

The singer who was singing passionately on the stage seemed to be strangled and couldn't breathe, and dared not breathe.

Someone stepped forward to turn off the sound, and the lively atmosphere came to an abrupt end, replaced by unspeakable uneasiness and anxiety.

What happened specifically to cause General Chu's face to change so much?


Xia Yan and Mr. Shen, who were standing by the window to watch the scenery, turned their heads at the same time, and after scanning the expressions of everyone, they locked onto Chu Wanfu who was rushing over.

"What happened?" Mr. Shen asked in a deep voice.

Chu Wanfu glanced at Xia Yan, and then said: "There is an uninvited guest at the base, saying that there is an invitation letter to be delivered to Boss Xia in person."

"Looking for me?" Xia Yan was surprised, and didn't expect it to be related to her.

But she didn't know another force in this world that would invite her to a banquet.

"Who is it?" She was a little curious.

Chu Wanfu: "You know Jing Wenbin."

Xia Yan: "Him? What kind of dinner is he inviting me to? If I don't appreciate it, I won't go. Just have someone refuse directly."

The weasel is paying New Year's greetings to the chicken, and he has no good intentions. She is too lazy to go.

The power represented by Jing Wenbin is obviously the final boss of this world. It should be solved by Chu Wanfu's people. What does it have to do with her, an outsider.

She doesn't care about this.

Chu Wanfu has a weird sense of pride.

Listen, what he said is really domineering!

Who is Jing Wenbin? He still wants to eat at the same table with Boss Xia? Dream on.

"Ahem." Chu Wanfu put away his fantasy with satisfaction, "Let's go and take a look. I heard from my men that the person took out three invitations. As for who the two are for, he said that you must accept them before telling me."

Besides himself, does Jing Wenbin know (hate) other people?

The three words Jing Yimai flashed through Xia Yan's mind, and the last one...

She looked at Chu Wanfu's eyes, which were eager to move and full of excitement.

Yes, it should be him.

Even Mr. Shen, who was silent on the side, was surrounded by a hint of attack.

After the material situation was greatly relieved, the next step was to free up hands to clean up the mess.

Xia Yan realized something, and her long eyelashes fluttered.

"Then let's go and take a look."

Chu Wanfu left a sentence waiting for me and hurried back to the venue to arrange for the guests to leave.

In fact, it can still continue. The base and the factory area are tens of thousands of miles apart, and Jing Wenbin's people can't find this place anyway.

But when everyone had a bad premonition, the vigilance and habit of not following the crowd developed in the end times became the first reaction, and they were ready to withdraw at any time.

Just when Chu Wanfu was about to explain, everyone couldn't wait to reply that they understood, and in order not to affect them, they could leave on their own.

"It's about the supplies that Boss Xia promised..."

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"Don't worry about that. As long as she delivers the goods to me, I will immediately arrange for people to deliver them to you, and I guarantee that there will be no shortage of them."

"Okay! Okay! Okay! Then I won't bother you anymore. General Chu, please stop."

In the blink of an eye, countless portals lit up in the restaurant, and the guests left one by one, like colorful bubbles that appeared out of thin air and disappeared quickly after being gorgeous.

Boss Shen patted his shoulder, "If you need help, ask for help in time."

After that, he disappeared behind the door with his people.

The originally lively restaurant became empty, and the staff wearing hats walked out of the kitchen and began to clean up the tables and clean up.

The soldier standing on the right side of the elevator door put his hands together and opened a portal in the air to return to the base.

Chu Wanfu called her: "Let's go, go back. ”


All the people who stayed in the base moved to the safe area of ​​the hotel, looking up at the figure standing in the air in the distance.

The patrol team and security team below were all dispatched, holding the supernatural guns to accurately locate, as long as there was a little movement, they could shoot people into sieves with the click of a finger.

The windows on the upper floors of the hotel were all open, and the old customers who leaned out to watch the excitement took only one look and started to curse.

"Are you full and bored? !"

"Just a few days of peace, this group of people came again."

"It's not that they don't know that they can't get in at all. They show up from time to time. Are they afraid that we will forget about them? ?"

"No, no, this time is different. He didn't even dare to come into the base. He should be here to find General Chu for military orders."

"Are you kidding me, the one upstairs? Are they so stubborn as to provoke General Chu? Just raze his hometown to the ground!"

"Neighbor, I agree with you. They have different responsibilities and pursuits."

"Don't say it, Boss Xia and the others are back! "

The portal lit up on the defense tower, and Chu Wanfu and Xia Yan walked out one after another.

The people guarding the base immediately found their backbone and cheered.

The teams were relieved, and everything was subject to General Chu's command.

Xia Yan saw the "messenger" flying in the air and not daring to move.

Under the pairs of eyes staring at him with vigilance, he wanted to put on a fierce look of daring to fight against the sky and the earth, and kill everyone.

But Xia Yan's reputation as the "God of Killing" was too loud, and there was a rumor that even if General Bin came, he had to wash the dishes!

He really didn't dare to show off...

"I am Boss Xia. I heard you were looking for me?" Xia Yan took out the little bee, deleted the previous message skillfully, and put it to his mouth as a loudspeaker.

"Yes, President Bin asked me to deliver the invitation letter. You sent someone to receive it. Pah, it's just to take it." The messenger trembled. He was usually arrogant and couldn't change it for a while...

Sure enough, the young woman who claimed to be the boss below sneered and said, "You, send it down to me."

The messenger tilted his wings, "Forget it. President Bin specifically told me that I must abide by the store rules."

Xia Yan interrupted impatiently: "Don't talk nonsense, send it down quickly, otherwise I will drag you to Jing Wenbin."

"Then..." The messenger's eyes rolled around the hands of the soldiers lined up below, "Don't let them shoot, I'll go down right away."

Xia Yan looked at Chu Wanfu, who quickly said, "Don't do it yet."

Messenger: What do you mean by don't do it yet? ! Is there a later time? !

Seeing her face getting darker and darker, the messenger licked his back teeth calmly, and when he touched the smooth protrusion, he couldn't help but relax.

"I'll be right there."

He placed his hand holding the invitation letter where everyone could see it, flapped his wings lightly, and gradually descended.

Except for Xia Yan, everyone was on edge.

The messenger quickly landed in front of him and handed over three invitation letters, which were sealed with a disposable gold lacquer button to prevent them from being opened halfway.

"You open it." Xia Yan looked at him and said.

Who knows if there is any deadly virus in it.

The men behind Chu Wanfu breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this, and their palms gathered the attack power that could be used at any time. As long as the other party didn't want to, they could take his life in the blink of an eye.

Faced with such an obvious strong attitude, he had no choice but to open it.

The messenger had no choice but to take back the envelope and slowly peel off the seal.

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