The messenger's men moved slowly.

The eyes of the others followed his hand, and they became more and more nervous and alert.

Finally, the last bit of the seal was torn off, and everyone's alarm bells rang loudly, and their eyes were full of defense and readiness.

The messenger was afraid that they would start fighting without saying a word, so he hurriedly said: "There is only one invitation letter in it! I will take it out and show it to you right away! Don't do it!"

The men's eyebrows jumped and said fiercely: "If you talk nonsense again, I will kill you directly."

"No, no, I took it out!" The messenger hurriedly took out the invitation letter and pointed the side with words at everyone, "You can read it yourself, I can't read."

Everyone covered their noses and retreated: ...

I believe you Chuan Chuan.

There was only a simple sentence written on the invitation letter: Cruise No. 187 will set sail on the 23rd of this month, and Boss Xia is sincerely invited to come (a grand auction will be held, and there will be a top-notch finale).

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96𝘴𝘩𝘢.𝘯𝘦𝘡

You need to bring this letter, which contains a special guide. Customers from afar, please set off on time. We will not wait for you if you are late.

Xia Yan: "Cruise ship? Auction?"

The messenger poked his head out and read the contents of the letter. "Yes, I heard Mr. Bin mention it before. It should be a newly built cruise ship recently. I don't know the details."

Chu Wanfu's tone was strange: "Newly built?"

Are there still companies that produce ships in this era?

It takes a lot of manpower, material resources, financial resources and time to build a cruise ship. From this point of view, Jing Wenbin had this plan at least a year ago.

In an era when everyone is hungry and sleepy, there are still people thinking about building a cruise ship to go out to sea for fun?

It's true that there are frozen bones on the road, and the rich are feasting and drinking!

Resources are too unbalanced and must be redistributed.

The wings behind the messenger fluttered, and he trembled as he opened the second letter. The invitation letter remained unchanged, but the invitee was changed to Chu Wanfu.

Seeing this, the subordinates standing behind him could no longer hold back, and approached him, twisted his neck and pulled him in front of him.

"Tell me! How did you know the general's name?!"

No one in the base would call him by his name, including Xia Yan, who always called him General Chu. How did Jing Wenbin know?

Could it be that there was an undercover in the base?

Chu Wanfu looked expressionless.

Recently, a large number of survivors have been received. If someone really hid in, it would be very easy...

The messenger's face quickly turned red, and the hand holding the invitation letter loosened, and fell, and then touched the big hand that was holding his breath, and tried to pry it open.

"Let... How... do I know... it's just... with a... lackey..."

Xia Yan took the last letter, tore it open casually, took out the paper inside, and quickly glanced at three words--

Jing Yimai.

It was indeed him.

She bent down to pick up her own invitation letter, got off the defense tower, and headed straight for the holiday gate, ignoring the messenger's increasingly intense struggle.

Never be kind to such people. Those who can follow Jing Wenbin cannot have clean hands, and they must not let the tiger go back to the mountain.

Chu Wanfu is not a good person either. He naturally knows that keeping him is likely to cause endless troubles. It is the best thing for such villains to affect unity by jumping in the dark from time to time.

He turned and left with the invitation letter, and his silent back confirmed the fate of the messenger.

He also went straight to the holiday gate, and his destination was Jiang Li's villa. He had to let professionals study whether there was any problem with the letter.


Jing Yimai felt his eyelids stung by the rising sun, and his right hand stretched out of the water and fumbled a little bit on the shelf next to him.

Until his fingers touched a slightly cold touch, his fingertips lightly tapped, and the red eyelids suddenly darkened.

He continued to adjust and stopped when he felt comfortable.

The mind finally relaxed, and then came the soreness of the whole body.

Since the training was strengthened, this kind of soreness had to be experienced from time to time.

"It would be great if someone could use a fascia knife to help me eliminate lactic acid." Jing Yimai murmured, and he turned over the faces of familiar people in his mind, trying to find someone to cooperate with.

A whimsical idea suddenly emerged in his mind. Maybe he could open a training and repair room in the future. He only needed to spend a little points and he could safely hand over his back to the other party.

For him, who has acquired social phobia, it couldn't be more suitable.

"It's a good idea. After killing Jing Wenbin, I will talk to the boss to see if I can rent a place on the island to earn some small crystal cores."

When there was no one around, Jing Yimai loved to talk to himself, probably to prevent his language function from degenerating...

"You have a new message. Do you want to start reading now?"

The voice broadcast system in the room suddenly sounded, and Jing Yimai opened his eyes suddenly, subconsciously swept to the entrance of the bathroom, and at the same time pulled a large bath towel to cover himself.

Fortunately, there was no one there.

The voice broadcasted again.

Jing Yimai was about to get up, "Yes."

"The shop owner asked if you were at home and invited you to meet in the central square. Please reply within one minute, otherwise it will be rejected by default and the message mode will be turned on."

Jing Yimai was stunned for a moment, and his mind was full of questions about who the shop owner was? There was also a question about the owner of the shop.

When the electronic housekeeper's countdown reached the middle number, Jing Yimai stopped wiping the water.

Could it be Boss Xia? !

She was the only one who was in business. Didn't she always call herself the shop owner?

"Are you talking about Boss Xia?"


Jing Yimai was sad about the truth, "Agree, I'll be there in five minutes."

"Received, replied."

He hurriedly put on his clothes, wiped his hair half-dry with a dry towel, and prepared to go out.

It's not that he has any special thoughts about Xia Yan. As an old customer of the hotel, he knows that Xia Yan will never take the initiative to find someone. She would rather pretend not to know her after handing over the crystal core.

Anyone who wants to get along with her eventually gives up. When Jing Yimai hears their complaints, he finds it ridiculous. Why would someone want to be friends with you when the purpose of rushing to meet is so clear?

So at this moment, she came to make an appointment, which shows how precious she is. She must have something important to say.

Jing Yimai rode an electric bike all the way, crossing two major areas and finally arrived at the central square.

At this moment, the 5 minutes he said had already exceeded more than 3 times.

Xia Yan sat under the parasol and waved to him.

"You really keep your word. You will be there in five minutes. Sure enough, there is only right, not left." She condemned with a colorful straw in her mouth.

I was careless. How could I believe this lie that it would be there soon!

Jing Yimai couldn't hide his embarrassment.

"Too many people, I couldn't get an electric bike."

"Is it my fault?" Xia Yan glanced at him.


Xia Yan took a sip of his ice drink, and after seeing his embarrassment, he took out the invitation letter and pushed it in front of him, and got straight to the point:

"Let's not talk nonsense, I want you here today for a serious matter. Jing Wenbin sent someone to deliver this today, and you are also on the invitation list, so decide whether you want to go or not."

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