"What's this?"


Jing Yimai picked up the invitation and read the words on it. With just one glance, his face turned gloomy, "Okay, I will definitely go.

"Jing Wenbin not only invited you, but also me and Chu Wanfu - although I don't understand why you called him. Could it be that Jing Wenbin couldn't get enough of it and wanted to give him a heads-off?" Xia Yan stood up and threw the empty cup into the trash can, looking into the distance. Chu Kuku's customers on bicycles said with a hint of joking.

"You're going too?" Jing Yimai asked in shock.

"I just plan to have a meal." I want to take a look at the excitement.

I've been so busy lately that I can't even watch my favorite senior dating show. It's time to relax with a live version of a passionate brawl.

Xia Yan looked relaxed: "Let's go together then."

Jing Yimai frowned. This was a grudge between him and Jing Wenbin. How could it involve other people? Could it be that he was just incidentally?

"I saw Boss Xia, she is right in front!"

A sudden sound interrupted Jing Yimai's unhappy mood. He raised his eyes to where the sound came from and saw a group of strangers on bicycles waving their hands towards the place.

Xia Yan, who had been paying attention to this, asked, "What happened?"

The screeching sound of brakes mixed with the sound of rubber tires rubbing against the ground sounded at the same time, making both of them frown and turn their heads.

The visitor didn't bother to get out of the car, put one leg on the ground, and said hurriedly: "Go and take a look, there is a group of people with a strange smell coming in front of the high-end restaurant."

The person behind him interrupted, "That's not the point. The main thing is that they fell to the ground as soon as they arrived. We wanted to go up and help them up, but unexpectedly green water leaked out of the black cloth on their bodies. Who knows what it was?"

It just so happens that the soldiers don't know where they are today, and we can't just watch them die in front of us. We can only come to find you, boss! "

As soon as Xia Yan heard the word "black cloth", the group of people in black suddenly appeared in Xia Yan's mind.

Could it be that they are coming?

It seems to have been quite miserable.

"Got it, I'll be there right away." Then she turned to Jing Yimai and said, "Meet in the lobby at 8 a.m. on the 23rd. I'll leave first."

Jing Yimai's mind was completely attracted by this invitation letter. He couldn't wait to get on the boat and fight Jing Wenbin on the 23rd soon. He no longer wanted to see the excitement and watched Xia Yan walk into the vacation resort that suddenly appeared in front of him. Door, get on the electric bike and leave.

The customers who came to deliver messages looked back at the distance and decided to follow Xia Yan and take a shortcut back to the front of the high-end restaurant.

At this moment, it was the third wave of recruiting customers. New customers appeared in front of the store one after another. They were shocked and exclaimed in low voices. After seeing enough, they slowly approached the door and walked around the unknown people lying down without changing their expressions. The man in black of life and death.

Under the shade of a tree not far away, customers setting up street stalls doing various small businesses were waving their fans and staring at the black-green liquid seeping out from under their black clothes.

After just a while, a large amount of this stuff oozed out. It might have been blood, but the color was wrong. It might have been some kind of poisonous substance. Fortunately, there was a long distance between the two. Even if it could evaporate, it would be blown away by the sea breeze. If you don't come here, everyone would have run away long ago.

"Can this still be saved?"

"I don't know. There's green water coming out of my body. I guess there's pus. I'm afraid it's hanging."

"Isn't the pus... yellow?"

"So it's hanging."

Xia Yan could see the men in black lying in various directions at a glance, and also saw the liquid under their bodies.

She walked over quickly and asked loudly: "Are you still alive? Make a sound to remind you."

Maybe they were still sensible when they fell, and they tried their best to avoid the fragile back of their heads. This caused the black mask to be held up in an arc by the bridge of the nose, making it difficult to see whether they were still breathing, and the mask was integrated with the whole body. She didn't want to I don't want to lift it up and look at it.

Xia Yan avoided the liquid, looked at the motionless and unresponsive body, and planned to wait in silence for a few dozen...


A weak, smoky voice responded to her not far away.

"Still alive?" Xia Yan swore that he was calm and had no other thoughts.


"Okay, little bears, come here and help me get them into the cart."

Xia Yan waved to the little bears who were poking their heads over, and took out the trolley that he had bought for detoxifying fruits and vegetables from the system grid.

I didn’t expect this car to be quite capable, so the money was not wasted.

The little bears had no inhibitions. Their dark eyes didn't even look at the sticky clothes, and they were about to grab them with their claws. Xia Yan suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. He hurriedly shouted stop, took out disposable gloves and shoe covers and threw them over.

"Put it on quickly!"

She always felt that they were made of cloth and cotton, and if they were absorbed into them...she wouldn't want any of them if they were dirty.

After everyone was arranged to get into the car, Xia Yan asked the greeting staff at the restaurant entrance to clean it several times with a mop and detergent and disinfectant.

Blood is the dirtiest thing.

Calling out the vacation door again, Xia Yan ignored the gazes behind him and led the little bears pushing strollers of the same height back to the lobby and went straight to the base hospital.

There is a long queue at the entrance of the simple hospital. They are all patients who are grieving and in pain all over the body, waiting for treatment. After so many years of wandering around, no matter how healthy your body is, it cannot bear it. Now, after having food, drink and a sound sleep, , the hidden disease slowly appeared.

Unfortunately, the hospital is too shabby, many large machines cannot be put into use, and many tests cannot be done. The doctor can only analyze based on his years of experience in treating patients. The most important thing is that even if he can figure out what the disease is, there is nothing he can do - there is no medicine to take!

All the survivors know that they don't need to see a doctor for serious illnesses, and they have to bear minor illnesses on their own, unless they can't bear it anymore, and then they come to the doctor to prescribe a few painkillers to ease the pain. There is no other way, it's like this everywhere, medicine is not like food, and the side effects of expired medicine are greater.

When everyone looked for help at the only Chinese medicine doctor in the hospital, the latter waved his hand helplessly.

"There is no way, not to mention that the prescription is not complete, even if there are Chinese medicines outside, I dare not use them, they are poisonous."

Everyone was sad and desperate.

But someone raised his voice and shouted excitedly: "There are doctors! Boss Xia's official detoxification shop can definitely detoxify!"

Everyone suddenly realized: "Yes, even living seeds can detoxify, so Chinese medicinal materials can definitely be used! There is no such thing as expired medicinal materials. At most, we can detoxify more!"

"Then...then can't the pills also detoxify? Can't they cure diseases?!"


Xia Yan:? It's just a fantasy.

In the room, Dr. Sang interrupted in a serious tone, "Don't mess around. The deterioration of expired drugs is irreversible. After entering the body, it may cause serious allergies or shock.

If there is an underlying disease, it is unknown whether new symptoms will occur. The conditions for treating diseases are already difficult, so don't force yourself into a dead end."

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