Dr. Sang's words are very resounding.

They are also afraid. The less people know about this, the more they can do incredible things, as if their lives are not their own and they dare to put anything in their mouths.

When supplies were extremely scarce, many survivors couldn't bear the hunger and picked fruits that were clearly poisonous, roasted them on the fire and ate them. As a result, they foamed at the mouth and died within a minute of being unable to breathe. .

Are you still thinking about detoxifying and treating diseases with expired medicines?

How did you come up with it? !

Even Chinese herbal medicines must be selected by experienced doctors to make sure they have not changed their properties before trying to detoxify them.

The more Dr. Sang thought about it, the more worried he became. He was about to put down his pen and go out to scold him a few more times, when he suddenly heard a squeaking sound outside the door, and then called Boss Xia.

Looking up again, Xia Yanren was already at the door.

"How did you-"

"Come and save them, there's still breath left."

Xia Yan turned sideways, revealing a small cart standing behind her. There was a person leaning on it, and his head wrapped in a burqa hung weakly.

Dr. Sang was shocked, stood up suddenly, picked up the medical box that was always beside him and hurried out, "Send directly to the medical room opposite! Let me check first."

There were several patients in the room who were injecting intravenous bottles. When they heard the sound of opening the door, they all raised their heads and supported their upper bodies, looking curiously at the dark-skinned patients.

After the young nurses finished dressing, they looked at the patients in the cart with scissors. They paused for a moment, and then were scolded by Dr. Sang, "Why are you still standing there? Cut off all their clothes! What's more important is a human life or a piece of tattered clothes." Is it important? I’ll pay after they are rescued!”

The young nurses wore medical gloves, grabbed the lower corners of the gown, and quickly cut upwards with a click.


Xia Yan raised his eyes and saw that the little nurse's eyes were red and filled with physiological tears. She didn't dare to look at the sticky silk hanging underneath when she tore off the gown. It felt like pulling on an expired piece of double-sided tape.

Mainly, no one expected that the skin under the burqa was covered with large and small pustules, one on top of another, so densely packed that there was no good skin all over the body.

As the pustule was pulled, the thin skin of the pustule was pulled up, and the dark green pus inside also swayed. It was frightening to see, for fear of exploding with too much force.

When it came to the face, everyone present couldn't help but take a breath - the pustules actually spread to the face, and even the lips and eyelids were covered, just like herpes, and a series of people who looked at it couldn't help but gag. .

Dr. Sang suppressed his physiological reaction and fear, bent down to look at the patient's nostrils, and the next second.

"Get the tools quickly, the pustules are about to block your nostrils!"

The long, sterilized needle with a pointed tip was placed in her palm, and she pricked the pustule without even thinking about it.


Xia Yan looked away.

The patient who received the infusion was sent to another room by the nurse in shock.

After Dr. Sang saw that his breathing was smooth, he took the towel and wiped the liquid on his face.

At this time, other doctors who hurriedly rushed in opened the door and saw the miserable patient lying on the cart. They were stunned for only a moment before entering the tense rescue process.

Xia Yan sincerely admires doctors.

As the burqa was taken off, in addition to the pustules all over his body, other physical changes were also revealed to everyone.

Abnormally thick joints, bent palms that cannot be straightened, deformed facial features that cannot be covered up by pustules, and everyone has swellings under their necks, like bulging frogs, which look very weird.

The most pitiful thing is that there is a child inside, with a broad nose and extremely wide eyes. After parting his lips, the teeth inside are as sparse as an 80-year-old man. If you say he is a child, he looks more like a dwarf.

Xia Yan asked the little bears to put the person on the hospital bed covered with disposable film, then turned and walked out of the emergency room.

The strange patients waiting in line outside the clinic opposite stared at her closely and followed her movements.

But alas, they knew her, but she didn't know each other.

There were survivors coming to the base every day, how could she remember them all?

And even if he remembers someone now, Xia Yan won't recognize him again after he gets fat - after all, there is a completely different difference between being fat and being too thin.

Xia Yan smiled and nodded to them as he walked past.

There may be some high-end intellectuals in the crowd, former upper-class figures, but now they can no longer glimpse the past from the wrinkles on their face when they smile, and the lackluster eyes.

The endless suffering has worn away the education and faith they once received, and what sustains them till now is only the instinctive desire to survive.

Xia Yan passed by the middle of the team and stopped.

An old man with messy gray hair was being supported by someone. He wore twisted glasses with spider webs on the bridge of his nose. The only small fragment that was still intact revealed yellow and muddy eyes, looking at her.

She said kindly: "I sell glasses in my store. If you need, you can go and have a look."

The old man moved his lips, and the middle-aged man standing next to him replied cautiously: "Thank you, boss, for reminding me."

"It doesn't matter."


When Xia Yan was handing today's delivery order to the publicity team, a young nurse hurried into the hall, as if grasping the last straw, and said eagerly:

"Boss Xia, please go and persuade them! Those people you sent yesterday are clamoring to be discharged from the hospital today. Dr. Sang can't persuade them no matter what, and they almost get into a fight!"

"What?" Xia Yan put a thick stack of delivery orders in the team leader's hand, "Are they alive?"

Little nurse:...

Does anyone say anything?

Xia Yan waved his hand: "Then let them go. Don't you have the crystal core to pay for the medical expenses?"

The little nurse was angry: "No, when has our hospital ever received any fees? The main reason is that they are not well yet, how can they leave? There are no disinfection tools after they go back, and it is easy to get infected if they are not handled properly!"

Xia Yan thought of the dark and gloomy place where the black-clothed people lived, and agreed with the nurse's idea. There was not even the sun in that broken place. It would be a miracle if they could recover from their injuries. Going back would be a death wish.

Wait a minute, if they had no desire to survive, why would they run to the restaurant door to ask for help through recruitment? According to their previous temper, wouldn't they rather die than come?

Since they wanted to live, why did they make a fuss to go back as soon as they woke up?

Xia Yan fell into deep thought.

After a while, she looked at the nurse again, "Let's go, I'll go over and take a look."

As soon as she stepped into the hospital gate, she rushed out of the ward with a low roar of anger: "I said, we are already well, why are you stopping us from leaving?!"

Dr. Sang was also suppressing his anger: "Which quack doctor said you are well? Point it out to me. You almost died of shock yesterday, and you are fully recovered today? The speed at which a space rocket flies into space is not as fast as your recovery!"

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