I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 422 Distinguishing

"I know my own body best. Isn't it just that it was poured down by acid rain? The pustules will heal slowly after being pricked. No matter what hospital you live in, get out of the way!"

"Hey, you're not done yet, are you? I'm warning you one last time. If you don't behave honestly, I'll arrange for anesthesia. I'll give you an injection when it's better and when it's better, I'll let you out of the hospital!"

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The patients and nurses in the corridor stared without saying a word. They looked at the posture of the needle pointing at Mai Mang inside and called Dr. Sang domineering.

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect Dr. Sang to be very good at criticizing people.

The little nurse beside her pouted angrily, looking at Xia Yan holding back the silent curse: I have never seen such a person, saving him turned out to be a mistake.

There's no need for flower crystal cores anyway, and three meals a day are provided, so just stay here and leave when you're ready, so why bother with such useless willfulness?

It can't be... to save rations for their hospital, right?

The little nurse looked confused.

Xia Yan found her expression funny (well-meaning), patted her on the shoulder, and walked into the ward.

By chance, the patient in the room, whose whole body was wrapped in bandages, jumped out of the hospital bed angrily, his only exposed eye constantly spitting out anger.

"Why? You are strong -"

"What do you want to do?" Xia Yan looked at him coldly.

Dr. Sang turned around and said, "You are finally here. I can't persuade this person at all. I have to leave!"

"Since he wants to leave, let him go. If you don't value your own life, why are you expecting someone to be your treasure?" Xia Yan glanced at the 'zongzi' lying on the hospital bed unceremoniously, "Does anyone want to be discharged from the hospital? , I will send you back now, and never come to my territory for help again."

Dr. Sang was dumbfounded and looked at the little nurse at the door: You asked her to come to break up the fight. Why does it feel like she is here to fight?

"I'm not making any fuss either."

Hearing the soft burning voice, Dr. Sang turned around in shock. Is this the same patient who almost got into a fight with him just now? !

Softly spoken, how can there be a little bit of rudeness and disbelief?

Xia Yan snorted coldly, "I heard shouting in the corridor just now. Wasn't it you?"

She walked to the end of the hospital bed, where the patient's basic information would usually be posted, and she saw - Zhang Yaya, male, 26...

"Are you only 26?" Xia Yan couldn't help but raise his voice.

The shock brought by age is far greater than the name.

Just by listening to his rough and hoarse voice, it is easy for people to think that he is a middle-aged man. After all, he can't see his face and can only listen to his voice for identification.

Zhang Yaya turned her head with difficulty to avoid her eyes. The uneasiness and anxiety that originally filled her heart gradually subsided when she saw someone who was barely an acquaintance.

Xia Yan finally understood. He was panicked and scared when he suddenly went to a strange place. None of his friends seemed to be able to speak, and their wealth and life were all weighing on him.

But with such a big lump hanging around his neck, he couldn't even protect himself, and he had to take care of and protect his partners. You can imagine the pressure in his heart.

For a while, Xia Yan didn't see them looking at anyone else for more than five seconds.

"Lie back," Xia Yan moved a wooden stool and sat beside the bed and said, "Didn't I tell you last time? There is a hospital in the base. Do you think there are free hospitals elsewhere to treat you?"

Zhang Yaya's 'one eye' swept across the open ward door and saw a long queue outside, waiting for Dr. Sang to treat them.

A strange feeling arose in his heart. It was so complicated that he couldn't put it into words. It was like a thin and delicate platycodon flower growing in a ravine land full of sin and despair. He thought it was beautiful and beautiful. Weird.

Seeing that he was absent-minded, Xia Yan asked, "Are you planning to go back?"

Zhang Yaya grunted dullly, "I can't go back. The food is still in the cave and I haven't had time to take it away for fear of being corroded by acid rain."

The stone cave can protect against wind, fire, and those weird 'hands', but it cannot protect against rain. Water flows into the cave along the gaps and accumulates deeper and deeper. How can a thin layer of plastic packaging withstand it?

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How can a person who has tasted the feeling of hunger endure that the food does not go into his stomach but is damaged instead?

Thinking of this, he couldn't sit still even more.

Xia Yan waved his hands slowly, "I'm afraid you won't be able to do anything if you go back with this look. You should have applied for a points card, right?"


"There is a new function in it. Anyone can post tasks or receive tasks. The remuneration is determined by oneself. I only charge 20% of the intermediary fee. You can try it. I will guarantee the safety of the transaction."

Zhang Yaya was dubious and didn't understand how those people could get to the stone monument without someone to guide them.

With Xia Yan's confident expression, he raised his Doraemon-like round hand and poked the gauze wrapping his arm - the points were stuck underneath.

Can this be opened?

Zhang Yaya was confused, but the next second, the small interface of the score card jumped out of the gauze and floated in the air.

"It's amazing." He glanced at Xia Yan and exclaimed. He made famous gestures with his round hands. He didn't know how to reach the small words at the bottom of the interface. But as his hand got closer and closer, the interface became larger and larger. Hurry up and catch up with the projection screen.

If it doesn't click, there's nothing to say.

Xia Yan noticed that Zhang Yaya's eyes were squinted, and the only exposed right eye was almost moved to the end of the eye, so that his hands could press the keys accurately.

She pondered, could it be that she always felt that he was peeking under the burqa because he was squinting? ? ?

Thinking of this, she looked at his companions again. Their eyes were indeed locked on Zhang Yaya, but that gaze felt like they were looking at her...

Xia Yan stood up and moved, and found that their eyeballs moved slightly.

This is absolutely amazing!


Zhang Yaya clicked on the new message, "Yes, someone has accepted the task I posted!"

Then he turned his eyes to the wooden stool and said, "Boss, do I have to send him off next?"

Xia Yan resisted the urge to hold his forehead, "No, as long as the recipient wants to do the task, he can open the portal to the task point online at any time, and you can get the supplies after the other party delivers the task. I have something else to do, Just leave first.”

When she just walked to the door of the ward, Zhang Yaya said something very hesitant in a hoarse voice: "Boss Xia, if I didn't mention in the task that the fruit is poisonous and cannot be grabbed directly with hands, they just look at the appearance. You also know the danger, right?”

Xia Yan:?

"You're talking about the glowing fruit? What's the poison?"

"Maybe... I'll shout a few times..."

"Shouting twice counts as poisoning? This is the first time I've heard of it. You don't have to worry about this. The person in charge of the mission will be able to tell the difference himself."

Looking at Xia Yan's leaving figure, Zhang Yaya concealed her panic and prayed that the person would not be deceived by Yuan Guozi's appearance.


Everyone in the base heard a heart-rending cry of pain.

"There is a thorn in my hand! Doctor! Save me quickly! The thorn is digging into my flesh and it hurts me to death! What bastard doesn't write down the mission clearly! If I find you, I will have to skin you!!"

Zhang Yaya silently turned over, pulled up the quilt on her body, and closed her eyes.

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