The next day, everyone had dark circles under their eyelids, a lot of resentment on their faces, and they were dragging their feet, looking like they hadn't had a good rest.

"What's wrong with them?" Xia Yan was eating breakfast, looking around, and looked at Xiong Xiong who was working next to him.

Xiong Xiong drove a mopping truck past, with a shallow water mark on the rear of the car. It dried in an instant, and the clean floor clearly reflected the light falling from the top.

"Last night, a man screamed all night long. The more he choked, the more he screamed at the top of his lungs. Even the soldiers on guard got up and patrolled for fear of attracting zombies."

"Why are you shouting?"

Xiong Xiong wiped out big horoscopes on the smooth floor, as if he was having fun, "I heard he said he was poisoned because he took on a mission that wasn't written clearly."

This book is first published on 𝟔𝟗Book Bar→𝟿𝟼sʜᴜ.ɴᴇᴛ, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no chapters out of order.

Xia Yan, who was eating the egg yolk, was caught off guard and choked, "Ahem, cough, cough, poisoned?"

No, Zhang Yaya really got it right?

Didn't you just shout twice?

Is there any moisture in the word "two"? !

Xiongxiong stopped the car, tilted his head slightly, and said in confusion: "Did the boss also hear the noise in the backyard? It shouldn't be. I went to the backyard to hear it immediately, and there was no sound at all."

Xia Yan poured saliva into his mouth, patted his chest and swallowed the yolk, "I didn't hear it, I just said that so many things happened last night."

How can she say that she had prior knowledge?

One was vague and didn't write clearly, and the other was dumbfounded and started to grab it. The two of them were evenly matched.

"What happened later?"

Xiong Xiong saw that she was okay and could still gossip, so he felt relieved and continued mopping the floor.

"Later, everyone couldn't stand it anymore and sat at the door of their houses with hammers, gritting their teeth. Finally, General Chu, who was far away in the factory, rushed over and ordered someone to send him to the mountains of Ridai Island. I agreed as I didn’t see the impact on the residents in the residential area.”

The place General Chu chose was close to the cliff, and there were rough waves below. The sound hitting the rocks easily suppressed the loudest sound a person could make.

Just scream, no one will complain or report you even if you shout loudly.

The unlucky man couldn't help but touched his unbearably itchy palm. As soon as he touched it, the severe pain of thousands of needles piercing his heart, liver, and lungs hit him. An uncontrollable scream broke through his throat and hit the rocks, mixed with the roar of the waves. , the whole face was covered with tears.

The soldier responsible for guarding him sat in the tent, yawning and laughing.

Anyway, the doctor has checked it out. As long as it's not life-threatening, it's not a big deal. It might be fine tomorrow.

Xia Yan couldn't help but laugh just thinking about it. He knew clearly that he was miserable, but he couldn't control the corners of his mouth from raising!

"Knock knock."

The broken gong's voice sounded vaguely from the opposite side: "Boss."

What's this?

Xia Yan looked up in shock and saw a young man standing in front of him, holding his neck with both hands and looking in pain.

"Are you alright?"


After struggling to utter a word, his face wrinkled up like a passion fruit that was extremely dehydrated, making Xia Yan frown.

This voice is too hoarse.

She stood up, took a glass of warm water, and pushed it in front of him, "Drink some water first to moisten your throat. Why is this happening? Have you seen a doctor?"

The young man nodded gratefully, picked up the cup and took a sip. In the blink of an eye, he pinched his neck again. His face instantly turned red and he rolled his eyes in discomfort.

"Huh? I poured you warm water." Before Xia Yan could finish his words, he saw him running away, and his target seemed to be a simple hospital.


Xia Yan looked at Xiong Xiong with confusion and asked, "What was he talking about just now?"

Xiong Xiong laughed so hard that he fell forward and backward on the armrest.

"Boss, he is the person I am talking about!"

After shouting hysterically all night, can my throat not be broken? Not to mention eating, drinking water is like swallowing a knife, and there is a tearing pain when I move.

After hearing this, Xia Yan silently sat back at the front desk, opened the operation background, found the settings, and frantically added various restrictions on publishing tasks.

She couldn't step into the same pit a second time.


After getting up from a nap, Xia Yan took the elevator directly to the top floor of the main store. He first cut his long hair short in the barber's room to make it neater, and then began to patrol downstairs.

She conveniently placed the brand-new four-piece bedding set on the shelf in front of each room. When the customers saw it, they would naturally understand that if the waiter went in to clean the room every day, the customers would feel uncomfortable unless they asked for it.

Xia Yan walked through several empty rooms with the doors open and the two windows fully open. A gentle breeze carried a faint fragrance of flowers. The rooms were clean and quiet, without any trace of habitation.

Since Chu Wanfu rebuilt the new factory area, most of the customers living in the store have moved out, and only three meals a day are still eaten in the store.

She looked back at the long corridor. The luxurious carpet looked a little heavy under the orange light. The room doors on both sides were either dark or light. The elevator at the end always lit up the number of the current floor. It didn't go up or down, as if She was the only one left in the whole building.

When the lively atmosphere in the base floated to her ears, she suddenly felt that the building was too quiet.

Xia Yan stood there for a long time, as if thinking a lot, but also seemed to be in a daze for a while.

Finally, she looked down at the four-piece bedding set held between her fingers, and walked up the stairs to the next floor.

She has long been used to it when parting finally comes.

In the hall, Xiongxiong was facing away from her, sticking his butt out, swaying and looking at something. His cute appearance instantly melted her heart and drove away all the negative emotions.

"What are you looking at?" Xia Yan squatted down like him, and looked down to see two large bags of food.

The words "Exclusive Supermarket of the Resort Hotel" were clearly written on the packaging bag, and the open bag mouth revealed that it was filled with supplements such as milk powder, red dates, and black sesame paste.

"The customer asked you to help watch it?" she asked.

Xiongxiong's misty black eyes revealed confusion, and he shook his head: "No one, only these two bags of food."

Xia Yan was puzzled. In this era, would anyone throw food that had spent crystal cores into the hall?

She looked around and didn't see anyone guarding nearby.

Oh my god, I found "money" in the store, and no one would believe it if I told them.

"Put it at the front desk first, I'll check the surveillance."

Xia Yan turned on the surveillance background, adjusted the time to the moment she left the hall, and fast-forwarded five times.

In the surveillance video, people were coming and going, and many people came to the front desk. A closer look revealed that besides those who were asking for directions, there were local customers who were checking out - Earl and his group. There were also five or six people from Chu Wanfu following them. After checking out, Xia Yan could not see where they went.

Xia Yan didn't care when they came, and she would not care if they left the hotel normally.

The surveillance video continued to play quickly, and a man carrying two large bags suddenly came to the front desk, which was gradually deserted.

Found it!

Xia Yan quickly adjusted the speed to normal, expanded the screen to the limit, watched the people in the screen put down their things, and pressed the pause button when they turned around and prepared to leave.

Hmm? Why is it him?

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