I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 424 Thank You Gift

Xia Yan stared at the man wrapped in white rice dumplings in the surveillance screen in confusion. He looked very familiar with only one eye exposed.

"Why is it Zhang Yaya? Shouldn't he be lying in the hospital?"


Zhang Yaya was seen placing two bags of food on the front desk and leaving quickly, quickly disappearing from the screen. Xia Yan switched to another interface that could monitor the entire hall.

There was a bright door deep in the camera. Zhang Yaya walked straight to the door. After pausing for a few seconds, he stepped inside the door. At this time, several people in the same clothes walked out of the white light on the side and disappeared behind him through the door. back.

Xia Yan recognized that it was the vacation door.

Zhang Yaya and his companions were discharged from the hospital and ran back to their original residence. Did they give her a thank you gift before leaving? Just because she saved their lives?

Kind of heartwarming.

Xia Yan lowered his eyes and looked at the packaging bag in front of him. There were even chocolates and dried fruits that he guessed she would like to eat, but she knew that compared to the instant noodles, ham and sausages that could fill her stomach, the price of these snacks was even lower. Very expensive.

"This is really..." Xia Yan laughed.

He was probably afraid that she wouldn't accept it, so he sent it over when no one was around.

Xia Yan immediately rescued people, naturally not asking for anything in return, but at this moment he really felt something was different, and his joyful mood could not be deceived.

If nothing else, at least she knew that Zhang Yaya and the others took this matter to heart and expressed their gratitude to the best of their ability, which made her feel very comfortable.

It's much more satisfying than some people showing an expression like "I'm not asking you to save me" after being rescued.

Xia Yan hummed a little tune and was about to tidy up the cabinet and put things in, but she didn't see Dr. Sang appear on the other side in time.

She didn't look up until Dr. Sang cleared her throat.

"Is the boss busy packing things?" Dr. Sang took out a piece of black chocolate from his pocket and slowly tore it open.

Xia Yan: "Well, come on -"

Dr. Sang interrupted proudly: "Yes, the chocolates were given by Zhang Yaya. There are two big pockets. I have to say that we have worked hard. The past two days have brought us a lot of trouble. If we don't want it, we can just put it down and run away." Come on, this kid needs to be trained well when he comes tomorrow, and he can’t spend the crystal cores randomly.”

Xia Yan:? ? ?

And slowly closed his open mouth.

Looking at Dr. Sang's smiling face, she endured it again and again, bent down and took out the two big bags again, opened them in front of her, and took them out one by one. From time to time, she had to look at Dr. Sang and say:

"Hey, do you think that as a boss, I can't afford to eat or drink? I just sent Zhang Yaya and the others who fainted to the hospital with just a little effort, and even went to the supermarket to buy me something. You said that I own the supermarkets. I feel so uneasy about receiving this thank you gift~"

Yep, that’s all you have, right?

Who hasn't received the thank you gift yet?

Xia Yan raised her chin slightly and put on a tsundere expression, her conspicuous bag rebounding.

Not far away, Xiong Xiong scratched his head. He had never seen such a childish side of his boss...

"Ahem," unable to show off anymore, Dr. Sang stuffed the remaining half of the chocolate back into the packaging bag and put it back into his pocket. He casually said a few words and then changed the subject, "Actually, I have something serious to talk to you about. I want to open a hospital on Ridai Island.”

"What?" Xia Yan felt that he heard wrongly.

Is the hospital going to her territory? The mall does not provide any medical supplies and medicines.

Dr. Sang said solemnly: "I can pay the rent. There are three reasons for this idea. First, the hospital cannot build high-rise buildings in the base, otherwise it will easily become the target of some people. Second, now the medical treatment and ward are in the same place. On the first floor, there are people coming and going in the corridor, and there are many patients in the ward, so it is impossible to meet the conditions for rest. Third, I have selfish motives..."

She frowned and looked behind her. After making sure that no one from Chu Wanfu was in the hall, she lowered her voice and said, "General Chu's ideas and goals are different from ours. Now he has continued to expand his territory. No one knows what day it will be." It will cause chaos...

But now it is impossible for patients to reach a healthy level without adjustment for half a year. In addition, when I chatted with them, I found that many people just want a stable life, which is conflicting..."

The topic was a bit heavy, so Dr. Sang sighed deeply, her tone full of helplessness. She didn't think General Chu was wrong, nor did she think the patients had wrong ideas.

Everyone's common goal is peace, but peace is created, not waited for. Someone has to rush ahead and set their sights on the distant future.

For the continuation of blood, long-term planning is essential.

This troubled Dr. Sang, who was more interested in patients. She didn't want to know the future. She only knew that the patient lying in the hospital bed could not sleep at night, gasping in pain, and his whole body was so thin that there was only a handful of bones left.

Since discovering this, Dr. Sang has been unable to sleep well all night, and has been worrying about the safety of his patients. How can he let them rest in peace and recuperate without worrying about the house collapsing and their bodies being buried under the beams while they sleep? He is in despair. Looking back on this short half life.

After much thought, she set her sights on the vast Ridai Island.

Only there can be raised as high as you like, or the outpatient building and the inpatient area can be separated. Maybe the whole building can be powered on, and the large examination equipment that is gathering dust in the warehouse can come in handy!

It was late at night, and Dr. Sang suddenly got out of bed. Unable to conceal his excitement, he paced back and forth in the room. The more he thought about it, the more excited he became!

Will Boss Xia agree?

There has never been a private person renting land to do his or her own business.

If they can rent it, the ownership of the hospital belongs to them, and Boss Xia cannot participate. She is only responsible for providing the land...

This...she can't agree to it.

She stood there in a daze, as if a basin of ice water was poured on her head. The excitement in her heart was instantly extinguished. She looked at the pale moonlight that fell into the window and couldn't say a word.


The high-rise building of the holiday hotel in the distance stood quietly, like a sleeping beast, which would instantly stretch out its claws and give a fatal blow to those who coveted its territory at any time.

Doctor Sang suddenly wanted to give up. She thought too simply. If she really rented the area according to her plan, she would not be able to afford the rent for one month. She also needed to apply to Chu Wanfu and Shangjing. Does that mean that patients need to pay crystal cores for medical treatment?

This is contrary to her original intention.

She lay back on the bed in a daze, with a lot of thoughts in her mind. It was not until dawn that she fell asleep.

Then it was another busy day. The simple hospital welcomed another wave of patients. When arranging accommodation, we found that every ward was full. We had no choice but to arrange them in the corridor.

"Notify the nurses to go back to the dormitory to pack their things and move to my room and other doctors' rooms."

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