In the ward opposite, a nurse pushed a bed with a patient on it and walked out quickly. She arranged the patient on one side of the corridor, with the head of the bed next to the foot of the bed in front. Soon, another head of the bed was pushed up to the foot of the bed.

One after another, they formed a line in a blink of an eye, and the corridor, which was not spacious to begin with, was only 50 cm wide.

There was a long queue of patients waiting for treatment on this side of the wall. The patients lying on the bed were very close, and they looked at the people standing next to them in silence.

Doctor Sang saw that some beds were still hanging drips, and the infusion tubes were shaking beside the bed. It was easy for people walking back and forth to touch them. If the needle was accidentally removed, it would be troublesome.

Nowadays, the elasticity of patients' skin and blood vessels is not good, so it is not easy to get a needle.

She hurriedly called the nurse: "Why did you push the patient who was still receiving an IV out? Didn't you say that patients with mild symptoms should be transferred to the corridor as much as possible?"


The young nurse wiped the sweat from her forehead and looked in the direction she pointed. Her nervous expression relaxed, "Doctor, he is the only one in the ward with a mild disease. Others are more seriously ill. Please don't pull me. I have to go."

Dr. Sang frowned deeply. She had no better way. She could only raise her voice to ask the patients in line to pay attention and not to touch the IV tube by mistake.

The corridor was narrow and there were many patients. After a while, the temperature rose sharply. Everyone had sweat on their foreheads, and even the air was dirty.

She opened all the windows, expecting the coolness on her face. It happened that there was no wind today, and she wanted to move the hospital to another place more and more.

While sitting on the chair to see the patient, she asked about the patient's symptoms while fanning herself with a fan. Her mind was full of the vast territory of Lidai Island. If she could open a hospital there, no matter how many patients came, there would be a place to stay, and the air would be circulated, which would be much more comfortable than here.

Until the evening, Dr. Sang took in the patients who were too seriously ill to move, and asked the rest to go back to their own residences and wait for a nurse to give them injections.

This solved the problem of wards, but it was hard for the nurses, who had to carry their medicine boxes from house to house and could not go home until late at night.

After packing up her things, Dr. Sang took some food that Zhang Yaya gave her and went straight to the front desk of the resort hotel. While she was not paying attention to her, she did a lot of psychological preparation, made a joke for a while, and then told her the real purpose after the atmosphere was harmonious.

"I want to open a hospital in Lidai Island."

As soon as this sentence came out, Dr. Sang, who was on edge, saw that her face really changed.

"What did you say?" Xia Yan couldn't believe it.

Open a hospital in her territory?

When Chu Wanfu always doubted her motives before, she promised that she would not open a hospital. How long has it been since someone came to her door to build a hospital on her territory? ?

Fate really loves to play tricks on people.

"Chu Wanfu agrees?" she asked.

It doesn't seem like his character.

"General Chu is not at the base, and I just got off work." Doctor Sang shook his head.

Sure enough, Chu Wanfu didn't know.

Xia Yan: "It's not that I refuse you, you should discuss it with Chu Wanfu first, this is not a trivial matter."

She didn't need to explain what she meant. Lidai Island has food and drink, and can also be treated and hospitalized. It's not an exaggeration to say that it is a paradise, and the owner of the island is still her, an invincible existence that no one can defeat.

It would be strange if Chu Wanfu didn't have a headache.

Xia Yan watched Doctor Sang leave, and went back to the backyard to lie down and rest.

There is nothing more comfortable than being a jerk, let them worry about it themselves.

But Dr. Sang's words today reminded her: "System, are the natives of this world allowed to open shops in Lidai Island to earn crystal cores?"


[No restrictions, the owner decides freely]

"Very good, handsome."


After breakfast, Xia Yan went straight to the high-end restaurant on Lidai Island.

After Dr. Sang's advice yesterday, she got the hang of it, and came to see if there were many customers at the stall today.

"Boss Xia, why are you here so early?"

"I have some freshly picked fruits, washed, you can eat them quickly."

As soon as she appeared, the stall owners who were busy setting up stalls stopped what they were doing, and some people stuffed food into her arms.

"No, I just had a meal, I remember you were at that location yesterday, why are you here today?"

It's not that Xia Yan specifically remembered it, it's just that every time she passed by, the aunt was very enthusiastic, no matter what she was selling, she had to give her some, and after a long time, she remembered it invisibly.

The aunt's face froze, she glanced at the original position uncomfortably, and said with a wry smile: "It's the same everywhere, they can all sell well."

Xia Yan looked in the direction, only to see that the position was now occupied by a young couple, who also looked uncomfortable at the moment.

She didn't say anything, and after a few pleasantries, she continued to walk forward along the stalls, silently counting the number of stalls in her mind, a total of more than 80.

At this time, she also saw an unexpected "acquaintance".

"I remember your name is Jinfeng?" Xia Yan said hesitantly, the stall owner next to her seemed to be called Du Cheng.

Aren't they employees of the Shangjing base? They don't go to work and come here to sell goods?

Jinfeng and Du Cheng looked at each other, both hiding at the back, and didn't expect to meet again.

Jinfeng laughed awkwardly: "It's me, Du Cheng came with me."

The stranger Du Cheng who pretended not to know her next to her was horrified: Why did you mention me for no reason, bitch!

Jin Feng pretended not to see it, and picked up a piece of clothing on the stall with a smile, saying, "I just happen to have a few clothes at home that I can't wear anymore. They're just sitting there anyway, so I might as well sell them to someone in need."

"Very good." Xia Yan also smiled.

"Jin Feng, don't brag. You obviously took it back from another base. Why are you pretending that you can't wear it at home? How can your big body fit such small clothes?"

A mocking voice interrupted and broke the kind smile on Jin Feng's face.

It was Du Cheng.

He used the rudest language to break the face that Jin Feng valued the most.

Jin Feng's mouth twitched, her face turned blue and red, her nose opened and closed exaggeratedly, and her hands holding the clothes clenched tightly, as if suppressing the anger that was about to erupt.

Du Cheng, on the other hand, looked disapproving, "What's wrong, sister? You are allowed to set fire, but I am not allowed to light a lamp? Take a good look at the situation your family is in now before you act arrogant!"

Xia Yan glanced between the two and watched the show with interest.

Du Cheng turned to look at her: "Jin Feng, it's instinct not to tell the truth. Let me tell you.

Using the identity of a scorer, we are now purchasing materials that others don't need from various bases, and then reselling them here to earn a middle price to supplement our family expenses. Hehe, in the end, we still spend all our money here."

Xia Yan pretended to be enlightened, "So that's why, it's really hard to go back and forth."

Du Cheng laughed: "It's not hard, I make a lot of money going back and forth. I specialize in collecting food here, and I can make a lot of money by selling it over there!"

"Aren't you afraid of losing your job?"

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