Du Cheng laughed heartily after hearing this:

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

"Boss Xia, do you want to take a look at what you are talking about? Do you still have restrictions on your time outside of work? Now is not a peaceful era. Who can stop others from filling their stomachs? This is the skill. It reduces the burden on the base. This is Good thing.

Xia Yan smiled slightly: "What you said makes sense."

It’s true that chickens don’t pee, everyone has their own way.

She returned to the nearest high-end restaurant, found a seat and sat down, and prepared to start building a morning and evening market specifically to facilitate customers to set up stalls.

In this way, one more thing can be added to the promotional video in the future - Ridai Island not only provides food, but also supports all survivors to trade supplies.

Now her mind is fully open. Everyone is trying to make more crystal cores anyway, why doesn't she just follow the trend and charge a small fee?

First of all, this street cannot be too far away from the restaurant. It is best to be able to see it at a glance. In addition, a store must be added behind the stall to meet the needs of different customers.

After determining the location, she marked the numbers 1-100 on the ground and divided the entire street into squares with the same area. Whoever wants to set up a stall in the future can go to the rental department to rent a location. The corresponding number will belong to him and everyone else. Not for occupation.

Xia Yan set up a row of shops ten meters behind the stall. There are always some people with highly practical abilities who need a long-term place to display their products. For example, Fu Niang can produce fruits, but flower pots cannot be moved around all day long. go.

It was still a little cool in Ridai Island in the early morning. When the wind blew, my old arms and legs were the first to bear it, so everyone wore long sleeves and long trousers, and changed into two-piece clothes when the weather got hotter.

But at this moment, a group of people stopped what they were doing and stared at Xia Yan without blinking, watching with excitement and disbelief the brand-new houses rising from the ground, with bright floor-to-ceiling windows, white walls, and The GG plate at the top of the wall is blank to be named.

"On weekdays, I always hear you say that the hotel has changed dramatically overnight. I still think you are bragging and taking it as a joke. Now it seems that I am the joke."

"Now you know, Boss Xia has this magical power. He wants to arrange anything in the blink of an eye."

"There seems to be a number on the ground. Does anyone know what it means?"

"...Here, let me make a blind guess. Based on my many years of experience in setting up stalls, it feels very much like a stall rented from outside!"

"Boss Xia has finally started to manage. He is fighting for positions every day until he vomits!"

The chatter quickly spread to all the stalls. On the one hand, they were worried about whether they could afford the monthly rent. On the other hand, they hoped to have their own stall so that they would not have to worry about losing their spot tomorrow.

Since fighting is prohibited on Lidai Island, and everyone has to earn some living expenses by setting up stalls, no one wants to lose this precious opportunity, so they all agree that it is first come, first served.

Some people simply get up early in the middle of the night to get the best seats, and everyone follows suit. In the end, they lie here after dinner in the evening, and they have to turn a blind eye and stand guard until late at night because they are sleepy and sleepy - to prevent others. Just move the guy pose away and force the position to change.

Although there was no quarrel or quarrel, they were all simmering with anger and racking their brains and plotting, and their lives were miserable.

Now that it's better, Boss Xia has taken action, and they can finally sleep peacefully.

Qi's father and Qi's mother are definitely the happiest people. Their son is capable, and the food they have saved during this period is enough for them to live frugally for ten years!

Now he is engaged in planting and construction with the director of Sanji. Maybe one day he will be the director of the base. The good days can be seen with the naked eye. The old couple couldn't sleep in the middle of the night. The more they thought about it, the happier they became.

After the two discussed it, Qing Mimi began to think about saving a wife's book for her children.

At first, Qi's parents thought that food was the most important thing. As long as they were not hungry and had enough food in their hands, they would be their wives. When they talked to Sang Zhengyi, the other party shook his head and gave a different opinion.

"The crystal core is still the most important. There will be fewer and fewer zombies nearby in the future. If you want to get the crystal core, you can only run far away. It is more important to improve your strength. Only by being strong can you survive."

"But those who have nothing to eat will starve to death..." Qi's mother looked worried.

Sang Zhengyi's expression was cautious: "People will no longer starve to death in the future. Planting food will soon be put on the agenda. It is only a matter of time before everyone is fed. As for now, you listen to Xiao Qi and stay in the hotel and don't leave. Don't let him worry."

Qi's mother wanted to say something else, but was held back by Qi's father who was thoughtful.

Now it seems that what Director Sankey said is indeed right, and his vision is indeed far enough!

Qi's mother looked at the planned stall area in front. Boss Xia was arranging trash cans and benches. It looked quite interesting. She was a little moved and couldn't help but glance at the old man.

In order to keep their current position, the two of them worked late at night. Not only did they keep the air and bed alone, they also did not dare to complain to Qi Hua.

If you rent a stall, you don't have to worry...

Qi's father was also a little moved. What he was interested in was not the stall, but the shop at the back. He couldn't earn much crystal core by just doing small business, and he didn't have that much dry goods to sell...

"Go and ask about the rent?" Qi's mother whispered.

"Let's go and ask." Father Qi nodded.

Before they could pack up their things and set off, the stall owners next door, next door, and next door took a big hand and poured the newly arranged items into the woven bag. They held it in their hands and threw it on their backs, and strode towards Xia Yan. direction.

"Hurry up, someone is here, let's go and ask."

"Don't put the table away. It might be needed later, so don't let anyone take your place."

"Go ahead and ask. I'm looking at the stall. Customers are coming soon. Let's sell more now."

Noisy voices sounded at the same time, just like the scene of closing the stall at night.

Qi's mother wanted to say that she would stay to look after the stall, but in a blink of an eye, she found that the old man was carrying things on his shoulders at an unprecedented speed.

"Don't stand there, follow me."


The sound of chaotic footsteps sounded behind her, gradually approaching. Xia Yan put the last trash can, clapped her hands and turned around.

Curious eyes looking around fell on her one after another.

Xia Yan glanced at their shoulders and asked with her eyes what was going on.

Du Cheng, who was standing in the front, spoke first: "Is this street going to be rented out?"

Xia Yan: "Yes."

He asked again: "Is it for renting out stalls?"

Xia Yan nodded again.

Jin Feng on the side couldn't bear to see that he was talking nonsense and didn't get to the point, so she elbowed him and asked herself: "Boss, how much is the monthly rent? Can you give me a detailed introduction?"

Everyone was shocked, their ears perked up, and looked at Xia Yan intently.

Xia Yan was embarrassed. She had just finished the construction. To be honest, she hadn't thought about how much the rent would be.

She didn't answer directly, but instead asked how many points everyone could earn in a day.

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