"It's not much. There is a supermarket next to it. It has a full range of goods and the prices are right. After everyone has finished their shopping, they come back here to browse. If they see what they want, they buy it. If they save some money at the end of the day, it will be enough to eat and drink for three days. Four days.”

This is the answer of a prudent person.

"They are short of supplies, and most of the people who come here are short of food and drink. Even after going to the supermarket and seeing us selling dry goods, they are afraid that they will not be able to grab them. Basically, everything is included."

This is an honest man's answer.

After Xia Yan listened to a few more sentences, he had an idea.

Everyone saw that she was silent and didn't talk about the rent for a long time. It seemed that she had some sense, and they couldn't help but reflect on whether what they said was exaggerated.

It’s not like I haven’t encountered a landlord who deliberately raised the rent when the tenant’s business was good...

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See what this means...

Xia Yan finally said: "The stalls in the morning and evening markets can be rented for at least one month. I will be informed seven days in advance every month whether to renew the lease. During the rental period, the stalls cannot be sublet without permission. The points card will open a stall operation function, which includes points transactions, With the function of opening and closing the stall, you no longer have to move things around. "

Du Cheng stretched his neck and asked, "That thing won't be stolen, right?"

"No, when the stall owner is not at the stall, no one can touch the goods, and no theft will occur." Xia Yan said calmly.

Everyone was happy.

It should be said or not, this point definitely hits people’s hearts!

There are many people and many hands. If something is lost, my heart will burst into tears.

"As for the rent issue," Xia Yan finalized the price in his heart, "for the time being, we will charge three second-level crystal cores per month, which is 1,500 points."

After she finished talking about the cost, everyone started to calculate how many points it would cost per day. Oh, 50 points seemed okay.

Xia Yan's eyes swept across the faces with different emotions, and he added: "It is said to be open in the morning and evening, but the actual operating time depends on yourself."

Even if no one cares about it from five o'clock in the morning to one o'clock at night, as long as you can hold on.

The last layer of worries was dispelled by her, and a group of people were beaming and eager to reserve a seat. They thought clearly that since there was a morning and evening market, private stalls were absolutely not allowed in the original place, so they might as well rent a place near the front now. Stall!

"Boss Xia, if I want to rent it, just rent it for two months. Come and collect the points. Give me booth No. 1."

"That won't work. I've already set my sights on number one, and I'll rent it for two months."

"You want number one and I want number two. If it doesn't work out, number three will do. I won't pick number four, five or six!"

Qi's mother, who was squeezed to the back, exchanged anxious glances with Qi's father.

Qi’s mother: Yes, very good. Let’s rent it. The price is right! Grab the number in front!

Father Qi: No hurry, wait first.

Xia Yan's raised voice came from the crowd: "If you don't want to handle it here, you all go to the rental department and handle it there."

"Who are you looking for?"

"Little Bear, numbers are first come, first served, go quickly."

As soon as he finished speaking, the people who were crowded around him all turned their heads and rushed forward, aiming at the high-rise building of the rental department.

Qi's mother grabbed the old man's arm and pulled her back anxiously, "What are you waiting for? I'm going to be late and the queue has been pushed to the end! How can you save crystal nuclei for your child to get a wife?!"

Everyone knows that the further back you go, the fewer people there are, which is nothing compared to the flow of people at the front.

Qi's father raised his smile, opened her hand, and took a few steps forward, "Boss Xia, I didn't say anything because there were so many people just now. I would like to ask how to rent the store?"

Xia Yan:...

She still hadn't thought about it.

"What business do you want to do?" Let's take the old route and think about it...

When Qi's mother heard that the old man actually wanted to open a store, she was so scared that she tried hard to think of anything else in the storage cabinet that she could sell.

After all, Qi's father is older and his face is not as thin as when he was young. It is not shameful to just ask.

“My current idea is to grow some vegetables and sell them in the store, and help my friends in the base who have no time to sell things to sell dry goods and earn a little money.

Also, Qi Hua is distributing welfare at the base there. There are seeds, vegetables, etc., and we can’t finish them all. The vegetables have a short shelf life, so they can be sold. And your aunt is good at needlework and helps people. Just mend some clothes or something..."

Father Qi talked a lot eloquently, and the wrinkles at the corners of his mouth and the ends of his eyes were full of hope for the future.

Xia Yan looked at Qi's mother with interest. She raised her head slightly, her eyes full of admiration and absolute trust locked on Qi's father's face. He said whatever he said, and she had absolutely no objection.

"The rent of a shop is much more expensive than that of a stall, and the rent starts from at least three months, and you cannot sublet it privately in the middle. You have to think about it."

Father Qi paused and asked, "There shouldn't be any restrictions on what we can sell, right?"

Xia Yan thought to himself, there are actually quite a lot of them, but not those who destroy the three views.

"The same requirements as in peacetime." That was all she could say.

"What does that mean?" Qi's father didn't understand and wanted to ask more. As soon as he opened his mouth, Qi's mother stopped him.

"I understand, it won't happen for sure. We are just doing a small business to save some crystal cores for my son to get a wife, and we won't do those bad things."

Xia Yan nodded and was suddenly surprised, "Qi Hua is going to get a wife?"

Qi's mother smiled coyly and said, "I'm here to introduce you."

Qi's father was shocked: "When - ow~"

Qi's mother calmly retracted her hand and changed the subject, "How much is the monthly rent?"

Xia Yan: "Seven thousand points."

Seven thousand? !

The old couple was stunned and speechless. It was indeed expensive.

Xia Yan understood: "Think about it, and you can go to the rental department to handle it when the time comes."

Seeing that she was about to leave, Qi's mother stopped again, "Then, what's so expensive about it?"

One thousand five hundred and one seven thousand, the difference is too big.

Don't say that the stall is exposed to the wind, rain and sun. Everyone who can get to this point in the end of the world is hypocritical. This is not hardship. Besides, I have been in Lidai Island for so long and have never seen rain.

"A lot." Xia Yan simply took the two of them into a store to see it.

"The store area is 60 square meters, the whole house has water and electricity, and the route can be changed according to your requirements. If you don't have the furniture you need, you can come to me to borrow it for free, and return it as it is when it expires.

The last point is very important. Customers who rent a store will have an additional function added to their points card-return to the store. No matter where you are, you can open the portal at any time and return to your store instantly. Customers who rent a stall do not have this function."

This is a function that comes with each store, and it can only be used once a day.

For some people who have strong superpowers, it is an extra layer of security, but for low-level superpowers who want to earn crystal cores by opening a store to improve their abilities, this opportunity is very valuable.

If you are unlucky enough to encounter a group of zombies when you go out, you can choose to teleport before they surround you and return without injury.

Opportunities and dangers coexist, it depends on how the customers choose.

A white and tender hand raised behind the two people:

"I rent!"

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