"Boss Xia, I want to rent.

Fu Niang was seen poking her head out from behind Qi's father, smiling brightly with obvious pear dimples on her cheeks, full of affinity.

Xia Yan laughed and said, "You didn't leave the base today?"

"I'm going in the afternoon. In the morning I plan to process the fruits and vegetables collected over the past two days before they rot." Fu Niang looked around and was very satisfied, "Then I'm going to the rental department?"

Xia Yan nodded, "Shops are different from stalls. You can choose the location. You can just walk around before going."

"I got it." Fu Niang extended her hand to sign OK and left easily.

"This girl is not bad. She has good looks and a good personality. She is also very lucky. She has been separated from her mother for so long and she can still get her back. She is a capable baby who is a good match for our children." Qi's mother blocked her with her hand. At the mouth, the voice was lowered.

Qi's father looked at Fu Niang's back and said hesitantly: "She is Fu Niang, but I heard that she is three years older than our child..."

"That's just right. The female junior is holding a gold brick. I think it matches her." Qi's mother became more and more satisfied as she looked at her. She is such a polite child. She always smiles when she sees her elders. She feels close to her just by looking at her.

"That's true. Let Qi Hua decide for himself. We don't care."

Qi's father is open-minded and cannot force matters of love. Moreover, it is not yet stable now. If Qi Hua really gets married, it will be more worrying for Qi Hua, which is not conducive to his career, so he should just let nature take its course.

Thinking of this, he turned his gaze to the empty shop and landed on the brand-new and bright floor-to-ceiling windows. The sunshine outside was just right, and the golden light shone in, making it quiet and warm.

"I've decided, let's rent a shop too!"


"Congratulations." Xia Yan clapped his hands.

The news that Ridai Island was open for leasing spread throughout the base at lightning speed.

Chu Wanfu waved to the soldiers to indicate that he understood.

Dr. Sang, who was sitting opposite, could not hide his excitement and rubbed his face vigorously.

"I never expected that I just asked her yesterday if I could rent it out, and it was put on the agenda today! Since others can open a store, I can definitely rent land and open a hospital!"

It was as if the mountain that was weighing on her heart was blown away by the gods. Her whole body felt refreshed, and her body was twisting and turning, not knowing how to express her excitement.

"General Chu, everything is ready, all I need is your style!"

"You don't want to worry about the person lying in the hospital bed being bombarded to death, right?"

"I have come up with a perfect idea for you - open a hospital on Lidai Island. It is absolutely safe and can become a solid force for our army after recovery!"

"This way you won't have anything to worry about, and the hostile forces won't be able to take advantage of you."

"What are they comparing to us?!"

When Dr. Sang got excited, he stood up and slapped his hands on the table, leaning over and staring at him eagerly, as if he was hating an enemy.

Chu Wanfu silently took out a rag and wiped away the saliva splashed on the document cover.

"——Sorry, I couldn't control it."

Chu Wanfu felt powerless in his heart.

It wasn’t because he listened to Dr. Sang’s phone call, it was because he found that regardless of whether he was politically willing or not, opening a hospital on Lidai Island was the perfect choice——

The environment is good, safe, there is enough food, there are no zombies, the enemy forces cannot penetrate, and it is possible to provide water and electricity.

I think it was because they knew that Xia Yan would never build a hospital that they cooperated until now. Unexpectedly, they took the initiative to rent land to open a hospital...

Why does my face feel so hot and painful?

Chu Wanfu wanted to take a cold bath to calm down.

Knock, knock.

The office door was pushed open, and a little nurse wearing a Nightingale hat poked her head in.

"Dr. Sang, you have to go on ward rounds."

Dr. Sang stood up and straightened his clothes, "General Chu, I'm waiting for your good news."


"Xiong Xiong, install a wire here." Xia Yan pointed to the position near the wall.

"Here?" Xiongxiong showed his sharp claws.

"No, no, let's go a little higher. This seems a bit low." Fu Niang hesitated.

Xiong Xiong looked at Xia Yan, and Xia Yan looked at Fu Niang. Now Fu Niang is the owner of this shop, and he must comply with her requirements.

Being stared at by one person, one bear, and four eyes, Fu Niang's scalp exploded, and she quickly said: "Forget it, just stay where you were."

Wow, so much pressure...

"Girl, I think the position you just pointed out is quite good. My waist is not good, so it should be a little higher." Lin held the flower pot in her hand and comforted her with a gentle tone.

Maybe she felt guilty in her heart, but now she couldn't bear to see her daughter feel any dissatisfaction, and words of praise were on her lips all the time. Only in this way could her restless heart feel the sweetness.

"Just come to the position Fu Niang just said." Xia Yan said to Xiong Xiong.

Xiong Xiong's hidden sharp claws stretched out again, and the fingertips hooked inward like awns, sliding along the wall. The solid wall was like a fresh cream cake, and a gap was immediately opened.

It stuffs the wire in, then squeezes it like a dumpling, and finally pats it again. After the wall automatically levels out, it returns to its original appearance.

It was the first time for Fu Niang and Lin to see Xiong Xiong working, and they were so surprised that they couldn't close their mouths.

"that's all...?"

Xia Yan smiled: "Yes, it's very simple, right."

Fu Niang has weird eyes and is very rude...

Lin bent over and touched the place where she had just cut it. The shaking feeling was like jelly. Is this really a house?

The fingertips are extremely hard and hard, with the unique roughness of putty powder. It is a real wall.

"...It feels like a dream." Lin murmured.

Fu Niang laughed, hugged her shoulders and shook her, "When the shop is decorated, you will be the boss's wife, and I will work for you."

"No, that won't work. I don't understand business, and you will be the boss."

"Yes, I am the boss and you are the boss's wife~"

"You kid, you're just talking nonsense. How could the boss lady mean that?"

"The meaning is not determined by humans~"

Xia Yan listened to the banter and bickering between the two and laughed beside him.

Xiong Xiong didn't know why. He looked up and looked at this and that, then lowered his head and worked carefully with his fingers.

"By the way, there is one very important thing!" Fu Niang suddenly slapped her forehead, "I forgot to ask, can I use super powers in the store? I have to use super powers to ripen the fruit, otherwise the taste will be completely different! "

A look of annoyance appeared on her face.

Why didn't you ask before handing over the points? There is definitely no way to retreat now.

Although Lin didn't understand, she was focused on her daughter, and she frowned when she saw that she was sad.

"Don't worry, if it doesn't work, we'll ripen it outside and then move it here. As long as it's ripe, you won't be afraid to let it go. It's just a matter of running a few errands!"

After hearing this, Fu Niang calmed down, held her hand, and looked at Xia Yan.

Ever since the two of them quarreled, her smile has not stopped. Even now, her expression has not changed. Fu Niang's worry disappeared instantly.

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