This voice is so sweet, like a ripe Temei hair.

Looking at the fair little face, the crescent-shaped corners of the mouth, the watery big eyes, and the brother, the shouting makes people drunk.

"What do you sell, sister?"

The girl blinked her eyes, raised the teapot in her hand, and answered crisply: "Brother, I sell herbal tea, two points for a cup, do you want to drink it?"

"Well, then have a cup." Looking at the fairy-like person in front of them, some people's minds are not clear.

"The tea brewed by the beauty must be very - um vomit - drinkable."

The girl pretended not to see his complicated expression, and asked cutely: "Do you want another cup? Herbal tea has the function of clearing heat, reducing fire and removing toxins."

"No, no, boss, why haven't you brought the tomatoes yet?!" The tea-drinking customer fled in panic.

This book was first published on 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar → 96𝔰𝔥𝔲.𝔫𝔢𝔱, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters.

"I don't understand the goods." The girl rolled her eyes and sneered, preparing to change the pot of chrysanthemum tea with rock sugar, but turned around and saw a familiar figure standing in front of her stall.

"When did you come? Boss."

Xia Yan's eyes shifted from the teapots of various styles on the stall to her face. Qiao Zhen was still the bold and careful character before.

Although he was an ordinary person, he was able to keep himself clean and white, and took great care of himself.

"I just came here, you only sell tea?"

"Not only that." Qiao Zhen walked into the stall, bent down and took out a pile of bread and ham sausage bought in the supermarket, "I also sell these."

After saying that, she looked at Xia Yan a little nervously, a little worried that this behavior was not allowed, but this matter could not be concealed. Most people on the street had no resources, so they had to find a way to make a profit from the information gap.

"You want to make hot dogs?"

Xia Yan looked around and didn't find any tools that could be used.

Qiao Zhen's eyes sparkled, "Is it okay?"

"Well, I don't limit it. If you need water and electricity, come to me."

"Yes, I need it very much!"

The stall owner nearby stepped forward and nodded repeatedly after hearing this, "We also apply for water and electricity!"

With water and electricity, and then running to the supermarket to buy some raw materials, all kinds of snacks will be ready, right?

Who needs to run outside when you have the skills?

Xia Yan nodded, "You have to pay for the water and electricity. If you agree, I will come to install it for you after I finish the work in the store."

All the stall owners said it was no problem.

At this time, the second wave of new customers poured into the morning and evening market. The huge crowds of people walked in closely, and the stall owners immediately made a series of hawking sounds.

"Don't miss it if you pass by, the newly opened waterless bread~"

"Dried vegetables and dried fruits, the shelf life is very long, you don't have to worry about being hungry anymore."

"Freshly cooked instant noodles, and ham sausage."

Qiao Zhen no longer pinched his throat, and shouted in a high voice: "My tea is added with rock sugar, support takeaway, hungry and thirsty, come to a cup, guaranteed to be full of energy! There is sugar, sweet! Sweet! Sweet!"

Xia Yan rushed to walk in when the crowd was about to rush in, and found a gap to leave.

"Don't squeeze!"

"Don't squeeze the back, don't stand still in the front, hurry up and move forward!"


"Who stepped on my foot."

"I warn you not to think about stealing things, be careful-"


Xia Yan stopped and frowned and looked back.

There were too many people walking into the path between the two rows of stalls at the same time, and they were affected by the barrier of the stalls. They were forced to squeeze shoulder to shoulder in the middle of the road, and the crowds seemed to be trapped in a quagmire.

Some short people were caught in the middle and suffered a lot. There were people on their front and back. It was full of dampness and heat when they breathed. Their hair was wet in a few breaths.

She made a mistake. This was a scene she had not expected.

Xia Yan immediately opened the backstage of Lidai Island and expanded the street on the virtual screen from the original 10 meters wide to 80 meters wide. She tapped her finger to confirm.

At this time, everyone on the block felt the vibration under their feet, and their bodies moved away from others uncontrollably, and their vision became wider.

The stalls on both sides were pulled apart horizontally. Through the surprised and surprised eyes of the stall owners, everyone understood that it was the boss behind the scenes who was operating.

It happened that a breeze blowing up the waves came, completely blowing away the sticky heat on the body.

Everyone gasped, unable to calm down the shock of what they saw with their own eyes. After a long time, a sentence came out of their throats:

"Wow... a bit awesome."

At this time, the soles of their feet felt strange again, as if something was about to pop out.

The people standing in the middle of the road jumped away, staring at the gradually bulging ground.

Suddenly, a pointed stick-like object emerged from the ground and rose rapidly until it reached a height of fifteen meters. The whole body became thicker and became a cylinder. The next second, the top opened a sky-blue oversized umbrella leaf, covering the entire street.

The umbrella leaf kept changing colors, as if there was a hand behind the scenes changing the favorite color, until it was finally determined to be transparent, and the white clouds hanging in the sky and the rising sun could be clearly seen.

Then, a soft cold wind descended from the top, completely dispelling the remaining stuffiness.

Everyone was completely in Bengbu.


Isn't this an air conditioner?

It's open on the street without any cover? !

It's so special!

You can enjoy the sun and cool off at the same time, supplement calcium and enjoy it at the same time.

What kind of fairy place is this?

The 'mastermind' Xia Yan nodded with satisfaction, and finally gave this street a popular and easy-to-remember name - Snack Street, and chose to stand at the entrance.

She clapped her hands and left, hiding her merits and fame.

Now all the stall owners are excited, it's worth 1500 yuan!

"Boss Xia, I love you!"

"You are my god!"

Not to mention the stall owners, even the customers who still have doubts in their hearts want to raise their necks and shout, "Awesome!"

Would someone with such great ability be interested in the little things on them?

This is definitely sent by God to save the world.

"Hey~ Don't miss it if you pass by~"

"Dried vegetables~ Dried fruits~"

"Give me a bag. Just pack it up, don't eat it here."

"Sister, come and have a glass of water, I'm dying of thirst."

"Instant noodles, my favorite instant noodles, add an extra sausage!"

Xia Yan stood in the store, looking at the bustling snack street in a very good mood.

This is all created by her.

She really built a paradise in the end of the world, where there is no war, no evil forces, only a group of survivors who are trying to survive and exude vigorous vitality.

Xia Yan suddenly felt very proud, even though she was just an outsider who came to this world for vacation.

This feeling of being able to easily solve other people's headaches with a wave of the hand is really intoxicating, no wonder everyone pursues power.

It is difficult to keep the original intention.

Xia Yan was intoxicated for a while, and her mind became clear again.

It is better not to let such illusory things break the state of mind, it is a bottomless pit, and it is difficult to get out of it.

Still, the days of playing bad are most suitable for her.

"See if there is anything else that needs to be changed, if there is nothing, go to the next one."

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