"Remember to make a list of the household appliances you need, and give it to me before the evening.

Before leaving, Xia Yan said something to Qi's parents.

The two of them thought about it and finally decided to rent a shop. Anyway, Qi Hua was not around, so they could spend money as they pleased.

The snack street was crowded with people, all of them were disheveled and ragged. Fortunately, the air conditioning and purified air were sent down from the top, so they didn't have difficulty breathing.

One man and one bear squeezed through the crowd and went straight to stall 001.

In order to calculate the water and electricity costs of each stall, Xia Yan installed high-power distribution rooms and water rooms at the end of the street, with different numbers inside, and Xiong Xiong would take the lead according to the corresponding number.

She also prepared stainless steel sinks for all stalls for free.

When the two were busy, many customers stopped to watch, and the "passionate" stall owner thought it was business and entertained them warmly.

Unexpectedly, those people didn't look at him at all, just staring at Xia Yan, his dry lips moving again and again, unable to say a complete sentence.

Xia Yan shook off the invisible dust in his hands and asked, "Is there anything you want to talk to me about?"

Hearing this, they pulled the frayed corners of their clothes uncomfortably, smoothed their sticky hair, and tried to make themselves look more energetic.

"I just want to ask, boss, are you still hiring electricians? I'm a 20-year veteran and have experience. "

In fact, the others also spoke, weakly, so Xia Yan could only hear one person's voice.

Xiong Xiong, who was working, raised his head and shook his claws holding the wire. He didn't say anything and lowered his head to continue working.

"Not recruiting for the time being," Xia Yan smiled apologetically and pointed to the soldiers in military uniforms in front of the restaurant. "They are sent by the base and can provide you with jobs and accommodation."

Seeing their hesitation, Xia Yan added: "They are all official people, you can go without worry."

The stall owner watched for a long time, and seeing that he finally had a chance to speak, he was happy to promote the base. "We all live in the base. We were as miserable as you before, but you see me now. I can eat and sleep well every day, and I have gained ten pounds!"

"Join the base..." Someone hesitated, "Does it mean going out to kill zombies? "

As soon as the voice fell, the faces of the others all turned ugly, as if they recalled the miserable past. Everyone wrinkled up like a frightened hedgehog with spikes all over his body.

The stall owner was stunned for a moment, and replied slowly with a self-doubting rhetorical tone:

"This, seems to be a good thing, right?"

Being able to follow the team to kill zombies is safe, and you can also share the crystal cores and supplies equally. It feels quite profitable, which is much better than going out alone.

"Good thing?" The man's voice was piercing, very unbelievable, "How can you say it's a good thing?"

"Then how can it not be..." What about a good thing?

The stall owner timidly took a big step back, away from the excited crowd, to avoid being challenged.

"I think you are also a poor person who has been exploited, so I remind you, don't sacrifice your life for the good life of those leaders! "


A pair of hands slammed heavily on the table, with dark blue under the sunken eyes, and the empty pupils were filled with anger.

"You are a human being! Not a cow or a horse under their feet! You can't do it desperately just because they promised to give you half of the crystal core. They are all liars and devils who eat human blood buns! Cough cough——"

The stall owner looked at the man who was coughing desperately in front of him, his face full of regret, his hands were almost broken from waving, "Don't get excited, don't get excited, talk nicely, but don't fall down! Don't touch porcelain! ! "

"You——cough cough cough." The man bent over and coughed violently, and an ominous color faintly seeped out from his fingers.

The stall owner's face changed drastically, and he looked at Xia Yan and said hurriedly: "I didn't touch him, and I didn't provoke him with words. It has nothing to do with me! Boss——"

The man jumped up from the ground like a lit bomb, and rubbed his mouth hard with his palm, leaving a light red blood mark on his cheek, and his eyes were as fierce as a wolf.

"I just want to ask you, did you get the crystal core they promised to give you? !"

The stall owner: "I got it. The captain divided it equally when we returned to the base."

"What about the base commander? Did he do everything he promised you? Don't just listen to their big words, did they really do it? !"

The stall owner excitedly broke off his fingers and counted one by one: "That's all fulfilled. The house they promised to allocate to us was delivered on the same day, and we had free meals for a week, three meals a day. We were also trained and familiarized with the terrain outside the base. We were also given self-made maps. Soldiers were sent to protect us all the way when we went out for the first three days... Oh, counting like this, General Chu has done a lot of good things! "

The man was petrified instantly.

Xia Yan's mind flashed with a scene of a wolf howling passionately, suddenly stopping, and then tilting its head and gurgling.

She couldn't help laughing out loud.

"I've said it before, you may not have heard it. Outside is an official base, different from those personal bases, there are strict rules here, and no mess will happen."

The stall owner wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, his heart was sour and bitter, he was sad about their experience, but also grateful for their attempt to save his heart, he himself was not living a satisfactory life, but still caring about others.

He walked out of the stall and took the man's hand without any disgust, "Come on, brother, I'll take you to the base, you won't have to live a hard life in the future, coming here is like going home."

Turning back, "Boss Xia, please help me look after the stall, I'll send people over and come back, don't help me sell goods!"

Xia Yan:?

You kid! You don't even leave the fragrance for her when you give her a rose, right? !

I'll close your stall in the backstage.


In the evening, Xia Yan, who had been tired all day, took the list of items prepared by the shop owners and collapsed on the soft big bed without wanting to move.

The appearance of the luxurious snack street completely shocked the customers who came to Lidai Island for the second time.

Many base leaders had bright eyes and ran to the rental department to rent shops, so that they could be transferred to Lidai Island every day, and no longer had to wait passively.

Looking at the local specialty "food" they brought out, Xia Yan endured and endured, and finally reminded: "It's better to disinfect it at the detoxification store. As long as the customers have no problem eating it, I will allow you to sell all kinds of food."

Okay, she was threatening.

Anyone who sees the mutant super-large centipede strung with red willow branches may not be in a good mood, especially since the thing is still alive, with countless legs swinging like waves on its side, and two long tentacles on its head, shaking the air when they swing.

Then the head of the base, with sunburn on his face, mysteriously brought out more than a dozen large jars, patted the jar walls with great care, and smiled with satisfaction when he heard the rustling sounds inside.

Xia Yan was greatly shocked, and silently made up his mind that he must keep Zhikang busy and must not let him discover this store.

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