Xia Yan turned over and lay down, holding the list in front of him, grinning and trying to figure out what words were written on it.

The long-scheduled construction of schools has come to the fore again.

This is already the case for older people, but not for those school-age children. Even for the sake of easier communication in the future, they must be educated.

It’s not okay for people not to go to school.


The period when their three views were established happened to be at the end of the world, and life was being trampled under their feet. If they did not intervene, the world would probably face a second disaster, either death or being played to death by people with good minds. .

Xia Yan hasn't received the message from the system that the vacation mission is over. If he has to stay for decades, wouldn't it just happen?


That feeling of being blocked by mud and unable to communicate is really a disaster.

Xia Yan trembled and decided to take some time to do it, just as she did a good deed for the world and could get a good task next time.

After sorting out the list of items, she opened the operation background, found the task announcement area, and posted fifty or sixty tasks in a row, all of which were about finding supplies.

The next second, everyone felt the long warm reminder of the score card.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"Why does the score card suddenly indicate that there are so many tasks to be checked? I don't usually see anyone getting this kind of treatment when giving out tasks."

"Added to the top! Fifty or sixty of them! All sent by Boss Xia!"

"Oh my God, look at the rewards for the first task. Those who complete the task will get a coupon for a high-end cafeteria! There is also a coupon for 30% off for a purchase of 1,000 yuan or more at a high-end restaurant!"

"What kind of mission is this? Is it difficult to complete?"

"Collecting ovens, frying pans, and octopus dumpling machines for setting up stalls... why are the tasks gone?!"

"Ah ah ah, someone took it away!"

"Who did this? I haven't finished reading yet!"

"Why are there so many fewer tasks suddenly? Leave one for me."

For a moment, members in various places didn't even bother to eat. They stared at their score cards with red eyes and clicked their fingers wildly, as if they were going to directly poke the screen and fight with the enemy who was trying to grab the task.

In the conference room, Chu Wanfu sat at the head of the long table, with the other subordinates on his left and right sides. The ink-absorbing pen on the table was still inserted in the ink bottle, and a string of fine bubbles popped out. The wind blew in from the large open window. , the information was swept away.

Everyone, including Chu Wanfu, frowned and poked with their index fingers.

In the quiet atmosphere, someone suddenly slapped the table and stood up: "Haha, I grabbed one!"

Everyone raised their heads and glanced hastily, and then refreshed with all their strength. Fifty or sixty tasks were snatched away in a few tens of seconds.

It is comparable to the exciting hand speed of ladies in the early morning of Double Eleven.

As if they were on a battlefield, these people slumped on the backs of their chairs, lifting up their clothes to wipe the sweat from their foreheads, nose tips and palms.

"No way, I'm the only one who grabbed it? You guys are not fast enough." Lucky Man laughed, and his already slender eyes narrowed into slits.

The man sitting on Chu Wanfu's right hand snorted coldly and said in a sinister tone: "Who can compare with your hand speed? We are all married."

Lucky: Huh? Something seems wrong, does it mean...

Seeing him deflated, everyone burst into laughter.

Chu Wanfu also raised his lips and bent down to pick up the fallen documents.

"After I finish what I'm doing, I have to help everyone solve their personal problems."

"That's it for today, let's break up the meeting."


After receiving the news, Xia Yan walked to the hotel lobby full of complaints.

He didn't come early or late, but he came just when she was about to watch a movie and go to bed.

She really wanted to put up a sign saying "Do Not Disturb During Non-Working Hours", but then she thought about it and she didn't seem to have working hours either...

There is a row of leisure areas near the door of the hall. At this moment, it is shrouded in orange light. A figure in casual clothes sits quietly with his eyes closed, as if he is taking a rest.

Gee, this face is quite handsome.

"I heard you were looking for me?" Xia Yan sat on the sofa opposite him, his eyebrows clear.

You are handsome and I am beautiful, which one of us is inferior to the other.

The red threads in Chu Wanfu's eyes have not faded away yet, and exhaustion appears all over his body.

"Yes, I would like to ask if I can rent land on Ridai Island. If possible, I would like to build a hospital."

Xia Yan guessed that he came because of this matter, but he didn't expect that he would go straight to the point, which was not in line with his usual conversation style.

Chu Wanfu pinched the bridge of his sore and swollen nose, "There have been too many things lately and I can't rest well. I have no energy to deal with it."

He has to be busy with the factory, the base, planting, and trading. He also has to be prepared for normal operations when he is not at the base for appointments. He is exhausted.

Xia Yan shrugged and smiled. If he had known this was the case, he should have found something for him to do before.

"It's available for rent."

Chu Wanfu was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect her to be so happy. He thought it would take a long time, but it seemed that the refreshing coffee was in vain.

Xia Yan continued: "How much area do you want to rent?"

Chu Wanfu's heart skipped a beat: "Ten thousand square meters."

Xia Yan:...

Chu Wanfu: "It sounds like a lot, but in fact there is only a few buildings left to build."

Xia Yan shook his head: "It's not about the area. It's ten thousand square meters. I'm afraid you can't afford the rent."

Chu Wanfu sat upright, "Please tell me."

"You can only rent annually, right? Even if I help you build a building and only charge for the land, the annual rent will have to reach 10 million points. Also, the price of building the building is calculated separately."

Chu Wanfu remained silent.

After a moment, he asked: "Can I only pay with crystal cores?"

"Of course not. Gold, silver, jade, anything valuable can be recharged."

After hearing what she said, Chu Wanfu's tense shoulders and neck relaxed. Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to dig a hole.

"I might get a headache if it's a crystal core, but gold and silver...no problem."

Xia Yan smiled: "Should I take you to choose a position tomorrow?"

"Okay, it's settled, I will prepare the building drawings."

The two smiled at each other and shook hands very friendly for the first time.

The next day, Xia Yan took him directly to the business district and leisure area. The storage areas were all occupied. The residential area was not suitable for building a hospital. Finally, the mountainous area was left. Those patients were not willing to climb mountains, right?

Chu Wanfu looked around, walked in a large circle along the path outside the beach, and finally set his sights near the central lake.

If the hospital were built here, if you go straight for a kilometer, you will see the sparkling, silky-smooth lake surface. To the west is a flat and spacious central square. Whether you are doing repair activities or basking in the sun, you will be very comfortable. To the southeast Next to it is the public kitchen...

"Are you sure?" Xia Yan's finger had already clicked on the virtual screen and he suddenly said seriously, "I have to remind you that even if the hospital is built, I still have the right to directly deal with those who violate the rules. Even you. no."

Chu Wanfu turned his head, but her eyes were still so calm, as if she was aloof from the incident. But when the light broke through the clouds, it instantly illuminated the fleeting compassion in her eyes like light smoke.

He was stunned, and finally felt that she looked like a human being.

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