I don't know why, but this is the first thought that comes to mind.

Although he had always felt that she was calm and distant, unlike a human being, the look in his eyes just now broke his mental barriers instantly——

He was deceived by the appearance she presented.

"Did you hear everything I said?"

Chu Wanfu suddenly came back to his senses as his plain white slender hand waved in front of his eyes.

The young boss with the pretty face in front of him seemed to be worried, but in fact the real emotion did not reach his eyes.

She was just getting impatient and urging.

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Chu Wanfu took a deep breath silently to stabilize his mind, "Okay, let's stay here."

"Okay." Xia Yan replied, "Now that the location has been determined, we should talk about the building..."

Chu Wanfu took out the architectural drawings that he had made overnight (only slightly modified from the original template) and handed them to Xia Yan.

There are three buildings in total, two inpatient buildings and one outpatient building. The remaining area has not been marked for use.

‘System, quickly scan and see how much is appropriate for a building? ’

Proper use of plug-ins can make life half easier.

Xia Yan seemed to be examining the drawings carefully, but in fact his heart was flying to the edge of the sky.

【Hold on】

[After inspection, the recommended price is 5 million points per building]

'Thanks. ’

Xia Yan put down the drawings, looked at Chu Wanfu and said, "Each building charges 10 million, and three buildings have 30 million points. Except for medical equipment, everything will be prepared for you. You can start business directly."

Sorry system, she doesn't accept the suggested price.

Even though Chu Wanfu was well prepared, he was shocked by the price.

It’s not expensive, it’s too cheap!

In the past, one building would have required hundreds of millions of funds, and few big companies would bid for three buildings without more than one billion. Now, only tens of millions of points are needed?

Chu Wanfu wanted to look up to the sky and smile.

"It's settled, I'll pay you a deposit? Do you want to sign a contract or something to protect you and me?" Chu Wanfu spoke a long string of words quickly, for fear that she would regret it if she saw something wrong.

It’s not like she’s never done this before.

Xia Yan's face was filled with a "hidden" expression, "No, when the points payment is in place, I will start work here."

Chu Wanfu immediately said that he would collect points now, turned around and left with his long legs.

Xia Yan was left alone in the wind.

She always takes advantage of others, but now she feels like she is being taken advantage of. Is her price increase fake? It’s doubled the price given by the system.

Not far away, there was a group of people gathered in the center of the square, heads held high, nervously watching to see if any familiar faces would appear on the scrolling screen. If a burst of heart-rending screams and cries suddenly sounded, everyone on the field would react in disbelief. Envy eyes——

It's great to have found my family.

At this moment, Xia Yan saw several survivors wrapped in black burqas. They walked all the way to the deserted part of the beach, and then took off their burqas, revealing reddish-brown scars on their pale bodies, as if they were intertwined. There is no good flesh in sight among the roses in full bloom.

The thin white man in the lead took out the disinfectant, asked his companions to lie down on the recliner, moistened the cotton swab and applied it to the wound gently.

Only then did Xia Yan realize that they were Zhang Yaya and his group who were in a hurry to be discharged from the hospital some time ago before their injuries healed.

It seems that they followed the doctor's advice and came together to bask in the sun in the morning when the sun was not so strong.

Zhang Yaya is not bad in nature. It can even be said that the cruelty of the end of the world and the hardship of living environment have not erased the goodwill in his heart. Whether it was the light that Zhang Yaya silently held up when she was walking down the stairs in the dark, or after the two had a 'quarrel', he I also specially sent a thank you gift when I was discharged from the hospital.

It all shows that his kindness is hidden under the black burqa.

But the strange thing is that he can only show his kindness little by little under the protection of the burqa. Without the burqa, he becomes like a skinned, soft hedgehog.

Xia Yan moved her eyes away and looked at the peaceful sea. Against the backdrop of the boundless sky, the waves became more and more sparkling, just like the feeling Zhang Yaya gave her.

"Zhang Yaya."

The group of people lying on the beach hurriedly stood up, their arms unable to straighten trying to reach the clothes placed beside them, trying to cover up their body deformities.

Whenever someone is physically inconvenienced, they have the psychological effect of feeling vulnerable and easily manipulated.

Zhang Yaya put on her burqa, comforted her companions, dragged her inconvenient legs, and walked toward Xia Yan, who had her back to him.

"You're looking for me?"

His unique smoky voice sounded behind him.

Xia Yan didn't look back, and said with a smile: "How is your recovery? Is it still effective?"

Zhang Yaya's hands hidden under her burqa were spread out to prevent her clothes from rubbing off the precious potion.

"much better."

After thinking about it, he explained his behavior of leaving the hospital before his injuries healed: "Originally, we planned to listen to you and stay here until the injuries on our bodies were better before going back, but there are more and more people who need to be hospitalized, and the wards are not enough. The corridors are full of people lying down,

It seems to be much more serious than us. After taking it all together, I guess the acid rain has stopped, so we might as well go back to recuperate, but we come here every day to bask in the sun and take medicine on time..."

He spoke faster as he spoke, as if he was afraid that Xia Yan would be displeased.

Zhang Yaya stared at her with his eyes hidden under the burqa, his heart was about to jump out, he couldn't tell why he was so afraid of a stranger getting angry, maybe, kind people can't bear to see people who care about them sad?

That kind of guilt can drive herself crazy.

But she doesn't seem to...

Xia Yan interrupted him gently: "Doctor Sang and I have said that she admires you very much. When the hospital on the island opens in a while, you don't have to go back until your injuries are completely healed."

"The island is going to open a hospital?!" Zhang Yaya shouted in surprise.

"Well, I will reserve a place for you when the time comes. Don't go back to that place. It's too damp and cold, which is not good for your joints. Or, if necessary, I can help you find a place to work."

Xia Yan's attention was all on the black burqa that appeared in the corner of her sight.

She had never tried to help others so much, maybe it was the light, or the precious thank-you gift, anyway, she wanted to do this.

"That... I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, it's just a piece of cake." Xia Yan looked at the clouds gathering and floating, the edges of which seemed like a soft cake slowly collapsing, gradually being swallowed by the azure blue, "Did you see the snack street when you came? It's open for rent. If you have any ideas, just go to the rental department to handle the formalities."

Zhang Yaya heard the meaning of her words, her mouth gradually opened wide, and her eyes gradually bloomed with a compelling look.

"I saw it all, I did have this idea, but I was worried..."

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