I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 434 Current Affairs

"I remember you have some fruit. You can sell it by taking it to a detoxification store to detoxify it. You can learn more about the rest." Xia Yan stopped talking.

She has an occupational disease, and it is impossible to help people from beginning to end, down to the smallest detail.

She lends a helping hand to those who are stuck in the quagmire, and the other person must at least try to reach out.

"I know, thank you boss! I'll go right away!"

Zhang Yaya nodded repeatedly, and her joyful voice turned into a pleasant note, jumping up and down into the sky.

Xia Yan was very satisfied with his reaction.

It is this kind of people who are aware of current affairs that are willing to lend a helping hand.

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Xia Yan stopped paying attention to what happened after that. There is a protection mechanism in Lidai Island. After renting a stall and becoming a stall owner, they have an exclusive private space. They will not be bullied no matter what, so they can earn some points steadily. , days will always get better.


Chu Wanfu came to her with a young soldier with a stooped back.

"I remember that you have something called a weapon in your hand, right? Take it out quickly and let's exchange points for it."

Xia Yan was surprised: "Have you prepared the gold so soon?"

Chu Wanfu said implicitly: "I happened to know a few vaults. I was just trying my luck, but I didn't expect that I actually dug them out."

This was also thanks to the local residents who joined the base and were familiar with large and small gold banks, and they finally identified a certain area that was in ruins as a black gold bank.

Because it was so dark, only desperate people knew the store existed.

Maybe the store owner didn't expect that he would actually get an advantage over an outsider in the end.

Xia Yan put the estimator on the table, "Where's the gold?"

Chu Wanfu waved, and the bent soldier trudged forward and put his hands on the table.

The next moment, piles of small gold melted and then solidified emerged from the palm of his hand, and the golden light instantly illuminated Xia Yan's eyes.

"Bear Bear, come and help me weigh gold!"

The bear was weighed and counted. Xia Yan was so happy that he couldn't even see his eyesight. Chu Wanfu wanted to laugh when he saw it.

"How long will it take for the hospital to be completed?" Chu Wanfu tapped the table gently.



"Well, just tomorrow."

Chu Wanfu led the soldiers with straight backs and walked back in vain.

That night, Lidai Island welcomed a large number of visitors—sentinels who had just finished their duty shifts, residents who came for a walk because they couldn't sleep, and nurses and doctors who helped patients do outdoor activities.

"It's too obvious. We must start militarized reconnaissance training." General Chu gritted his teeth, holding a telescope and standing on the outdoor spiral staircase on the top floor.

I saw the group of people holding homemade wooden benches, sitting in rows in a very orderly manner, unable to conceal their excitement, covering their mouths and whispering to the people next to them.

"Is the news accurate? Will construction really start tonight?"

"True! I heard it with my own ears."

"Why don't I see any workers? How can I build a building without anyone? It's built overnight. Why do I think more and more about it that I can't do it?"

"I knew you were new here as soon as I heard that. Just say that funny thing. Just grab an old customer and ask, was the hotel like this before? I heard that the beds are all rotten and the stools are old and broken plastic stools. "

Everyone nodded in silence, doing their best to prove the truth of these words.

At this time, someone timidly asked: "I'm just curious... Boss Xia, a person who loves cleanliness so much, can he live such a hard life?"

Everyone: "..."

It seems, seems, probably, somewhat reasonable.

I have never seen her working with her hands, and these words seem a bit untenable...

"Let's just say, is it possible that the manager of the store is Xiong Xiong, and the boss is only responsible for collecting the crystal cores of Mei Mei?"


The puzzles that were tangled in the brows of their hearts were easily solved, and everyone suddenly became enlightened and gave a thumbs up to Store Manager Xiongxiong from the bottom of their hearts.

While we were talking and laughing, the orange-red sunset completely fell into the deep sea, leaving only a layer of gauze-like sunset reflecting half of the sky. As time passed without anyone paying attention, the light was completely driven away by the darkness, and the sky and earth were completely black. The deep sea is like the abyss of a monster, dormant under the cover of night, staring at everyone.

"it's dark."

The people sitting on the periphery looked back at the empty space behind them, raised their buttocks, took the bench and sat down in the crowd.

"It's time to start, right?"

"Shh! It's coming!"

Everyone hurriedly stopped what they were doing and stared at it with their eyes wide open.

I saw that the land where the hospital was planned to be built suddenly changed. Dark green safety nets rose up almost exactly along the edge of the area, soaring all the way up. After a hundred meters, they overlapped and merged in the air, far away. From a distance, it looks like an upside-down rattan basket.

Then there was the sound of clanging construction inside. The noise was so loud that it seemed like thousands of people were working at the same time.

This made the people who were waiting on the front line with small benches and were always ready to eat melons suddenly dumbfounded——

Is there any excitement to see? It was covered so tightly that not even a single steel bar could be seen.

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At this time, Chu Wanfu, who was standing on the outdoor stairs, holding a telescope and trying to get a glimpse of the secret, was silent and twitching the corners of his mouth.

"The soldiers are coming to stop us, but you are really there."


Today all teams are prohibited from going out, the base gates are locked, patrols have increased, and even the residents of the factory area have been called back.

"What happened? Why are you mobilizing so many people?"

Looking at the endless queue in front of them, the uninformed people panicked and their legs trembled.

After asking around, no one knew the specific situation.

At this time, the staff took a notebook to count everyone's previous jobs.

"I was a dental nurse before. I didn't do anything harmful. Even when the zombie virus broke out in the hospital, I didn't hurt anyone!"

"Got it, come out and stand over there." The staff said expressionlessly.

"Over there?"

The dental nurse had a sad face and walked towards the circle surrounded by soldiers, looking back every few steps. There were many people who were driven over, and they were all terrified, with fear in their eyes.

Who knows what they are looking for medical workers for? !

When everyone finished registering, the person in charge waved his hand and said to them: "Now you all go to the hospital and help transfer patients, and the rest of the strong people carry medical equipment!"

Where to transfer?

Is it because it can't be cured? Are they all going to be solved? !

Everyone was silent, lowered their heads and followed the large group, praying for good luck in their hearts.

At the entrance of the simple hospital, Dr. Sang went downstairs early and waited, his face full of joy almost overflowing.

"Finally, we are here, everything is ready, and the patients are waiting. I hope you have not forgotten your professional knowledge and try to make them suffer less."

The former medical staff who were waiting in line couldn't help but look up and reveal their faces full of bitterness. They used to be little assistants and really didn't understand what barbiturates, muscle relaxants and potassium chloride solutions were. They really didn't understand!

Dr. Sang waved his hand, "Why are you still standing there? Come over here."

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