The corridor inside the hospital gate was already filled with patients who could move on their own. Nurses wearing Nightingale hats came hurriedly.

"Doctor Sang, can you leave?"

"Well, let's go!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the nurses in the ward walked out carrying medical kits, picked up the patients in an orderly manner, and lined up to go outside.

"Don't be stunned, come over and help." The head nurse frowned at them.

The newly formed medical team did not dare to delay. Under her command, they were divided into two groups. The girls moved the patients in the corridor, while the boys were responsible for the patients who were seriously injured and unable to move.

Dozens of pushchairs and wheels rolled across the ground, making a loud grunting sound, which mixed with the harsh sound of friction when moving items, covering up the noisy movement of people.

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Two rows of people in different directions passed each other, like two rapid streams, with a hospital on one side and a resort hotel on the other.

The high decibels that could not be concealed made the patrol soldiers standing on the sentry post nervous. Their whole body muscles entered a fighting state, their fingers clenched the supernatural gun, and they stared intently at the tall weeds.

Every time the blades of grass shook greatly, they would instantly pick up their superpower guns and prepare to kill the zombies that might appear.

It was quiet outside the base. Occasionally, the breeze blew by, and the grass blades rustled like waves pushing in.

The tense nerves of the patrol gradually relaxed.

But for some reason, the captain always felt a little uneasy, as if there was danger approaching quietly.

He called out a name, and under his command, the soldiers who responded threw an ice ball into the grass outside.

The light blue ice crystals drew a beautiful arc in the air, smashing open the long and soft grass blades. They shattered instantly when they landed on the ground, freezing all the leaf stems they touched into ice cubes.

The captain looked around and saw that there were only dense grass roots at the bottom of the pit, nothing else.

Is it because I didn't sleep well last night?

The captain frowned heavily, and the noisy sound of the hospital moving rushed through his ear canal, causing his nerves to tremble.

"You throw two more from a distance."

He believes that intuition does not lie.

The soldier leaned back, rounded his arms and threw out two ice balls, one to the left and one to the right, flying in two directions.

Seeing the easily broken blades of grass, the captain pinched his sore eyebrows and said, "Okayβ€”β€”"


The special alarm bell at the sentry next door rang. At the same time, he heard his teammates pick up their superpower guns and instantly throw out a dense barrage of superpower bullets.

He suddenly opened his eyelids and saw two zombies frozen where the ice ball was finally thrown out!

The supernatural bullets falling from the sky instantly turned them into a pile of mud, carrying the remains of the ice crystals and flying into the sky.

At the same time as the gunshots were loud, familiar roars sounded from all directions. Grass blades as tall as a person were trampled and staggered, and the zombies' decayed, gray and terrifying faces were revealed in the shadows, and they were gathering at the base at a high speed!


"The zombie wave is coming, everyone is on alert!"

Special sirens sounded quickly from each sentry post like a relay of torches, followed by dense ammunition pouring out like a tide.

The tension suddenly arose, and everyone's expressions changed drastically!

"Doctor Sang, the zombie wave is here..."

The patient's eyes were red with gauze wrapped around her waist and abdomen, and her hand holding the stretcher tightened and relaxed.

Dr. Sang gasped for air, swept through the crowd, and said, "It's okay. General Chu will hold up the sky if it falls. Everyone speed up and move people to safe areas first!"

Anxiety, fear, worry, and complex emotions of fear surround the air, making it heavy and suffocating.

After receiving the news, Chu Wanfu led the remaining high-level superpower users in a hurry and assigned them to every sentry post to launch an attack.

The smell of fresh flesh and blood emerging from the wall instantly caused the zombies to become extremely restless. They howled like an overwhelming crowd of crows and rushed forward desperately.

"MD, these ghosts."

The superpowers' hair stood on end, and they had goosebumps all over their bodies when they looked at the corpses wriggling like maggots. Even if there were precious crystal nuclei inside, they couldn't suppress their physiological nausea.

Groups of supernatural powers gathered in the palm of the hand, and were dropped one after another in the blink of an eye. They fell into the pile of corpses and exploded with a bang. Broken limbs and arms rose into the sky, and a bloody rain filled with fishy smell fell.

Immediately afterwards, the supernatural bullets fired horizontally in a fan-like shape, knocking the zombies trying to climb up the debris into flying backwards, causing their limbs to twist and twitch and fall down.

No zombie can touch the city wall alive.

This was a one-sided killing.

Chu Wanfu put down his telescope with confidence, turned around and walked down the guard post.

Fortunately, he had prepared in advance and there was no danger.

Only the final finishing touches are left in the simple hospital.

He walked into the building and looked at the empty wards. On the yellowed walls, someone had written a line of crooked words in charcoal:

May the apocalypse end and peace return.

He whispered repeatedly on the tip of his tongue.

The roar of the zombies jumped over the high city wall, climbed over the soldiers who were struggling to guard it, passed through the streets and alleys, and finally got into the small ward, laughing and jumping around on the four walls.

"Will do."

He is sonorous and powerful.

He turned and left.


a few minutes ago.

Xia Yan simply moved the vacation door to the outer wall of the hotel and looked up at the busy simple hospital.

Soon, the neatly arranged nurses walked out with the patients on their hands, with a hint of nervousness, eagerness, and expectations for future life on their faces.

"Boss Xia."

Xia Yan nodded to her, "Go in, the hospital is across the street."

The nurse hummed, holding the patient's arm firmly, and stepped into the door.

Then the rest of the people followed in line, without making any noise or noise.

Everything was in order.

She stood on tiptoe, jumped over the trolleys and the top of her head, and looked at the hospital gate where patients were still coming out.

Xia Yan instantly thought of the incredible passenger rate of a certain magical car. She didn't expect that the hospital could be like this. No wonder Dr. Sang was scratching his head and eager to expand.

At this moment, she heard the continuous shooting of the soldiers and the alarm sounding in every corner.

"The zombie tide is coming!"

This sentence made the people who were queuing normally panic.

Even the patients lying on the stretcher tried to stand up, the people sitting in the wheelchair were shaking their hands and almost flaming, and the people with crutches were shaking and sweating in pain...

The doctors and nurses hurried forward to calm the emotions and maintain order, but it was ineffective.

There was no way. There were too many new survivors in the base. Long-term poor sleep caused their spirits to be extremely weak. The slightest movement could make them stare with their eyes wide open and tense, ready to escape at any time.

Not to mention now.

Fear was like a fast-forming hurricane, sweeping away the rationality of most people in an instant.

"Don't make noise! ​​Sit down quietly! It's okay!"

"Don't move! Be careful of the patient!"

"Ah! Don't step on my broken leg!"

The screams came one after another, almost drowning out the roar of the zombies.

The screams made Xia Yan's temples throb, and an uncontrollable irritability rushed to the top of his head.

It was because of the environment. There seemed to be disturbing molecules in the air. In a few breaths, the emotions were extremely close to the edge of going berserk.

She patted Xiongxiong expressionlessly, "Shout."

Xiongxiong blinked, took a deep breath until his stomach was bulging, and opened his mouth to shout out the momentum of a tiger roaring in the mountains:


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