The sound was like a huge wave, shattering the nightmare called dementia.

The noisy sound stopped abruptly, and everyone looked at the source of the sound in a daze.

Boss Xia had a serious expression on his face, and he raised his hand and waved it vigorously: "No one is allowed to make noise, just go to the door quietly and wait for my arrangement."

As her palm fell, the holiday door broke away from the wall, flew out and floated beside her.

In the simple and majestic door frame, thick fog almost surged like substance.

Everyone knew that as long as they passed through this door, they would reach the safe Lidai Island.

At this time, the ear canal suddenly heard the loud gunshots on the four high walls of the base. Looking back, I saw the soldiers in combat uniforms with firm eyes and vowed to never retreat. They bravely stood in the front and fired wildly at the endless stream of zombies below.


In the white scorching light spots all over the sky, countless colorful superpowers were thrown out, falling from the sky, and exploded in the corpse group. The zombies gathered together fell down instantly, and the stench and broken limbs flew into the sky.

The battle was very fierce.

The team responsible for carrying supplies behind him was anxious and couldn't hold back. They threw down the items in their hands to line up for themselves, turned around and ran to the sentry post to prepare for support.

The field became quieter.

Every survivor who joined the base was hit hard by the scene in front of them, and the heavy ashes in their hearts were blown, and a little spark was rekindled.

Xia Yan retracted her gaze from the distant back, and said in a faint voice: "The rest of you, line up and enter the door in turn."

The sound of the wheels sounded again, but it was a little more steady than before.

"You come to maintain order, I'll go over there." She said to Xiongxiong, and then plunged into the door.

Unlike the soft gravel underfoot that she usually felt, this time it was all hardβ€”she set the foothold directly at the hospital entrance to facilitate everyone's transfer.

The nurses did not enter the patient who had come in earlier, even though they were close at hand.

The nurses placed them in a cool place, hesitantly looking at the more than 20-story inpatient department, as if they were unsure of which floor to place them on.

"There is no floor information marked inside, it's blank." A young nurse ran out breathlessly and found the head nurse and said.

The head nurse was also unsure after hearing this and looked at Xia Yan.

Xia Yan spread her hands: "Doctor Sang is the person in charge of this hospital. If you have any questions, you can find her."

This kind of professional stuff, she really doesn't understand if she doesn't work in this industry.

Fortunately, at this time, Doctor Sang came out from behind the door with the patient, and when she saw the magnificent three high-rise buildings, her eyes were straight.

"This, actually..."

The same place where she works!

After Xia Yan signaled the head nurse to take over the patient she was supporting, she was ready to take Doctor Sang in. There were still many specific details that Xia Yan had not arranged.

Doctor Sang took a deep breath and tugged at the corner of her clothes to smooth out the wrinkles on her clothes, "Let's go."

Stepping onto the top of the stairs, the revolving door automatically recognized the human body and began to slowly rotate. Doctor Sang looked at the very familiar consultation desk, payment registration window, and LED playback screen, and couldn't help but blushing.

Xia Yan took out the floor plan and pen, "Doctor Sang, I have never built a hospital, and there are many details that I don't know. Please plan it again. I'll help with the operation here."

Doctor Sang sniffed, took the pen and wrote, as if every corner of the hospital existed vividly in her mind. She didn't need to think or hesitate, and wrote like flowing water.

Xia Yan opened the backstage, found the hospital option, and named each name she wrote on the planning page.

If Doctor Sang looked up at this moment, she would find that various signs and signs appeared at the door, corridor, and wall of the originally empty room, and not far away from her, a large index appeared, which marked the floor information of the entire building.

"That's about it. I can't remember some things after a long time." Doctor Sang rubbed her sore temples and stopped writing.

She looked at the two large elevators on the right diagonal that could accommodate two stretchers. The bright red 1 was on the right display. Opposite them were three passenger elevators.

Xia Yan followed her line of sight and explained: "Medical elevators require card identification. It is not prohibited for medical staff to use them, but there is no requirement for passenger elevators."

In order to avoid the occupation of resources and medical disputes, the possibility can be cut off directly from the source.

Xia Yan pushed open the door marked with ophthalmology. The room was not big, only six or seven square meters. Except for the bright windows and sufficient light, it was empty and very clear.

She said: "I don't provide things like tables, chairs, benches, and testing equipment. You need to prepare them yourself."

Doctor Sang nodded and walked into the room. She touched the solid white wall with great care. She pushed open the window and stuck her head out.

Since there is no need to prepare a parking lot, except for the three buildings, the remaining area is covered with green low lawns. Her patients sit on the lawns to enjoy the breeze and sun, and never have to worry about zombies suddenly rushing out.

This will be a solid backing for everyone!

Dr. Sang turned around, the sun shone on her hair, and her body outline seemed to be coated with a layer of soft light, "No, this is good, I am very satisfied!"

Dr. Sang refused to go upstairs again. She wanted to go to the inpatient department quickly. After processing the floor information, she had to hurry to arrange for the patients to stay. There were too many things to do later, and time was precious.

Xia Yan did not force it. She took people directly to the inpatient department and took out the floor plan as usual. While she filled in the information, Xia Yan also copied it in the background.

Doctor Sang realized something was wrong only then.

The doorplates of each ward appeared one after another like dominoes, and when they reached the end, they circled around and passed the nurse station. Suddenly, a gray-blue plaque was hung on the top by two thin ropes.

Including yellow medical trash cans, handrails...

Finally, the floor index appeared in front of her.

All this was like a dream, more like a high-level holographic game.

Doctor Sang silently closed his chin manually, wiped the sweat on the tip of his nose, and sighed that the end of science is theology.

"Do you want to go in and see?" Xia Yan pushed open the door of the ward. It was very good. Except for a socket at a certain distance, nothing else was provided.

"No, the patients are still waiting."

Doctor Sang said that there was nothing to see in the empty room.

In the open space outside the inpatient building, the patients tilted their heads and tilted their necks, counting the floors bit by bit.

The more they counted, the more frightened they became, and the more scared they became.

"Wow, there are more than 20 floors. If we are assigned to the upper floors, we will be exhausted just by climbing the stairs..."

"That's impossible. The upper floors should be the doctor's office. With my broken arms and legs, there is no way we can climb up there!"

"I think if we are really assigned to the upper floors, we might as well sleep on the floor here."

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