I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 437 Climbing the stairs

As they were talking, Xia Yan and Doctor Sang came out of the building.

The whispers in the crowd gradually subsided, and they looked forward to what would happen next.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting. The floor information has been arranged. Next, we will start to assign work and divide wards for patients."

Doctor Sang took the list of employees from the head nurse and started with the nurses.

Since receiving the news that the hospital was about to be built, all the doctors and nurses in the simple hospital have worked overnight to sort out all the work assignments and patient records overnight.

In fact, it didn't take overnight. The simple hospital was so big that there were not many nurses recruited. If it weren't for the expansion of the base and the surge in the number of survivors joining, Doctor Sang would never have thought of opening a hospital on Lidai Island.

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"The people whose names I call next, remember your work floor."

"Now arrange the patient's ward, the nurses on each floor listen carefully to make sure it is correct."

Dr. Sang raised his voice and read the names one by one according to the list.

All the people present took action, gathered like a group of busy ants, and received the patients belonging to this floor.

As Dr. Sang announced the information, the patients who had been worried about the height looked at each other and showed embarrassment.

At this time, only some sick and weak people and nurses were left on the scene. The rest ran back to the base after delivering the equipment and climbed up the wall to kill zombies.

"Doctor Sang, you assigned me to the 6th floor. My leg is broken and I may not be able to climb up."

"Me too. You just performed surgery on me. It's hard for me to get out of bed. Even three nurses may not be able to lift me to the 8th floor."

The patients sitting in wheelchairs and lying down unable to move raised their heads, feeling very embarrassed.

The nurses next to them all looked worried, looking down at their two thin arms, not knowing what to do.

Someone suggested: "Why don't we wait until they come back and move them? There's no rush now. The sun is shining. Let's bask in the sun to supplement calcium."

"Yes, yes, you are very tired after a busy day. The nurses can't move all these people. If they are exhausted, there will be no one to work."

The voices of comfort rang out one after another, trying to dispel Doctor Sang's immature idea.

Doctor Sang couldn't answer and smiled helplessly at Xia Yan, "It's all good intentions."

Xia Yan nodded: "Indeed, I'm afraid you'll be tired."

When the voice died down a little, Xia Yan said: "Don't worry, there are five elevators in each building, all of which are powered, so you don't have to climb the stairs to go upstairs."

Everyone was silent and looked at her in unison.

Xia Yan seemed to hear the intense heartbeat in her chest.

Dr. Sang rarely smiled at them, and her tone was emotional and excited, "Yes, Boss Xia is right, the whole building has water and electricity! After all the medical equipment is in place in a few days, everyone can have a systematic full-body examination! Now, please go upstairs."

The nurses who woke up from a dream couldn't hide their smiles. I don't know if it was because they didn't have to help the patients climb the stairs, or because of the good news of water and electricity. They smiled and pushed the patients in.

Passing by Xia Yan, they blinked their eyes shyly, feeling happier than eating candy.

The patients, on the other hand, praised the hospital with thumbs up, especially after they stepped into the door and saw the clean and well-organized interior, they kept shouting in surprise.

I just wonder if they will shout again after seeing every empty room. Xia Yan thought so.

The three newly built buildings on Lidai Island are very conspicuous, especially the three big red crosses on the roof. Anyone with a little common sense knows that this is a hospital.

While Dr. Sang was busy arranging patients, many customers who came to watch the excitement gradually gathered at the entrance of the hospital.

Xia Yan stood high and saw the black-clad man in a black robe at a glance.

She waved her hand, not sure if they could see it.

There were many people in the crowd who knew her and thought she was saying hello to them, so they waved back with more excitement.

"Boss Xia, is the hospital open for treatment now?" someone shouted from a distance.

"Not for the time being, please let me pass."

A big hand grabbed his shoulder from behind and gently sent him aside.

It was Chu Wanfu.

Zhang Yaya and the others hurriedly followed him and squeezed out of the crowd.

Chu Wanfu looked back at him, not knowing whether he recognized him or not, but he didn't care, letting them take advantage of him.

"Have you dealt with the zombies?" Xia Yan asked when he approached.

"It's almost finished," Chu Wanfu looked around, "The building is fast enough."

It's so fast that he couldn't see anything, that's good.

Xia Yan pretended not to understand, "It should be."

"... I'll go in and take a look." Chu Wanfu was actually in a good mood. Not only was the hospital built, but there were also a lot of "takeouts" outside, which was a free gift.

Zhang Yaya dared to come up after he left.

Xia Yan looked at his timid appearance and really couldn't associate it with his rough voice that was smoked by fire.

"Are you going to the hospital?" she asked.

"Can it be done? Our injuries are not a big problem." Zhang Yaya hesitated and doubted.

Compared with others who were missing arms and legs, or were too weak to stand up, they could walk and run, and they always felt that hospitalization was a waste of resources.

At this time, the man in black standing beside him reached out and pulled, and the round black cloth was thrown back. Zhang Yaya immediately changed his words.

"Then you should stay."

Xia Yan: "You can go in and see Dr. Sang directly. She will arrange a ward for you."

After saying this, she suddenly felt like an NPC...

The hospital has been handed over to Dr. Sang, and the next thing has nothing to do with her. She should just go and deliver the goods.


The smile on Chu Wanfu's face suddenly disappeared.

The subordinates behind him stepped out and said in surprise: "Why is there nothing in the room?"

The subordinates saw Chu Wanfu's not-so-good expression with their peripheral vision, and suddenly shut their mouths and retreated to the back to act as a wall panel.

Chu Wanfu looked at three rooms in a row, stopped and walked back.

"Go back to the base and ask someone to move the equipment."

The price is low, the rent is cheap! What else do you need a bicycle for? It's just supplies. He has plenty of them in his warehouse.

Outside the building, Xia Yan's slender figure walked out slowly and gradually disappeared in the crowd.

Chu Wanfu believed that she didn't care whether Lida Island opened a hospital or not. It was just like renting a store to do business, except that the area he rented was a little larger. In her opinion, the essence was the same.

He looked at the messy equipment on the lawn and was about to ask someone to move it when he heard footsteps behind him.

It turned out to be the former medical staff who were recruited to help.

"General Chu, General Chu, we have finished our work and arranged for the patients. If there is nothing else, we will leave first?"

Chu Wanfu's mind flashed the scale of the three buildings. If it was based on the standards of the previous hospital, it would require a lot of staff.

"Have you received the official job now?"

"No, I can't get a number."

"Well, come to the hospital to work, we are short of staff here."

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