Chu Wanfu spoke calmly, looking at the crowd gathered at the entrance of the hospital.

In those bright, suspicious or excited eyes, he sensed a rare peace, an expectation of seeing happiness.

His steady sight was like a sharp arrow shot out, passing over the heads of the crowd, galloping on the surging sea, and heading straight to the distant place where the sky and water meet.

(Please remember πŸ”πŸ— book bar β†’ 96π–˜π–π–š.π–“π–Šπ–™ website, watch the fastest chapter update)

Little did he know that his light words would make the former medical staff overjoyed!

I wish I could bow immediately and thank his eight generations of ancestors.

"Thank you, General Chu. What about us today?"

Chu Wanfu: "Go to work. The staff will register you later. Now go and move the tables, chairs and benches in."

The newly appointed people turned and walked down the steps, picked up the tables and benches placed on the lawn, and walked into the building, more energetic than before.

The men following Chu Wanfu received his eye signal and trotted over to help.

Chu Wanfu stood quietly, his figure was tall and straight, his shoulders and neck lines were clean and neat, as if indestructible.

The revolving door behind him rotated silently, sending out the chaotic movements from upstairs one by one.

The staff passed by him and involuntarily moved aside to avoid looking at him as much as possible.

The crowd gathered in the distance saw that the hospital was not open today, looked up and down, squeezed through the crowd and gradually dispersed, revealing the holiday door with thick fog behind it, and the survivors who were sitting on the ground and breathing hard.

Suddenly, the thick fog moved disorderly, and a foot in military boots stretched out, followed by a straight calf outlined by tightly tied trouser legs, the hem of the camouflage top, and then the whole person walked out of the thick fog.

The survivor sitting next to him gradually widened his eyes. He saw it clearly - this person was covered with zombie fragments and dirty blood, but when he was about to step out of the door, the thick fog stuck to him!

"General Chu." The soldier saluted.

"What's the situation?" Chu Wanfu asked after returning the salute.

"All zombies were destroyed, no deaths, 8 people were slightly injured, and we are currently finishing up."

"Very good, rest here for five minutes."


Xia Yanben was sitting in the rest area in the hall, emptying his mind, and he didn't know what he was thinking at all.

At some point, the gunfire outside the base gradually stopped, and the zombie roars disappeared completely.

Xiongxiong ran to the safe area on tiptoe, with his furry palms in front of his eyes to block the sun, looking at the soldiers on the sentry post from afar.

It seemed to have smelled some information, and it came back with a brisk pace. After a while, Xia Yan heard the sound of wheels rolling.

She looked up and saw Xiong Xiong pulling a universal trash can in one hand, jumping happily, and the hair on his body was shaking like an oversized feather duster.

Xia Yan watched silently, and her mind was like a fierce movie, and it was difficult to move.

Not long after, the elevator dinged one after another, indicating that it had reached the first floor, and the customers walked out with a clatter.

She rolled her eyes downward and saw that they were wearing one-piece raincoats, high-top rain boots, and rubber gloves that were as long as their upper arms. Everyone was holding a shovel and walking out with a clatter.

When Xia Yan reacted, the people were already behind her.

From a distance, the gates of the base were all open, revealing the piles of zombie corpses outside. Countless soldiers and psychics in camouflage uniforms gathered at the door, waving shovels to dig crystal cores and clean them out bit by bit.

The broken limbs and debris exuded a foul odor without reservation, and the blue-black poisonous gas gathered above them as if it was real.

The smell was so overbearing that it seemed that as long as it was touched, it would keep drilling into clothes and skin. This feeling was like the summer dry toilet in the past. The air was rotten after the high temperature. It took less than three seconds to go in and come out with the smell of shit all over the body.

Picking up crystal cores in the pile of zombies, hearing a vomiting sound.


At this time, Xiongxiong dragged the trash can and came down like a god, emitting golden light all over his body.

Xia Yan swore that the tears in their eyes were definitely not smoked out!

"What a good bear~"

"Whose bear is so obedient?"

"I love you, let me kiss you~"

A person who was covered from head to toe, leaving only two big eyes outside, pulled off his gas mask and blocked his mouth to kiss.

Xia Yan was shocked: How dare you, thief!

Under her horrified gaze, Xiong Xiong took a step to the side, pulled the trash can into the person's arms with his left hand, and successfully blocked her rush.

Xiong Xiong's soft boyish voice sounded: "Sister, you can't, the boss will deduct my salary if he knows."

Xia Yan's first reaction was joy, sister? How can it be so obedient with these two words?

Xia Yan's second reaction was to shout 6, what can't, what can't? !

Xia Yan's third reaction was anger, deducting wages out of nowhere, when did she pay it!

No, the point is how to throw dirty water on her, she is still young, and her shoulders are weak.

While she was brainstorming with an unpredictable expression, Xiong Xiong put down the trash can and turned back, looking her in the face.


The new hair behind Xiong Xiong's ears stood up.

How to describe its current posture? Xia Yan remembered the funny puppy he had seen, who looked cowardly after doing something wrong, and looked around and didn't dare to look at people. Xiong Xiong was better than it, because Xiong Xiong was standing.

"Come on." Xia Yan waved, hugged its neck, turned his back to everyone to block the view, and asked in a sad and silent voice, "Who are you playing with recently?"

Xiongxiong poked his index fingers at each other, and the setting of an absolutely loyal boss made it impossible for him to tell lies.

"Well, not always... Bai Zuo Bai You."

Xia Yan hadn't heard the names of these two people for a long time. Since the high-end restaurant opened, she has been busy in Lidai Island every day. She rarely cares about the situation in the store, and naturally doesn't care which different life trajectories the old customers have taken.

She took some effort to remember the appearance and personality of the two, and also recalled the changes that had taken place in the two since their grandmother left.

"You go back, don't worry about the rest."

Xiongxiong's two shiny black bean eyes blinked, and his mouth opened and closed. In the end, he didn't say anything and turned away.

Speaking of which, the first time she had the idea of ​​building a school was also because of the two people.

Unexpectedly, after going around in circles, they appeared under her nose again.

Xia Yan walked up to the sentry post, stood on a high place and looked down. It took a lot of effort to find the figures that looked like the two people in the crowd of people wearing similar clothes.

They were following several tall and strong mercenaries, busying around under their command, working with all their might.

"Little carrot head, you are quite energetic. Come and share some of the work for your brother. I will take you with me next time I go out of the city." The wide-faced man said jokingly.

His teammates beside him laughed, "Do you think these two brothers applied to join the team for you? If it weren't for the team leader, these two sly guys would have slipped away long ago!"

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