As he spoke, he bent his elbow and nudged the shorter man, smiling maliciously.

"Brother, am I right?"

Since both of them had their backs to Xia Yan, she couldn't tell who was Bai Zuo and who was Bai You. She only saw the man who was nudged turn his head to look at his companion.

The companion laughed and imitated the man's way of nudging back with his arm.

"Whatever you said is what it is."

Unexpectedly, the man changed his face in an instant and stretched out his hand to slap him, "You are disrespectful. I was joking with you because I think highly of you. How dare you touch me? You're asking for a fight!"

The man's hand in the air grew bigger and thicker in the blink of an eye, and his palm was covered with calluses, which were the result of doing heavy work.

If this slap was really hit, his face would be broken.

If they were wearing the same clothes, Xia Yan couldn't tell them apart, but if they used their superpowers——

The boy on the right who was about to be beaten couldn't hide his rising temper, and a burning red flame jumped out of his palm and went straight to meet him.

"Fuck your mother!"

--Yes, it was Bai Zuo, who was cursing while beating, fearing that he had not provoked him thoroughly enough.

Xia Yan put his hands on the railing, looking at the hands that were about to touch each other with a faint expression.

At this time, Bai You bent his waist, and instantly threw out several sharp ice spikes with both hands, directly facing the man's face.

Two against one, the man's face suddenly looked ugly, and he swelled his arms unwilling to be outdone, and his knotted muscles firmly blocked his face. He twisted his feet and rushed forward.

"F*ck, it's really worrying."

The sentry beside Xia Yan cursed inwardly, picked up the superpower gun, aimed and threw out a volley of superpower bullets.

Swish, swish, swish--

First, the ice spikes thrown by Bai You were broken and fell down.

Then the superpower bullets landed accurately on the open space between them, exploding a series of mud and debris, pouring all over the heads and faces of the three people.

The people around raised their heads when they heard the noise, took a look and then bent down to work again, looking as if they were used to it.

Conflicts within the team and conflicts with other teams are too common, and it is not as good as the zombies coming to make people emotional.

The sentry warned: "Fighting is prohibited in the base. If you dare to make trouble again, you will be arrested and forced to work for a month!"

The wide-faced man seemed to be the captain of the team, but he spoke only at this moment.

"I know, brother soldier, I will teach them a lesson when I go back, and I promise that this kind of thing will not happen again."

The sentry ignored him and continued to be vigilant around.

The wide-faced man hit a hard nail but didn't care. He shook the residue on his hair, blew a whistle, picked up the shovel and worked.

The three people who were originally on edge suddenly stopped fighting, and the three heads faced different directions, and their hands reached into their hair and pulled hard.

They were close, and more fell on their hair.

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Just then, a woman in light-colored clothes approached, hesitated for a moment among the three, and quickly made a choice--

Bai Zuo on the left hand, the man on the right hand, and at the same time helped to tidy up her hair without disdain.

Xia Yan watched Bai Zuo's ears turn red.

"Sister Xiaohong, I can do it myself, don't dirty your hands."

Bai You and Xia Yan had the same reaction, unable to bear to watch and out of sight, out of mind.

This, I haven't seen him for a few days, how did Bai Zuo embark on such a unique path?!

The woman called Sister Xiaohong responded softly, and replied in a gentle tone: "Don't worry, sister will help you, some of it you can't see above."

The man opposite snorted coldly, "Xiaohong, I really can't figure it out, what's so good about this skinny guy, why did you set your sights on him? I'm stronger, taller, and taller than him, better than him in every way. "

He said as he put his hand around the woman's waist and pulled her towards him domineeringly.

"Hong, just follow me, I promise that you will have a good life in the future."

Xiaohong was startled by being pulled, and her hand involuntarily placed on his chest, clenched her fist and gently hit him, "You scared me."

The tone, the expression, intoxicating!

The man's eyes were full of affection, he touched her hand and clenched it against his heart, "Listen, it's beating for you."

Xia Yan and the sentry watching the show on the sentry post: Ugh~

Bai Zuo was immediately irritated, rushed up and pulled: "You stinky hooligan, let go of my sister!"

The man hugged Xiaohong and turned around, and opened his hand.

"Stinky boy, maybe after tonight I will be your brother-in-law, keep your mouth clean."

"His hair is almost burning." The sentry suddenly said.

Xia Yan looked at him, then at the angry Bai Zuo, and laughed: "That's right, by the way, you also like to watch the fun? "

The people standing behind him nodded slightly with solemn expressions, "We have to have some fun. It's easy to get nervous if we are always tense."

Xia Yan expressed his understanding.

Below, Bai Zuo had already started to pull people, pulling Xiaohong's collar from the back of her neck and pulling hard.

Xiaohong's head was tilted back, her face flushed and she stuck out her tongue, looking like she was breathing more than she was breathing in.

"Brother, brother, hurry up, let go!"

This blessing, she couldn't enjoy it a little...

The man saw that the situation was not good, and his big hand touched the back of her head, leaning hard on his shoulder, competing with Bai Zuo.

The pair of tiger eyes were wide open, and he didn't notice that Xiaohong had started to roll her eyes.

"The team flower seems to be dying," Xia Yan clicked his tongue, "Aren't you going to take care of it?"

The sentry looked down without moving his neck, glanced at it, and then quickly looked into the distance.

"Emotional disputes are not in our jurisdiction."

Xia Yan:...

She felt that the title of team flower seemed to be self-proclaimed. After all, so much time had passed, and the wide-faced man and the other team members pretended not to see or hear anything, and let the three people entangle.

Xiaohong's face became redder and redder, the veins on her neck were bulging, and her eyes rolled back weakly, while the two were still fighting for the collar...


Xiaohong screamed desperately, and struggled to break free while they were stunned, and collapsed on the ground, covering her neck and gasping for breath.

"Hong! My Hong!"

"Sister Xiaohong, what's wrong with you? Is it his fault?" Bai Zuo pulled his face and was about to cry.

It was not a miserable cry, but a cry that was shaking with anger.

This man is so shameless.

Bai You, who turned his back to them and pretended not to know him, couldn't listen anymore, so he turned around and hooked his neck and pulled back.

"Bai Zuo, wake up. Men don't cry easily!"

Bai Zuo tilted his head and looked up at the sky, tears in his eyes, looking at the blue sky and white clouds, unable to say a word.

Very sad.

After a while, he wiped his nose and said, "Brother, put me down quickly."

Bai You did not stop and said coldly, "If I hadn't been weak now, I would have hung you upside down to pour out the water in your brain."

Bai Zuo swallowed his saliva and reached out to try to pull down his bangs to block the window of his soul.

"Brother, I'm serious, put me down quickly."

Bai You was angry: "Do you want to go back to find her?"

Bai Zuo interrupted with a scream: "No! I saw Boss Xia! Put me down quickly!"

Bai You looked up following his sight.

Xia Yan stretched out his hand at the sentry post.


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