If the east is not bright and the west is bright, then the fool will be the same.

This was Bai Zuo's first thought as he lay in his brother's arms, leaning back, his whole little face exposed to the bright sun.

Brother, you have made me miserable...

Bai You was also stiff and wanted to freeze his head.


"You guys are still so, um... lively."

Xia Yan held her chin with her hand, smiled at the corners of her mouth, and curved her eyes brightly. She seemed to be in a good mood.

"Zuo, you guys..." A woman named Xiaohong got up from the ground, roughly shook off the pickled food on her palms, and ran to the two of them, "Do you know each other?"

She kept repeating the movement of raising her head and lowering her head, and Xia Yan noticed that she had a pair of beautiful golden eyes.

Bai You woke up from his dream, released his grip on Bai Zuo's neck, put on his gloves again, picked up the shovel and went to work.

The little back was filled with a sense of helplessness as they let them go.

This time it was Bai Zuo's turn to hold his neck and cough, and Xiaohong patted his back to calm him down.

She whispered while patting her: "What's your relationship with her? Does she consider you her younger brother? I feel like her attitude towards you is unusual. As younger brothers, remember to give your sister a hand when you get rich."

Bai Zuo: "Don't talk nonsense! Be careful she beats you too."

Xiaohong felt the trembling body under her palms and frowned, "It really doesn't matter?"

Bai Zuo shook his shoulders and broke away, angrily: "No!!"

It's too late to hide, who will move forward!

"You -" Xiaohong was smiling, but when he rushed her, her face suddenly lost its composure. She forced a smile a few times, her face turned completely dark, "Get away from me from now on, or let me slap you to death." "

Her brows knitted together, causing her eyelids to bulge, forming a triangular shadow. Her golden eyes were like dormant poisonous snakes, showing their fierce light.

Bai Zuo was stunned, as if he recognized her again.

Xia Yan turned his head and smiled at the sentry: "It made people angry."

The sentry stood motionless like a stake, his eyes glanced down and landed on Xiaohong's small waist that swayed as she walked, and he concluded, "Femme fatale."

Xia Yan smiled lightly and said nothing.

At this time, a soldier came out of the city carrying an oversized oil drum and placed it flat on the ground.

She knocked on the wall of the oil drum, making a hollow metallic echo.

"Attention everyone, all collected crystal cores must be placed in designated oil barrels. Private storage is strictly prohibited. Violators will be ejected from the base."

After finishing speaking, several people came over and turned the bulging cloth bag over. The crystal cores fell with a crackling sound, making a tinkling sound when they fell to the bottom.

The soldiers who climbed up the mountain of corpses were too lazy to run back and forth, so they simply took off their satchels and threw them down, leaving them to others to pour.

The land stained black by rotten blood was covered with a thick layer of debris, with sharp bone spurs sticking out diagonally and pointing into the air. When the thickened military boots were stepped on, a soft pit was dug in the creak, and the mucus was squeezed out under pressure. Swarmed and climbed onto the upper.

No one's soles are clean.

Including their trouser legs, hands, and even gas masks.

Faced with piles of skulls and segments of spines and thigh bones, people with weak psychological qualities always feel uncomfortable. They are afraid of zombies, kill them, and then look at the two holes on the skulls. Feel fear.

It was as if they were not killing zombies, but fellow humans.

Not knowing where the sound came from, he sighed tremblingly and said:

"It's better to die as a human being. At least it's a complete body that can be buried in peace and have someone to worship it."

There was silence on the field, and the wind blew into the empty head, and after a circle, it came out of any hole, making a faint whistling sound.

This is a deep-rooted obsession. When you think about your death, you will not even have a place to sleep peacefully. It will disappear like a puff of smoke, and there will not even be anyone who cares about you. This kind of loneliness and sadness makes most people feel emotional. low.

"Old man, what are you struggling with? You don't care about what happens after you are alive. Being able to live until old age and death safely without any accidents is already a virtue accumulated by your ancestors. If you are infected, I will not show mercy. Even the corpse will be taken away. Throw them all in the trash can.”

The speaker's voice was young, and he seemed to have endless strength in his body. He made the final decision: "Stay alive first. If it doesn't work, I will see you off in the end."

The old man said three times in a row and refused to rest.

"It's settled! When I die, you can bury me anywhere. Dig the hole deeper. Don't let these bastards drag me out again and eat me. I've been tired all my life and have been expecting to sleep well underground. Once you wake up, you can't make any mistakes.

If I become a zombie, you can throw away the bones as you like, I don't blame you. "

The old man babbled and explained the funeral affairs seriously.

The young man is tall and thick, with broad shoulders and thick back, but he has a delicate heart.

After the two handed over the crystal core, they walked back together, one behind the other.

Xia Yan looked away, and the sky to the west exuded a light pink color, gradually turning into orange, and there was gradually a dark color in the sky.

She cannot participate in or change anyone's life trajectory. Their path is determined by their own personality, education, and choices. Everyone is different.

She felt lonely and lost as never before.


After handling the corpses outside the base, Chu Wanfu only had fifteen minutes to clean up and wash up, so that all the teams rushed to Lidai Island to help move things.

"Dinner will be provided by the base, and each person will receive two subsidy level two crystal cores."

This sentence successfully silenced the indignant mouthβ€”β€”

Even if Chu Wanfu forced everyone to do voluntary labor, they couldn't and couldn't refuse, not to mention that they were given subsidies in the end.

Well~ General Chu is really a good person.

The holiday gate can only send people to one place. After everyone's selection, it was set at the entrance of the storage area, at least it can save a trip.

Chu Wanfu took the lead and went to his own warehouse. After completing the certification, the door opened upwards, revealing a warehouse full of supplies.

"Wow, wow, this stuff is really enough!"

"I don't know why, looking at this full warehouse of supplies, my heart suddenly feels at ease haha."

"Look at the southeast corner, it's all rice, flour, grain and oil, it feels a little less, I hope General Chu will work harder and stock up the warehouse!"

Chu Wanfu suddenly tilted his head and said to his subordinates: "Why don't you put those goods in the storage area upstairs?"

The subordinates were a little confused, "The upstairs is already full-" Isn't this your order...

"What's in it?" Chu Wanfu interrupted.

Subordinates: "Food, all of it. There's no room upstairs, so we'll temporarily put some of it here."

Chu Wanfu stood upright and walked in front of everyone with a heroic and high-spirited manner.

When the subordinates following behind saw rows of bright and admiring eyes, they realized the good intentions of the leader.

I should say it or not, boss, you are still the best.

Since the use of supernatural powers is prohibited on Lidai Island, everyone can only carry supplies with their hands. Tables, chairs and benches are still okay, but large medical equipment can't be handled.

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