Just when everyone was at their wits' end, there was a sudden sound of steam outside the door.


"General Chu, do you want to use a car?" Xia Yan rolled down the window, "This trip is free."

Chu Wanfu didn't know how to describe the huge thing in front of him - he knew the front of the car. It was narrow and small, and the colors were bright. At first glance, it looked like a model that girls would like.

At the back, the car can only accommodate two people sitting in a row, and they can swing their legs freely and feel the speed and passion under their feet. Isn't it a bit small to pull a machine that can lie down for a full-body examination?

"Do you need it?"

Chu Wanfu opened his mouth and said, "Use it!"

Xia Yan: "You guys get out of the way, I'll drive right in."


The onlookers at the door avoided each other and watched the luxury car drive in as if it were their own home.

Stopping at the place where the medical equipment was placed, she jumped out of the car. Under everyone's puzzled eyes, she put her fingers on the buckle and pulled it easily. The car board was instantly stretched and reinforced, and the final area could accommodate two of the largest machines lying sideways. put.

"Let's lift the goods. Which one of you can drive? The keys are in the car, just get in."

Xia Yan stepped aside and motioned for them to start working.

After loading the car, Chu Wanfu handed over the task to the soldier with the best driving skills, and he was invited by Xia Yan to sit in the remaining empty seat at the back of the car.

"Actually, it's not that far away, you can just walk there."

Chu Wanfu looked at his feet on the ground. He just wanted to refuse this height.

Xia Yan ignored him and said to the driver: "Let's go."

When the vehicle started, Chu Wanfu silently raised the soles of his feet, keeping a safe distance of three centimeters from the ground. He placed his hands casually on both sides of his body, with his fingers slightly bent, but he was secretly using his strength to keep his legs from falling.

The storage space they rented is at the end of the whole building. Except for the bright light in front of their own door, the rest of the small area has limited access.

After turning the corner, the driver looked at the narrow road ahead and the people who suddenly appeared, and stepped on the brakes.


The two people were unprepared and were almost thrown to the ground by the inertia.

Xia Yan quickly jumped down with quick eyes and hands, and watched in stunned silence as Chu Wanfu's calves bent backwards and his upper body fell to the ground.

She quickly grabbed his arm, "Are you okay?"

Can this be broken?

Chu Wanfu used his strength to stand up.

"What's going on?!" He was shocked and angry.

The driver stuck his head in and said, "Report, the road ahead is narrow and cars can't pass."

Chu Wanfu:...

Xia Yan: "If nothing happens, just drive forward and pass if you can."

"Copy that, please sit tight, the bus is leaving." The driver said this without confidence.

Chu Wanfu sat down in frustration. Ever since he was a child, he had never experienced sitting on the back of a car!

Just when he was about to lift his feet up, he suddenly found that the entire car body had been raised.


His feet were swaying in the air, but they could not touch the ground. In his peripheral vision, he saw the same swaying movements of Xia Yan's feet, and he instantly felt that the original height was better.

But then, he saw all the storage spaces he was about to pass rising from the ground and flying in the air, just to make way for them.

Chu Wanfu:!


"Have you heard that the newly opened hospital on the island is open to recruiting!"

The human voice passed through the crowded snack street and quickly flew into everyone's ears. They stopped and turned around to look at the source of the sound.

"Really? When did you hear the news?" The stall owner dropped what he was doing, poured a glass of cold water and handed it to the visitor, looking at her eagerly.

"Just now!" The man raised his head and drank it all in one breath, so that the back of his tongue was not so dry and painful. "There were many people in the courtyard. I was already late. If I hadn't been in a hurry to come back to give you a message, I would have queued up. The team is here! Let’s go quickly and see if we can catch up.”

"Do you know what kind of jobs they have?"

"Oh my god, there are so many old noses in that job! We're even hiring cleaning staff! Didn't you work as an accountant before? There just happens to be a position suitable for you."

"Then my stall..."

"My dear sister, everyone is squeezing their heads and rushing in, but you are still thinking about this stall. Do you know how good the benefits are inside? You are in charge of food and housing! You are also paid wages! You are guaranteed to be assigned a high-quality husband!"

The man patted his thigh as he spoke, looking sadly at his useless child.

Take care of food and shelter.

Pay wages.

Give it back to my husband.

A few words shocked her and made her dizzy, and fireworks went off in her head.

I don’t know which sentence touched her heart, but after hearing it, she became anxious. She muttered something about it, and quickly took off her apron. Before leaving, she didn’t forget to turn off the power switch. The backstage made sure to close the stall, and the two of them rushed towards each other. Just run.

At this time, the stall owner next door couldn't help but poke his head in and asked: "Are you looking for men? Are you very demanding?"

The man turned around and looked at him up and down, and suddenly grinned: "I heard there's a job opening, so uncle, you want to apply for it too?"

"Hi, why don't you give it a try? Why don't you become a security guard? A colleague who works in the same building has a headache and a fever. Can't we give priority to treatment?"

"That makes sense!"

The customers who had been walking back and forth on the street for several times were sweating like they were stepping on hot wheels that did not recognize their owner.

Talk half-heartedly, eat noodles without seasoning! I would like to ask if there are restrictions on outsiders signing up!

Before they could spit out the words on the tip of their tongues, the people had already disappeared, leaving only the stall owners and the crowded customers on the street looking at each other——

After one glance, all the stall owners began to close their stalls in unison.

"Hey, hey."

The sound came from above.

"Hello everyone, here is an urgent message. The First Hospital will start open recruitment soon. There are many positions, no limit on the number of people, and the benefits are as follows..."

This familiar voice? It's Boss Xia!

The entire Lidai Island was broadcast at the same time. Everyone heard the various types of work she mentioned, and wondered in their hearts whether there was a job suitable for them.

"Is there a limit on outsiders to sign up?" Someone shouted, asking the question that was weighing on their hearts.

I didn't expect her to reply, because I didn't know where the voice came from, and I couldn't be sure that my voice would be heard.

But the next second, Xia Yan's answer spread to every corner again.

"There is no limit, everyone has the right to sign up."

After thinking about it, she added: "But the dean has the final decision. If you don't meet the standards, you can't get a job."

"If anyone is willing to sign up, please gather directly at the hospital compound for an open interview on site."

The four shining big characters "First Hospital" gradually appeared on the tops of three buildings in the distance, showing the way for everyone.

The customers on the snack street identified the direction and rushed forward.

Customers who were about to enter the high-end restaurant stopped when they heard the sound.


Looking for a job in the apocalypse? Weird and real.

Let's go and have a look.

At this time, the people who were already standing in the courtyard looked at the doctors who were preparing for the meeting in the outpatient building, and their hearts were beating nervously.

The staff outside the door brought more than ten long tables, placed them horizontally, covered them with red velvet, and then put a thick stack of paper and pens, and finally brought more than ten kettles filled with water and placed them in the corresponding positions.

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