The soldiers put the kettle on the table, making sure the lid was closed, then stepped back three steps, stood in a row and looked at the crowd coming from afar like migratory birds.

They got closer, but could only stand outside the door - the hospital was already crowded with people.

Someone stood on tiptoe and stretched his neck to look inside, and saw the white coat walking in the outpatient building at a glance.

It turned out that it was the examiner.

"Please make way, I used to be a doctor, I can register first."

There was a shouting voice in the crowd, and then like a fish swimming against the current, he squeezed his hands into the gap between his waist and ribs in front, pushed them to both sides, and slipped in.

His original position was occupied by someone in the blink of an eye, and he squeezed forward closely behind him.

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The person in the front row felt the waves of push from behind, and he stepped on the ground with his whole body to resist, shouting:

"Don't squeeze! There is a barrier in front!"

But his voice was too small compared to the noisy and excited environment. The people behind him might have heard it, but there was nothing they could do. The people outside the hospital gate were unaware and kept squeezing in.

The barrier made a rapid twitching sound and was about to fall.

The next second, the soldiers who rushed over helped him up, opened their strong arms, and shouted to maintain order.

This was what Xia Yan saw when she came. Oh no, she only saw the crowded backs outside the hospital and heard the loud voices of the soldiers.

She was stopped outside.

No one turned back here, and no one would give way to her. Maybe there was no way to give way. There were so many people, where could she retreat to.

"It's out, it's out, the doctors are out!"

I don't know who shouted, and the crowd level suddenly increased by three levels.

The front chest is pressed against the back of the person in front of him, and the back is pressed against the chest of the person next to him. The feet are useless, and even falling down is impossible.

This is a rare job fair, and no one wants to miss this scene that can be recorded in history.

The solemn voice is like a trumpet hidden in the throat, easily covering the noise, flying over the solid wall that cannot be squeezed down, and drilling into the ears of the people outside-

Briefly describe the precautions for the job fair.

Xia Yan listened for a long time before he could tell that it was Chu Wanfu's voice.

Facts have proved that people's voices change when they are in formal occasions.

At this time, a cheering sound rang out in the courtyard, and the applause lasted for a long time. The group of people had red faces, tiptoed on their toes, and looked at the man in the front who was as tall as a pine tree and had a majestic demeanor, and shouted in unison:

"General Chu benefits mankind!"

"Always support General Chu!"

The people outside the courtyard didn't know, but they subconsciously opened their mouths and waved their right hands.

Chu Wanfu said something again, and the applause rang out again.

Xia Yan couldn't hide her curiosity, and her gossiping heart was full of it. After thinking about it, she came up with an ingenious method.


The next second, her body flew into the air, flew directly over the heads of everyone, crossed the high wall, and sent herself in with the cube.

The punishment tool given by the system is very useful. It can not only catch people, but also hold things, and finally serve as her stepping stone.

The people below only felt a shadow passing by their heads. At first, they thought it was a dark cloud, but they realized that something was wrong. How could a cloud float so fast? !

Looking up, they opened their mouths wide and couldn't close them.

"Who is that? Boss Xia?"

"How did she fly?"

"How many superpowers does she have? I heard that only one in ten million people may generate dual superpowers, but the fact is that such a person is impossible to exist!"

"I finally came to the right place today. It's not a pity for me to die."

Others couldn't see what was under her feet, and thought she was really flying out of thin air. They raised their heads and stared at her in amazement.

The doctors sitting in a row behind the table also looked at her in disbelief, not even knowing when the pen in their hands fell.

Chu Wanfu, who was sitting in the C position, was relatively calm, as if he was used to it.

He stopped what he was doing and raised his eyelids: "Come sit next to me."

Xia Yan refused: "No, I'll just watch the fun, you continue."

Chu Wanfu didn't persuade her much, and confirmed the final preparations with the interviewers around him.

Xia Yan also found a good position for herself that was remote and could see the whole picture.

There was no limit on the number of blocks when using them. The system was originally intended to facilitate the maintenance of safety in the store, but at this moment it made it convenient for her. She summoned six or seven blocks and directly built a transparent single sofa in the air, equipped with a 'square table' and a footstool.

She felt that the seat was too hard, so she took out a thick velvet cushion from the system grid and put it under her.

Finally, order a cup of Yangzhi Ganlu in the food city, blow a little breeze, and look down comfortably.

Just three words, it's so cool.

She shifted her gaze to the strand of hair on Chu Wanfu's head that was blown up. The sunlight shone through it, and it was a bright brown.

He changed into new clothes today, and his beard was shaved clean, revealing a sharp jawline. When he spoke, his chin was slightly retracted, his eyes were bright, and when he looked around at everyone, he felt the pressure of a strong man.

Under his gaze, no one dared to act rashly.

With Chu Wanfu's last sentence: "Everyone should keep quiet and choose the right position to register according to the requirements! If you make noise, fight, or disobey the manager, you will be disqualified from registering!"

The doctors sitting behind the long table stood up and raised their hands one after another.

"Ordinary people who are registering as doctors, please line up here."

"Healing people who are registering as doctors, please line up here."

"Please line up here for people with special abilities and ordinary people who are registering for nurse positions."

"Those who have signed up for civilian work, please come to my place and line up."

"People who are proficient in planting are asked to sign up here."

The soldier standing behind the doctor held up a sign with the corresponding position to help everyone find their place and line up to fill out the form.

The isolation tape in front of everyone was put away, and everyone who was not restrained rushed forward and blocked the table, vying to be first in line.

The long table was stressed, and the stool legs made a creaking sound on the ground. The doctors used their hands to block the edge of the table and resist the force on the opposite side.

"Line up." Chu Wanfu glanced sideways, focusing on a few people who were not following the rules.

He waved, and a group of soldiers standing behind him stepped forward to maintain order. The doctors breathed a sigh of relief and took out their resumes for the interviewers to fill out.

"Do you still need to fill in specific information?"

The interviewer frowned heavily and looked at the doctor with a puzzled expression.

Shouldn't it be a test of medical skills? Is it easy to fill out a resume? How long has it been since you started doing this?

Dr. Sang knocked on the table with his finger and said concisely: "Yes, there are so many people. If you don't write, how can I remember you? How can I get an interview later?"

Dr. Sang pushed the pen over and signaled that he could start and not waste time.

The interviewer grabbed a pen and started writing. In addition to writing his name and age smoothly, he started writing more and more slowly. He muttered syllables, but couldn't write accurate words. He scratched his head and scratched his head, and his face became redder and redder.

"What's wrong?"

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