Dr. Sang picked up the resume, and the column for supernatural powers was smeared into a black mass.

The interviewer was embarrassed and stammered: "It's been too long, I completely forgot how to write the word "yu" in "healing."

If you can't live anymore, who cares if you become illiterate?

The person standing behind him heard it clearly and was shocked to find that he couldn't write either. He gestured with his fingers in the air, but couldn't write the word "yu" in his memory.

The need to fill out resumes quickly spread to the back, and everyone panicked and kept asking people around them how to write a certain word.

Wanting to apply for a doctor, but not even being able to write a word, this matter will be laughed at.

Xia Yan also stretched out her finger and slowly wrote "yu" in the air.

Not to mention, she didn't write for a long time, and she couldn't even see the words. Suddenly she was asked to write, and she really had to go over it in her mind.

Among the panicked crowd below, only one team was very calm and seemed to be confident.

Someone couldn't help asking for help: "Auntie, how do you write the word 'rescue'? I have no impression at all!"

Auntie's face flashed with surprise and embarrassment, she shook her head: "I don't know either, I've never been to school."

"Then why are you still queuing..."

This confidence is indeed the calmness of older people...

Auntie was also puzzled: "I'm just applying for a cleaner, do I have to know how to read?"

That person:...

There was also an old man in the crowd who behaved differently. When others were busy asking how to write a certain word, he slowly wiped his glasses with the inside of his shirt. The man standing behind him was a little nervous, stretching out his arms to protect him to prevent someone from accidentally bumping into him.

Looking at his white hair, Xia Yan always felt familiar, as if she had seen him somewhere.

Looking forward along the team he was in, the sign held by the soldier said civilian type.

The old man put his glasses back on his nose, looking at the familiar frame, she remembered that this was the old man she saw in the hospital corridor, and she also reminded that the store sold glasses and she could buy them if she needed them.

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After a brief exchange among several doctors, Dr. Sang stood up and waved to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Don't panic, we will write the resume for this recruitment based on the statement. The hospital will carry out employee skills training later. You just haven't been exposed to writing for a long time. The foundation is still there, so it's not difficult to relearn."

A comfortable sigh sounded at the scene, the anxiety between the eyebrows disappeared, everyone quieted down and lined up in turn.

The recruitment fair went on as usual, and it was soon the turn of the old man.

"What's your name?"

"Gao Shixu."

"Do you have superpowers?"

"Yes, spatial superpowers, level three."

"What did you do before?"

"Principal of Hope School."

The doctor paused with his pen and looked up at Gao Shixu. The expression on his face told everyone that he had never expected that in this scene, the dusty painful memories would suddenly be opened.

"Then, when the outbreak occurred, that group of students. "The doctor's voice was terribly low.

Gao Shixu's back seemed to be pressed down a little, and he whispered: "All gone."

It was too late.

The zombie virus broke out too suddenly.

The doctor covered his face, and only his shoulders could be seen trembling slightly.

Gao Shixu's eyes flashed with children running to the teaching building with schoolbags on their backs, being knocked down from behind by zombies, bright red spraying from their slender necks, and childish and desperate screams resounded throughout the campus.

"Mom! Mom, save me! !"

At the school gate, the body lying in a pool of blood suddenly bounced its limbs, and stood up at a weird angle with a creaking sound.

"Mom! "

The scream attracted "her" to slowly turn back.

It was a face that was bitten beyond recognition, and the bright red was like a stream, trickling down along the eroded wound, wetting the clothes, and gathering at the soles of the feet.


"She" arched her body and roared, stumbled in, pounced on the child who asked "her" for help, opened her mouth and bit his soft abdomen hard...

He stood in front of the window with cold hands and feet, and bloody footprints all in front of him. Step by step, he invaded the cradle-like fragile campus.

"There is no way," Gao Shixu's voice, which should have been numb, was full of pain, "No one came to save us, there are zombies everywhere, and the whole city is full of zombies. ”

There is no way to save them.

After getting used to peace, people become lazy and naively believe that crises will never happen around them. They even blindly believe that they can react quickly and escape.

But the fact is that when a disaster really happens, reason disappears instantly, limbs become sore and weak, the head becomes confused, and the body is completely out of control, as if the brain is covered with fog. One can only watch the zombies pounce in front of them, bite their faces hard and tear off a piece of flesh.

The severe pain came, and people finally woke up. It was too late to escape.

Except for those with strong physical fitness who can instantly awaken muscles and make movements faster than the brain, ordinary people will find it difficult to survive.

The doctor couldn't hide his sobs.

The colleagues around him understood his situation, patted his shoulders sadly, and said, "It's all over."

The white clouds covered the sun, the sky was overcast, and the wind blew from all directions, carrying the unique fishy and salty smell of the ocean.

Gao Shixu touched his chest. Is it really over?

The doctor twitched his nose and picked up his resume and pen again, "Let's continue."

His strong nasal voice reminded Gao Shixu that he was applying for a clerical job at the moment.

"Okay, please ask."

"Clerical jobs require writing. Although there will be training later, if you can write a lot of common words now, I will apply to recruit you first."

The doctor opened a small door for him.

Gao Shixu nodded: "I still remember it and practice it on weekdays."

The doctor looked a little surprised. He didn't believe that a person who was so busy would still find time to take out a pen and paper to practice calligraphy, even if that person was a big shot.

He pushed his resume over and said, "Then I won't do it for you."

He looked at Gao Shixu's outstretched hand. There were brown age spots on the thin skin and thick joints, but he could hold the pen accurately and write on the paper with skillful posture.

It was a rustling sound without a pause.

His handwriting was vigorous and powerful, and his writing style was subtle and restrained. The doctor couldn't help but give a thumbs up and believed 100% of what he said.

"Your calligraphy is really beautiful. Coupled with your cultural background, being a small clerical worker is too humiliating." The doctor regretted and considered whether there was a better job.

Gao Shixu closed the cap of his pen, pushed it back gently, and declined:

"Thank you for your kindness. It's just that I'm old and have been too frail over the years. I'm afraid I can't work too hard. No matter what the job is, I'll be satisfied if I can do my part."

The doctor drew a five-pointed star on his resume and stuck it at the bottom of his resume. Hearing this, he said: "Yes, just because you can read and write, you can be arranged to be a lecturer, and the right position will be reserved for the right person." Man, are you right?”

"That makes sense. Mr. Gao is very knowledgeable, but he is somewhat overqualified as a lecturer."

"I wonder if you are interested in becoming a teacher with me?"

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