Gao Shixu looked at the dark ceiling, his mind filled with complicated thoughts.

He couldn't tell what emotion he was feeling at the moment. He was just a dragster at first, but suddenly he transformed and returned to his previous identity as the principal. It was like going from heaven to earth, and from earth to heaven.

After experiencing strong winds and waves, he should have accepted it calmly, but there was always a bit of trouble in his heart. He didn't dare to think deeply about what it pointed to.

"Uncle," the shadow darker than the darkness on the opposite bed turned over, "I can't sleep either."


Gao Shixu remained lying on his back and said calmly: "You have insomnia too?"

He didn't want his nephew to hear that something was wrong.

Gao Shi hummed softly and said in a dazed manner: "I feel like today is like a dream, everything is so logical."

In a daze, he became the teacher in charge of admissions. I recalled that during dinner, a group of residents brought their children over to inquire about the admission requirements. Each teacher shouted loudly, making him dizzy.

Even when he returned to his residence, someone came to his door with gifts in hand, just to ask him to reserve a place for his child to attend school.

"No, no, no, you don't have to send anything. The school hasn't been built yet. When it's ready, you can just send your children to school. Don't send anything. We really don't dare accept it!"

Gao Shi still remembers the parent’s reply:

"We know Boss Xia very well. She said that the school will be built either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. If we publicize it in an all-round way, then all the children who want to enter the school will have to squeeze through. I'm really afraid of the queues at that time. No number!"

Gao Shi felt that he was thinking too much, but he couldn't give up his enthusiasm, so he had to take out his notebook and said, "I will help you register now, but if you take the things back, I will not accept them..."

Thinking of this, Gao Shi turned his head and looked at the black figure lying on the opposite side.

"Uncle, do you think the school will be completed tomorrow?"

There was silence in the room, and the pale moonlight filtered through the gaps, casting long and narrow lines of light and shadow on the ground.

Just when he thought his uncle had fallen asleep, Gao Shixu spoke up.

"Go to sleep, you have to go to work tomorrow."


He is not sleepy.

He had to count the sheep with his eyes open.

Yueying climbed onto the bed little by little, listening to the patrol team changing shifts outside the window again and again, and muttering to report that they were safe. He had become a large livestock owner with tens of millions of assets.

He began to think about how to deal with so many sheep. First of all, the wool can be sold for money. The lambs after birth must be processed as soon as possible, otherwise the ewes will not be able to feed them and will have to grow thin. The rams can also be processed, leaving one third. One is enough...

By the way, ewes can still produce milk, and the milk can supplement calcium. It is best to sell it to the family downstairs. His family has several children, each one thinner than the other. How can one sheep be sold for three third-level crystal nuclei? He has tens of thousands of them!

In the dark winter room, Gao Shi turned over and sat up excitedly, as if he saw the clattering crystal core waving to him.

The dark colors in the sky gradually dissipated, and the eastern sky exuded orange, gradually turned pink, and finally turned fish-belly white, lighting up the sky ahead.

The sounds of human activity began to appear in the quiet base.

Gao Shixu opened his eyes and felt that his eyeballs were sore and tired. He gently rubbed his eyes and stood up, intending to use cold water to calm them down.

At this time, he saw his nephew's face looked strangely excited.

"You were up early?" Did he stay up all night?

Gao Shi jumped out of bed and threw himself next to him, grabbing his ears and sharing secrets in a whisper:

"Uncle, I made it!"


Xia Yan felt that something was wrong between the two of them. They looked like they had stayed up all night and ran an all-night marathon. They looked exhausted. The dark circles under their eyes were getting heavier and heavier. They could look like pandas even if they put on doll costumes.

But the book Gao Shi handed over dispelled her idea.

"Didn't you say you don't have to work overtime? You two are too dedicated." Xia Yan opened it and scanned it briefly. There were dense reservation information recorded on it.

She closed the notebook and threw it into the system grid.

"Let's go. We won't be working here today. We've moved to another place."

Gao Shixu and Gao Shi looked at each other, then turned to look at her, "Where to go?"

Xia Yan said calmly: "The school is built, let's go to school."

Unexpectedly, the eavesdropping doctor next to them was even more excited than them. He immediately slapped the table and stood up, "Really or not? The school has been built?! Can't the school start soon?!"

The doctor had an expression on his face: "Did you make a mistake? Instead of building a hospital in one night, you actually built a school in one night! Which construction team is this? Can you please introduce us to General Chu?"

His colleagues, and their future colleagues, stood or sat disheveled in the wind.

This is definitely not something that humans can do. Maybe she has a superpower whose superpower is to point out soldiers and generals?

Scatter a handful of soybeans, and a group of strong men will grow up. They have no nerves and are tireless. They can finish the work in just a few clicks. Otherwise, how can we explain the fact that it was built overnight?

Xia Yan smiled at him, deliberately enigmatic.

Go ahead and guess, she will lose if you guess right.

She said to the people lining up to apply for teachers: "Thank you for your hard work, let's move to another place together, and let everyone see the future working environment."

Xia Yan waved to the Vacation Gate. There was still a long distance between the hospital and the school. Walking was a waste of time. It was better to reach the destination quickly through the Vacation Gate.

The uncle and nephew Gao Shixu didn't understand why they left Ridai Island again. Could it be that the school was built above the resort hotel?

The two of them walked in with questions.

Outside the door was the lobby of the holiday hotel. Xia Yan was waiting on the side. After all the interviewees came out, she entered the destination in the background - school.

"Let's go, to school."

So the group followed and walked in again.

As if they were playing, they muttered in their hearts.

Just when they thought there would be no changes, the scene in front of them shocked them all.

Actually! It's! School!

The open school gate, the brown-red plastic track, the straight and tall poplar trees on both sides of the road, the tennis courts and football fields wrapped in green nets, and the first thing that caught the eye at the end was the rising red flag fluttering in the wind, and the three big characters of the teaching building appeared in the swaying!

This is the campus where they spent their beautiful youth, and it is also the first place to fall when the end of the world comes!

They are really back.

Soon, the excitement was covered by the sudden sadness.

This place once accepted their childhood and ignorance, and now it also witnessed their physical and mental wounds.

It was as if he had traveled through time and space to look at his once young and ignorant self, his heart full of bitterness and grievance.

I don't know who started sobbing first, like a fierce plague, instantly infecting everyone present.

Gao Shixu was older than everyone present and no longer cried easily, but when he saw the dancing flag, the twist in his heart was completely blown away. He couldn't help but redden his eyes, clenched his fists and hit his chest hard, as if he was making a vow.

Someone in the crowd couldn't hide his excitement, took the lead and took a step forward, stepping into the horizontal line at the school gate.

The scene in front of him changed instantly, and seven portals appeared.

The doors were written: kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, high school, centralized office building, multi-functional building, and staff dormitory.

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